The Practical Way of Curing Acne

Dermatologists explain that the various types of acne are caused mainly by irritated blackheads, pimples, and superficial sebaceous cysts on the skin. The areas that are usually affected include the forehead, the temples, the cheeks, the chin, the chest, and even the back. Some medical cases have also proven that acne can affect large areas of the body that result to extensive scarring.

Aside from hormonal imbalance and minor skin disorders, acne is also known to be caused by improper eating habits, chronic constipation and devitalized condition of skin resulted from unhygienic living habits, consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol or tobacco in large amounts, and inactive habits that lead to indigestion and weakness of the body.

Cheap But Effective Remedies

Regardless of age or race, millions of people suffer from dreadful acne breakouts. A visit to the dermatologist or physician would make you purchase topical medicines or oral treatment such as topical retinoids, hormonal antibiotics, or benzyl peroxide treatments. They might probably ask you to undergo minor treatments like laser or micro-dermabrasion.

Before trying all these chemical acne medications either topical or oral, you can try practical acne remedies. It is advisable for most people who suffer from acne to try common and natural remedies because these are chemical-free products that will greatly help in healing acne to avoid further skin irritation.

The following are common household products and items that can do wonders on cleaning and clearing up your skin:

– Baking soda. Most people would find it absurd but this very cheap household product is quite effective in exfoliating the skin. Used as a great scrub, the use of baking soda helps remove dead skin to prevent clogging of pores that may lead to the development of acne spots.

What you need to do is mix a small amount of baking soda then add some water to form a paste. Gently apply the mixture on your skin and massage it. After 5 or 15 minutes, rinse the baking soda off your skin and pat your face dry with a face towel.

– Apple cider vinegar. This is an effective product that is known to kill acne-causing bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is helpful in clearing up your skin. Aside from balancing your skins pH levels, the properties of vinegar absorb excess oils on your skin.

You have to dilute at least 8 parts of vinegar to one part of apple cider vinegar and apply it directly on clean, dry skin. Its up to you if you want to rinse the vinegar youre your skin or you leave it alone.

– Egg Whites. A product that is rich in protein, egg whites is popularly used as a facemask to heal and revitalize the affected skin. Aside from rebuilding your skin, egg whites also helps to absorb extra oil from the skin. After separating the egg white from the egg yolk, beat it and apply it directly on your face. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse the egg white off your face.

– Oatmeal. Known for its quick absorbing properties, oatmeal is used by many people to absorb excess oil while drawing out impurities that exist deep in the skin. You can cook an ample amount of oatmeal and rub it over the affected area of your skin. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse it off like a facemask.

– Tea Tree Oil. Used as a common household antiseptic, tea tree oil of (TTO) helps kill acne-causing bacteria when applied directly on skin.

– Lemon or limejuice. If you dont want to use vinegar, you can substitute lemon or lime juice for it. Known for containing citric acid properties, using this can exfoliate the skin well, thus preventing the possible development of acne.

After using any or all of these remedies and there hasnt been any noticeable improvement, it is best that you seek medical attention immediately.

Household Uses for Essential Oils

Like it or not, homes can be full of bad smells, germs, and dirt. The first products people usually turn to are strong chemical solutions. These aren’t particularly healthy, and can have unpleasant odors of their own. Perhaps a better type of product to reach for is essential oils. Essential oils can be used for many different household problems. Tea tree and lavender oils are considered to be highly effective anti-bacterial essential oils. A few drops of either can be added to water to rinse any area you want to disinfect.

These can include sinks, countertops, and bathrooms. You can make an antiseptic spray by putting the water with essential oils in it into a spray bottle. Spray it around bathrooms, kitchens, and sickrooms.

Sometimes, you don’t mind so much using the chemical cleaners. You just want a fresher, more natural smell to linger when you finish. If this is the case, you can make a rinse to use following regular cleaning. To make the rinse, add four drops of any essential oils you like to a pint of water. Then, simply rinse the area with this after you have cleaned. You can use essential oils like pine, lavender, wintergreen, rosemary, orange, or any others you like.

If you want to make the air in your home smell fresh and sweet, simmer fruit peels or any essential oils in water on the stove. Keep it at a gentle heat. The scent will permeate the whole house.

You may have seen scented toilet paper rollers for sale in your local store. You can use the same idea only make it better with essential oils. Put a few drops of essential oils on the cardboard tube that holds the toilet paper. Every time it’s spun, a fresh aroma will be released.

You can easily make a homemade carpet cleaner if you have a few essential oils. You need rosewood oil, eucalyptus oil, and lavender oil. Or, if you like, use any other combination of essential oils. You mix this with baking soda or cornstarch. Sprinkle the mixture on the carpet and vacuum fifteen minutes later. Commercial floor cleaning product makers are aware that lemon and orange oils are excellent for cleaning. There are many products out there that use them. If you have essential oils of lemon and orange, you can mix them with some hot water and soap. You will have the same thing-minus any chemicals.

