Choosing the hair loss remedy

Your external appearance and beauty of your hair contributes a lot to your personality. It is for this simple reason that there is too much rush for buying the cosmetic products The market today is flooded with a variety of cosmetic products which offer all kind s of hair loss solutions and hair loss cures.

Be careful while choosing a hair loss remedy

But before you choose a hair loss remedy for you, beware of the fake hair loss solutions and hair loss cures. It is always better to consult a doctor if you are suffering from hair loss. Hair loss can take place due to various medical conditions. It is quite possible that that your hair loss problem is not of permanent in nature and could be cured by some simple treatments.

Do not let over-the-counter drugs dupe you. You must diagnose the actual cause of your problem and search for the right kind of remedy.

Herbal hair loss remedies

Herbal hair loss solutions play important role in countering hair problems. Herbal remedies have always been popular in traditional Indian and Chinese medications. Of late, they have been dominating the Western world as well.
Reasons for their popularity

There are mainly two reasons for their popularity.

First, they have fewer side effects. They are the ideal hair loss cures if you are looking for safe, risk free procedures.

Secondly, they are very effective. No, they do not stand for any overnight solution. But you may certainly notice a difference in the thickness, strength, volume and sheen in your hair after using a herbal hair loss remedy. Herbal remedies increase circulation, disinfect the scalp and stimulate hair growth. There are some herbal remedies which also block the synthesis of DHT ( dihydrotestosterone) the natural inhibitor of hair growth.

Some of the herbal hair loss cures that you may find useful are as follows –

Green tea (Camellia sinesis) – Catechins in green tea inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. Therefore drinking green tea everyday is a fruitful treatment for male pattern baldness.

Ayurvedic Antistress Tea Consuming this mixed drink of Nardostachys jatamamsi and Bacopa monnieri 2 to 3 times a day relieves stress and prevents hair loss.

Ginko biloba – It intensifies blood circulation to the scalp and skin. Consuming 120-160mg of dry Ginko extract every day can keep your hair follicles rejuvenated.

Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens) This herb is known for slowing hair loss and encouraging hair regrowth. It is a core element of many hair loss formulations. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day.

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) – This Chinese herb is used in many commercial preparations for hair loss remedy.

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) – Used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Recommended dosage is 60-500mg per day.

Stinging Nettle (Urtica diocia) – It blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It delivers wonderful results if taken in combination with Pygeum and Saw Palmetto.

If you are choosing a cosmetic hair product for your self, read its label carefully. Choose a product that is based on the above herbal supplements or contain the natural hair care products.

Besides these herbal remedies there are various dietary supplements which are essential for supplying the adequate nutrition to the hair follicles and ensure good health to your hair. Eating a diet rich in vitamin, minerals, and protein is the best hair loss remedy one can choose.

Information On Acne

Do you have acne? Acne maybe the scourge of adolescent years, but it can follow people into middle age and beyond.

Acne is really a catchall term for a variety of symptoms such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. It’s a condition where the pores of skin become clogged and the person gets inflamed and non-inflamed lesions.

So what’s the cause of all the clogging?

Heredity – at least for the most part. Acne is genetic – it tends to run in families, it is an inherited defect of your pores. If both your parents had acne, three out of four of your brothers and sisters will get it too.

Factors that can aggravate an acne outbreak are:- Stress, sun exposure, seasonal changes, and climate can all precipitate an acne attack. Certain types of makeup and taking birth control pills can also cause a breakout.

Change Your Make-up – In adult women, make-up is the major factor in acne outbreaks, especially oil based products. It’s the oil that causes the problem. The oil is usually a derivative of fatty acids that are more potent than your own fatty acids. Use a non-oil-based make-up if you are prone to acne.

Read The labels – Cosmetic products that contain lanolins, isopropyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulphate, laureth-4 and D & C red dyes should be avoided. Like oil, these ingredients are too rich for the skin.

Wash Properly – Wash your make-up off thoroughly every night. Use a mild soap twice a day and make sure you rinse the soap entirely off your face. Rinse six or seven times with fresh water.

Use Less Make-up – Whatever make-up you use, try to cut down on the amount you put on.

Leave Well Alone – Don’t squeeze pimples or whiteheads. A pimple is an inflammation, and you could add to the inflammation by squeezing it, which could lead to an infection. A pimple will always go away in one to four weeks if you leave them alone.

Know When To Squeeze – Most pimples are best left alone, but there is one kind that you can squeeze to help get rid of it. If the pimple has a little central yellow pus head in it, then a gentle squeeze will make it pop open very nicely. Once the pus pops out, the pimple will heal more quickly.

Give Dry Skin Extra Care – Dry skin can be sensitive to some over the counter skin treatments, so please use these treatments with care. Start with the lower strength products first, and then increase the concentration slowly.

Stay Out Of The Sun – Acne medications may cause adverse reactions to the sun, so minimize you exposure until you know what the reactions going to be.

