Tips For Body Building Programs

The best body building programs are those that are designed for a specific individual. Although us women usually all want to target the same areas i.e. bums, tums and thighs, we all have different needs and goals. The instructor at your gym should sit down with you to discuss your goals and aspirations and then together the two of you would come up with a plan that will work for you.

Before you start any bodybuilding program you would always warm up and cool down when you are finished. This helps to reduce the risk of injury to your muscles and is the most important part of any training process. Weight training usually involves squats, leg presses, stomach crunches, pushdowns and pulldowns. All of these terms can sound like a foreign language but once you have practiced the routine a few times you will be surprised at how quickly you pick it up and see results.

The pulldown will exercise your back, shoulders and arms. Those female models on TV in their skimpy t-shirts will have all been practicing their lat pulldowns. A stomach crunch is the modern version of the sit-up. You have to lift your shoulders and upper chest off the ground for seconds at a time forcing the abdominal muscles to contract. You need to do multiple sets of these in order to get that washboard stomach we all crave.

Do not try to do too much too soon. Overtraining is bad for your body and can affect your hormones as well as your immune system never mind the risk of injury to your bones or joints. If you have hit the weights too hard, take some time out to recover.

You need to include aerobic exercise in your routine to get the most out of your weight training sessions. Getting aerobically fit means that your muscles will be healthier and you will get the results you crave much quicker. You need to eat properly as well. Just because you are now following a body building program does not give you license to eat whatever you want whenever you want. Bodybuilders are generally very careful about what they consume. We will forget about the obvious examples of those that aren’t i.e. the ones that abuse steroids.

A committed bodybuilder will review their diet to make sure that they are eating quality protein in the right quantities and that they are getting sufficient healthy fats. They will also make sure to keep their body properly hydrated but not overdo it as this can cause a new set of problems. They will also eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Alcohol and smoking don’t form part of this diet!

When you are following your bodybuilding program you need to think of safety as well. Only lift those weights you can manage. It is pointless pulling muscles or causing yourself another injury due to carelessness. Always make sure that weights are secure and don’t leave them lying around for others to fall over. A body building program can produce excellent results but only when you pay attention to these basics.

Body Building Women Is That You

When I say body building women, what image comes into your mind? Is it of a well toned lady with a flat stomach, small waist and a pert bum? Or is it a woman who looks more like a man with bulging muscles all over the place? It is probably the second option but this is not how most body building women look. The ones with the excessive muscles have usually been taking steroids and let’s face facts. A woman’s body was not meant to cope with an overload of testosterone.

If you want to tone up and slim down, you should seriously consider doing a bodybuilding course at your local gym. Find an instructor who specializes in helping females to work out as our routine will be slightly different to the male bodybuilders. Most of us women want to target our stomach, bums and thighs as these are the areas where fat seems to be attracted to most.

A lot of people use the excuse that if they build up muscle it will turn to fat when they stop working out. This is a bit like thinking brass is going to turn into gold. Fat and muscle are two completely different substances and one cannot turn into the other. What tends to happen is that when you are bodybuilding you will eat more. In fact the recommended diet is to eat at least five or six small meals a day with plenty of quality protein, vegetables and healthy fats. If you stop working out, your body will not need as much fuel as it did previously. But often people forget this little point and continue eating at the same level. If you are not burning the energy produced by your food intake, you will put on weight.

Certain bodybuilding activities add shape and definition to the areas you want to target. Your instructor will be able to help you come up with a bodybuilding routine to maximize the effect of your training. You will also need to do at least 6 sessions of cardio workout a week. The bad news is that these are most effective when done before you have had breakfast so you need to set that alarm clock for a little earlier! Another myth about bodybuilding is that you cannot combine it with aerobic exercise as it will prevent you building muscle. In my opinion this is rubbish. Aerobic exercise burns calories and fat, is good for your health and actually helps to increase muscle mass. So make sure it is part of your new bodybuilding routine.

Following a bodybuilding diet will help you to get the most out of your weight training program. Eating smaller but more regular meals will boost your metabolism helping to burn the calories. It will also help to regulate your blood sugar levels helping to prevent those cravings that can cause the end of the diet. And perhaps most importantly you won’t get that deprived starving feeling associated with most weight loss plans.

If you need some inspiration consider the fact that the models you see on TV with their superflat stomachs and toned legs are all body building women.