What Baby Acne is All About

Although teenagers are often the ones attacked by a bad case of acne, adults can have it too and surprisingly so do babies.

More common than you think

Baby acne is actually a common condition in newborns and it is a really normal occurrence. The condition is characterized by red bumps on the skin that may initially appear as rashes. Often, baby acne starts off about three to four weeks after birth and may last until he or she reaches about four to six months old. Still, there are some babies that develop baby acne at birth.

There is no clear cause of baby acne but some experts suggests the role of the hormones that mothers pass on to their child during the last stages of pregnancy. These hormones babies get from the womb and sometimes from the breastmilk play a role in the development of the acne condition. As your baby grows, these hormones slowly disappear from the system. When this happens, the problem acne also disappears.

And because baby acne is basically caused by the chemical make up of the body, there is really nothing you can do to prevent it from happening. The only thing perhaps that parents have a power on is to make sure that your baby will remain comfortable despite the problem and that it will not become worse because of irritation.

Although baby acne is actually not a cause for alarm as it is quite normal for some babies to develop them, it is still important that parents become aware of the condition so as not to exacerbate the case and increase the irritation. Symptoms of baby acne include red bumps that are commonly found on the cheeks. The bumps may also appear on the chin and on the forehead.

Aggravating matters

Baby acne frequently gets irritated when the baby becomes hit or fussy. The stress brought about by these conditions will often irritate the case. Saliva, spits and even milk may also exacerbate the problem, making it appear worse than before.

There is really no treatment available for baby acne. As mentioned before, the condition will disappear on its own once the hormones disappear from the system. Most doctors would recommend gentle washing of the face with a really mild cleanser to remove the oils. Vigorous washing is a no no as this can irritate the skin all the more. Remember that baby acne is not caused by germs or dirt but rather hormones so no amount of washing can make the condition go away. In addition, too much washing may also remove the natural oils of the skin, resulting in the increased activity of the oil glands. Like all other things, too much is also not good.

Another reminder for parents is to lessen or avoid altogether the use of oils and lotions on the skin as this can add up to the grease that are already acting up on the acne. Never ever put any skin ointments and other facial products as this can aggravate the matter. Using topical medicines on the problem areas may only make it worse especially if your babys skin is ultra sensitive. Before you do anything about it or apply anything, make sure that you have consulted your pediatrician or a dermatologist about it.

Children and Blood Pressure

Did you know that even babies can develop high blood pressure? Many might think of this as uncommon but it isn’t. When babies have high blood pressure it is usually because they are premature or have kidney or heart problems. When an older child has high blood pressure it is usually a result of their family history.

As you might have noticed today, there is an increase in obesity in children. This also increases their blood pressure putting them at health risks. A great way to prevent this is to have your child’s blood pressure checked often as they grow older.

More ways to help are watching your child’s diet and making sure they get plenty of exercise. Some kids are not as active today what with the video games and all. Try to get your child involved in regular activities from the start. It will benefit their health as well as their self esteem later down the road.

Just like adults, you can easily help control your child’s blood pressure. Watch their diet. Be sure they are getting the right nutrition and limit their salt intake. Get them eating vegetables and fresh fruits. While many children do not like vegetables, there are many ways to overcome this. You can spice up a recipe that involves vegetables.

Physical activity is the key to any healthy lifestyle. Getting your child involved in physical activity when young will help ensure they stay active and healthy as they age. Involve them in sports of their choosing and take walks with them. You can both benefit from this.

If your family has a history of high blood pressure, be sure your child gets routine check ups. This will help ensure they do not develop high blood pressure and if they do, you can start controlling it. Remember stress can raise blood pressure and while some kids shouldn’t be stressed, they are.

Children deal with stress just like adults, just in different ways. Talk with your child and stay active in their life and what goes on. You want them to have a happy healthy life and you can help them achieve that goal.

If you are unable to control your child’s blood pressure through their diet and exercise, you might have to turn to medication. Talk with your doctor and let them know what you have already tried. Sometimes this is not enough alone, but with medication, can help control it.

Try to exercise with your child every day. Exercising alone sometimes is harder for children and adults alike. You can get involved with your child this way and it will benefit you both.

