Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness a.k.a. alopecia in women is the most common form of hair problem that women come across. It involves a typical hair loss pattern, resulting from hormones, aging and genetic predisposition.

Hair loss pattern resulting from alopecia in women

Unlike in men, female pattern baldness does not cause hair loss in a well-defined pattern. The hair starts thinning all over the head though there is no hair line receding. It is rare for alopecia in women to result in total baldness.

In the case of females, the scalp hair loss may begin at any age though usually after 40.
The patterns of female pattern baldness can vary considerably in appearance and may include:

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp often with more noticeable thinning toward the back of the scalp.

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp but not involving the frontal hair line.

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp, involving and sometimes breaching the frontal hairline.

Symptoms of alopecia in women

In normal condition a woman tends to lose around 100-125 hairs per day. Losing more hair than that indicates that the condition is not normal.

The following two conditions indicate alopecia in women

Hair thinning over the entire head

Hair loss at the crown or hair line, from mild to moderate

Causes of female pattern baldness

The disease is triggered by the presence of a male hormone called testosterone in female body. Testosterone is produced by androgen hormone.

Certain women are decidedly more sensitive to testosterone than others. This sensitivity results in hair thinning on their scalp. Testosterone interacts with the enzyme 5 alpha reductase produced by the body. The interaction causes the production of DHT within the hair follicle.

DHT causes production of shorter and finer hairs. When DHT is not received well by hair follicles, it causes reduced blood supply and it causes hair thinning on the scalp.

Diagnosis of female pattern baldness

Women tend to have less obvious hair loss patterns than men and they face non-pattern hair loss more frequently than men. Diagnosis of female hair loss should be conducted by a trained and experienced physician.

The physician diagnoses this hair disease on the basis of hair loss appearance and pattern. He also checks whether other possible hair loss causes can be ruled out. He may also go for a skin biopsy or other procedures to diagnose the medical disorders.


The diagnosis of female pattern baldness should be followed by a proper treatment. The patient is usually administered Rogaine. Another medicine is Aldactone, which is useful especially for the women experiencing hair fall after menopause. A modern and popular method used in the case of female pattern baldness is hair transplantation.

An Increase or Decrease of Estrogen can Cause Hair Loss

An Increase or Decrease of Estrogen can Cause Hair Loss

Are you avoiding the mirror everyday? Are you afraid to see how you look because of your hair? Are you suffering from thinning hair or baldness? Do you know the possible reasons why such problems are happening to you? If you do, then perhaps it can be recovered or better yet be prevented.

There are many probable causes of hair loss. For instance, there is high fever, serious disease, pregnancy, too much stress, and the most common, estrogen deficiency all of which can cause you to have hair loss. The best way to do to prevent further hair loss is to protect the remaining strands of your hair. Hair loss to women can be temporary while to men it can be permanent.

Estrogen hair loss is a form of hair loss caused by an increase or decrease in estrogen. Men and women are both prone to having hair loss since this is present in both of them.

In men, hair loss is the result of the malfunctioning of prostate glands. The prostate can start to make overly big quantities of the hormone called the DHT. This is a destructive form of testosterone and estrogen, which causes the follicles of the hair to reduce in size and avoid new hair growth.

Luckily, women with estrogen hair loss are considered in a better situation. For women, this is a seldom problem that happens. Hair loss in women normally happens after giving birth. However, it may also happen during the teenage years, pregnancy and menopause.

This is because of the decrease or increase of estrogen level in a womans body. For instance, after giving birth, the level of estrogen of a woman decreases. This makes her susceptible to the side effects of the estrogen in her body. In this way, it can cause hair follicles to reduce in number and it can be the start of hair loss. The hair loss will stop once the hormones of the woman return to its normal state.

Since hair loss is sometimes temporary in most women, it can be cured with shampoos that are intended to revert hair loss. However, men suffering the same problem can choose to have hair restoration methods like hair replacement surgeries. The reason for such option is that hair loss is usually lasting in men.

Men are possible to loss his hair completely from estrogen hair loss. For a man, this can be a very serious problem and it should be given adequate attention or concern immediately.

Remember, there should be no man or woman who should suffer from hair loss because of estrogen. There are many treatments available. You should opt for one if you have estrogen hair loss to keep a beautiful mane of hair.