Dryer sheets all seem to have the same unnatural trying-to-be-fresh smell. You can make your own equivalent of dryer sheets using essential oils. Take a small towel and put a few drops of your favorite essential oils on it. Put it in the dryer with your clothes. Tea tree essential oil helps to get rid of mold in the household. Lemon oil can be used as a disinfectant. Eucalyptus oil can be added to the laundry when you are washing bedding. This will help to control dust mites.

Essential oils have a place in the household that is both practical and aesthetic. They can make your home clean on a molecular level and pleasant to your sense of smell. The more you use essential oils, the more they will become a part of your home life.

Home Herpes Remedies

There are a few herpes remedies that can be used to minimize this painful and often embarrassing condition. However, understanding what herpes is and how it works is also part of what will make the herpes remedies themselves especially useful and worthwhile.

Herpes comes in two forms: Type 1 which will often cause sores around the mouth and lips and occasionally the genitals. Type 2 which causes sores around the genitals. Basically herpes is a virus that is passed from intimate contact but also from simple non-sexual contact. The symptoms are usually flue like and very painful open sores. Once someone has been infected, they have the virus for life, even though the episodes will often wane and disappear, the virus is still there in the body and can still be passed from person to person without even signs of an attack. Therefore it is important that precautions are always taken.

The use of baking soda as a herpes remedy is particularly useful to combat the pain and inconvenience of the open sores and blisters. The first few episodes of herpes can be very painful and vicious and using baking soda to dab on the painful open sores will help to heal the sores over quickly.

Another particularly good everyday foodstuff for herpes remedies is a tea bag particularly an Earl Grey tea bag. A wet and cold Earl Grey tea bag applied to the sores will help to dry them out and heal the sores over. This is because the bag includes tannins which are the active ingredient in quickly healing and drying the skin cells.

Salt too can be used to heal the sores and foster quicker healing. Pour the salt into a warm bath and bathe the affected area with the salty solution. Dab the area dry with a clean towel and then if at all possible, the sores should not be dressed with anything, underwear included, they should be left open to the air to aid speedier healing.

What can also help to sooth the pain of a herpes attack is applying ice to the sore and painful area. The ice should not be applied directly onto the skin, instead place the ice inside a plastic bag or wrap the ice in a towel and apply to the skin that way.

As herpes remedies go, make sure that if you have an herpes attack that you practice good personal hygiene. Avoid the sharing of towels and other personal affects because the virus can be easily passed in this way. Also keep yourself well hydrated, especially good is the drinking of peppermint tea which may help reduce pain and the fever that can come with an attack.

Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal

Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal Your Dry Itchy Skin At Home

If you are dealing with skin that is dry or itchy, then finding the right home remedy for dry itchy skin is going to play an important part in your daily or weekly skin care regimen from now on. Luckily, there are actually a wide variety of different remedies for you to select from when it comes to remedying dry skin at home. Because everyone has unique skin care needs, choosing the right skin care regimen is going to mean exploring different home remedies until you have cured your dry itchy skin. There is no one size fits all solution to dealing with dry itchy skin, but the following tips will definitely help you.

– * Itching that is caused as a result of dry skin rather than a medical condition can easily be treated using a wide variety of home remedies. The key to using these home remedies is to combine them until you get the results that you seek.

– * Add a can of evaporated milk to your bath. The milk will help to moisturize your skin.

– * Add oatmeal, baking soda and evaporated milk to your bath for a good home remedy for dealing with dry and itching skin. The materials when mixed together will work well at soothing and relaxing the itching.

– * Try applying different natural ingredients to your skin. Cod liver oil, Vitamin E oil, witch hazel, Aloe Vera gel, lemon juice and wheat germ oil are all excellent ideas worth considering as they’ll moisturize the skin and relieve the itching.

– * Some home remedies for your dry and itching skin can be taken in pill form. These include chickweed, burdock root, plantain, yellow dock and goldenseal.

– * Another material that is good for relieving the itching and dryness in your skin is cornstarch, which can be poured into your bath water or dusted right onto your body.

– * Another trusted home remedy for dry itchy skin is to use baking soda in your cool bath water as it will alleviate itching and other skin irritations including insect bites, bee stings, prickly heat and other relatively minor skin ailments.

– * You can drink between one and two cups worth of stinging nettle tea every day to relieve the itching and dryness in your skin. This can be done by adding boiling water to a single teaspoon worth of dried stinging nettle leaves.

– * A fresh poultice with burdock root or chickweed is another good remedy for itching.

Choosing the right home remedies to treat dry itchy skin may take trying a combination of different remedies until you are satisfied with the results. Keep this in mind when you are trying out the home remedies mentioned above and other home remedies that you discover for dealing with skin that is dry and itchy.