Use One Treatment At A Time – Don’t mix treatments, use only one at a time because they may cause an adverse reaction if mixed together.

Stop The Spread Of Acne – Apply acne medication about half an inch around the affected area, to help keep the acne from spreading. Acne moves across the face from the nose to the ear, so you need to treat beyond the inflamed area. Most people make the mistake of treating only the pimples and not the outlaying areas of skin. This is wrong.

Information On Acne

Do you have acne? Acne maybe the scourge of adolescent years, but it can follow people into middle age and beyond.

Acne is really a catchall term for a variety of symptoms such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. It’s a condition where the pores of skin become clogged and the person gets inflamed and non-inflamed lesions.

So what’s the cause of all the clogging?

Heredity – at least for the most part. Acne is genetic – it tends to run in families, it is an inherited defect of your pores. If both your parents had acne, three out of four of your brothers and sisters will get it too.

Factors that can aggravate an acne outbreak are:- Stress, sun exposure, seasonal changes, and climate can all precipitate an acne attack. Certain types of makeup and taking birth control pills can also cause a breakout.

Change Your Make-up – In adult women, make-up is the major factor in acne outbreaks, especially oil based products. It’s the oil that causes the problem. The oil is usually a derivative of fatty acids that are more potent than your own fatty acids. Use a non-oil-based make-up if you are prone to acne.

Read The labels – Cosmetic products that contain lanolins, isopropyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulphate, laureth-4 and D & C red dyes should be avoided. Like oil, these ingredients are too rich for the skin.

Wash Properly – Wash your make-up off thoroughly every night. Use a mild soap twice a day and make sure you rinse the soap entirely off your face. Rinse six or seven times with fresh water.

Use Less Make-up – Whatever make-up you use, try to cut down on the amount you put on.

Leave Well Alone – Don’t squeeze pimples or whiteheads. A pimple is an inflammation, and you could add to the inflammation by squeezing it, which could lead to an infection. A pimple will always go away in one to four weeks if you leave them alone.

Know When To Squeeze – Most pimples are best left alone, but there is one kind that you can squeeze to help get rid of it. If the pimple has a little central yellow pus head in it, then a gentle squeeze will make it pop open very nicely. Once the pus pops out, the pimple will heal more quickly.

Give Dry Skin Extra Care – Dry skin can be sensitive to some over the counter skin treatments, so please use these treatments with care. Start with the lower strength products first, and then increase the concentration slowly.

Stay Out Of The Sun – Acne medications may cause adverse reactions to the sun, so minimize you exposure until you know what the reactions going to be.

Use One Treatment At A Time – Don’t mix treatments, use only one at a time because they may cause an adverse reaction if mixed together.

Stop The Spread Of Acne – Apply acne medication about half an inch around the affected area, to help keep the acne from spreading. Acne moves across the face from the nose to the ear, so you need to treat beyond the inflamed area. Most people make the mistake of treating only the pimples and not the outlaying areas of skin. This is wrong.

Caring for The Skin with Vitamin C

Vitamins are essential in keeping the skin healthy. In fact, there are a lot of beauty and skin care products in the market that use these natural vitamins and minerals as their ingredients. Vitamin C, is said to be one of the vitamins that is very beneficial in helping the skin regenerate.

In order to be used on the skin, Vitamin C is transformed to L-ascorbic acid. This form, however, is pretty unstable and is in fact so hard to be used in cosmetics. This is perhaps the reason why there is only a few cosmetic products that carry Vitamin C when compared to other vitamins like A and E. Still, chemists are trying to find ways as this form is found to stimulate collagen synthesis on the skin. Unlike other vitamins, it is also able stay in the skin for as long as three days as well as prevents a reaction called UV immunosuppression, often seen in 90 percent of cancer patients in the country.

In looking for Vitamin C in products, make sure that it contains a stable L-ascorbic form and a low pH level. Highly concentrated products are also recommended. Remember that just because a product advertises Vitamin C on it front level, it does not mean that it contains the kind or the form (L-ascorbic acid) that your skin can use.

Vitamin C as shield from the sun

Vitamin C, as mentioned above, serves as a good shield from the sun, which harms the skin by drying it up and causing wrinkles and lines to show up. Vitamin C does this by neutralizing the reactive oxygen or free radicals, which is often caused by the interaction of sunlight, skin tissues and of course the cell membrane. But though it revents the absorption of light, it should not be used to replace sunscreen. Skin care experts still recommend the use of sunscreen for maximum sun protection. Still, vitamin C can be combined with sunscreens for more coverage and longer protection because once this gets into the skin, it cannot be easily washed or rubbed off.

Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant

Vitamin C is known to play a crucial role in the oxidation process. It prevents free radicals from destroying the skin. Free radicals are caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun and its reaction with oxygen.

Vitamin C stimulates Collagen

The vitamin helps synthesize collagen, a component of the skin that is essential in slowing down the aging process of the skin. L-ascorbic acid signals the collagen genes to begin creating new collagen