Capsular Contracture

When a foreign object inters our body, our immune system tries to either destroy it or contain it. Some immune systems interpret a breast implant as a foreign object. Since the immune system cant destroy an implant, it tries to contain it. It attempts to build a wall around the intruder to keep it from spreading to the rest of the body. The wall around the implant is called a capsule.

When the capsule tightens around the implant its called capsular contracture. The squeezing can be painful and can change the shape of the breast. The changed shape can affect the appearance of the breast as well.

The severity of the capsular contracture varies between cases. With the mildest case, the breast looks normal and still feels soft. This is classified as grade 1. Grade 2 still looks normal, but the breast is a little firm. At grade 3, the breast is firm and the appearance is considered abnormal. Grade 4 is the most severe and the most painful. The breast looks abnormal and is hard.

You may have to have another operation to fix capsular contracture. The capsule has to be removed, and sometimes the implant has to be replaced. But there are cases where successful treatments have been achieved without any additional surgery.

Its not known exactly what causes the bodys immune system to behave abnormally towards an implant, but capsular contracture can happen after any implant or implant repair surgery. Not just breast implants.

Who Wants Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a personal choice for many women. The primary reason is cosmetic. Increasing the size or shape of their breasts is the goal they hope to achieve with implant surgery. This is known as primary augmentation.

There is also revision-augmentation. This surgery is required to correct or improve the results of a prior breast augmentation surgery. Many women undergo the surgery numerous times, slowly achieving the end results they desire.

Replacement of breast tissue that was removed because of cancer, trauma or that failed to develop properly because of a severe breast abnormality, is considered primary reconstruction surgery. Corrections or revisions to this surgery are called revision-reconstruction surgery.

Breast augmentation patients are usually younger, healthier and from higher socio-economic status than the population norm. These women are also more often married with children.

Studies have shown a pattern in breast augmentation patients. This pattern is also shared by many other cosmetic surgery procedures. It suggests women who choose breast implantation are slightly more likely to have undergone psychotherapy, have lower self-esteem, and have higher tendencies toward depression, suicide attempts and mental illness than the general population.

Post-operative surveys on the issues of mental health and quality of life have reported improvement in a number of areas. These areas include health, appearance, self confidence, self esteem, social life and sexual function. Most women report long term satisfaction with their breast implants. Even in cases which have required additional operations due to complications or aesthetic reasons.

Repair or Revision Surgery

Breast implants dont last forever. Implant manufacturers are required to tell women that the implants they supply arent permanent. The most common implant repair or replacement surgeries are due to the implant itself either rupturing or deflating.

Whatever type of breast implant you choose, the chances are good youll need corrective surgery in your lifetime. The most common reason for additional surgery is complications. These could be miner or major complications which can occur after any surgery. Other things which require additional surgery include capsular constracture treatment and to repair any ripples or wrinkles in the implant that might show.

Breast reconstruction has a higher frequency of additional surgeries. Mastectcomy results in such drastic changes in the soft tissue and anatomical borders, multiple surgeries are often the only choice. Its also common for breast cancer patients to undergo several surgeries. Procedures to reconstruct the nipple-areola complex and to achieve symmetry with the remaining breast are done in planned stages

In cosmetic implants, additional surgeries can be drastically reduced by making the correct choices before surgery. Matching the size and type of implant with the patients soft-tissue characteristics provides more successful results. These results provide the most aesthetically pleasing appearance and reduces the chances of ripples and wrinkles in the implant showing.

Choosing the breast implant thats best suited to your physical needs as well as choosing the best surgical procedure will reduce the occurrences of additional surgeries and result in the maximum satisfaction with your implants.

Implant Placement

Complications commonly arise from any surgical procedure. The possibility and severity of these complications vary depending on all the circumstances of each individual surgery. The same is true for breast augmentation. One factor in determining any potential complications you may encounter is how and where the breast implants are placed. The placement can also affect the final appearance..

There are four commonly used methods of placing breast implants. The placements vary from being underneath, below or against the pectoralis muscle. These methods achieve different results as well as encountering different complications.

The subpectoral technique is the most common method used in North America. It has the lowest rate of capsular contracture. The subglandular method has a higher capsular contracture rate, but is thought to produce results that are more natural in appearance. This method also might show ripples or wrinkles in the implant in women with thin tissue in the placement area.

The benefits of a third method, subfascial, are still being debated. Supporters claim the method helps in sustaining the implant position. The fourth technique is called the submuscular implant. This method is commonly chosen when doing full breast reconstruction.

Your surgeon may have a preferred method, or choose it based on each individual case. He should discuss the method choices available to you before surgery is scheduled. No particular method rules out the chance of complications just as no method assures them either. And the appearance achieved by one technique may differ from person to person.