Talk with your teenager about smoking and drinking. These both cause high blood pressure and once they know the risks they are less likely to try them. Do not think your child is invisible from developing any health problems along with high blood pressure.

Remember that blood pressure increases with age until you are around fifty. If you get a head start on watching yours and your child’s at an early age, you will both benefit very well in the end.

Gestational Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, about four percent of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a condition in which a woman who has never had diabetes develops high blood glucose levels while pregnant, usually within the later term of the pregnancy. It is estimated that there are about 135,000 cases of gestational diabetes every year in the United States.

In most cases, women who develop gestational diabetes will not develop Type II diabetes. This is a condition affected by the pregnancy and the inability of the mother to use the insulin naturally developed in her body. It is caused by hormones triggered by the pregnancy and causes the mother to become insulin resistant. Gradually, the mother develops high blood glucose levels, referred to as hyperglycemia.

Normally, a woman with gestational diabetes will be treated for the condition while pregnant. While there are no birth defects associated with this sort of illness as there are with women who have had diabetes prior to being pregnant, there is generally not a large cause for alarm for the child. However, if the condition is left untreated, it can hurt the baby. Because the mother is not getting rid of her excessive blood glucose, the child is getting more than his or her share of energy and fat. This often results in macrosomia. Macrosomia is simply the clinical name for a fat baby.

While some people think a fat baby is the sign of a healthy baby, a child born too fat may have a problem fitting through the birth canal. This can cause shoulder damage and may require a cesarean section birth,. In addition, babies who are born obese can develop breathing problems and, if they remain obese, may themselves develop Type II diabetes.

Fortunately, there is treatment for gestational diabetes. Insulin injections are usually given to the mother to keep the blood glucose levels intact. A woman who is planning on becoming pregnant, however, can avoid the complication of developing gestational diabetes prior to becoming pregnant.

Some of the ways a woman can do this is to lose weight if she is already overweight prior to becoming pregnant, develop a healthy exercise routine and follow certain food guidelines. The Glycemic Index is an ideal tool for a woman who is thinking about becoming pregnant to use to determine which foods to avoid. The Glycemic Index was developed for diabetics to categorize carbohydrates for those with diabetes.

When you become pregnant, follow the advice from your doctor regarding diet and exercise as well as any carbohydrate diets. Prior to becoming pregnant, discuss any concerns you have regarding weight or diabetes with your physician as he or she can probably give you some advice on how to avoid this pregnancy complication.

Even if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, chances are that you will not develop Type II diabetes, neither will your baby and both of you will be just fine. Gestational diabetes is not a reason to panic. There is plenty of care available for women with this condition. Just be sure to follow any instructions given to you by your doctor.

What Estrogen Cream Can Do for You

Menopausal is a natural reaction on the womans body. Most of you even anticipate that when you already reach the age of forty or more you are prone to enter this period. In spite of this, you need to get yourself ready with the possible symptoms that may come out your body.

The woman undergo menopausal when her ovarian functions starts to decline. Usually, this is also the point when the woman does not have the capacity to bear a child anymore. However, in some cases there are still some of them who gives birth to the so-called menopausal babies.

While a woman is entering the menopausal period the level of Estrogen is affected. This is a kind of hormone that plays a very important role in the female reproductive system. Thus, if the level of this hormone reduces there is a tendency that a woman will suffer from various disorders.

Estrogen cream helps the woman in maintaining a healthy hormone balance especially during the period of menopausal and even beyond. On the other hand, the maintenance of this cream is also quite difficult because if you use it beyond what the doctor prescribed, it can lead to some very serious risks.

One of the manifestations of the menopausal symptoms is the dryness of the vaginal area. It can also sometimes cause itchiness and irritation. This is why most of the women in the United States make use of the Estrogen cream that are made up of natural ingredients.

The cream is available only with the doctors prescription. There should also be a proper specification of dosage in order to avoid some unnecessary effects on the womans vagina, especially if it is used to treat dryness.

There is no doubt that Estrogen creams help solve some hormonal problems of a woman. But, along with the benefits that it can bring you are the side effects that can cause higher risk to a person.

Estrogen cream has a very rich history in the field of dermatological products and is really proven effective in curing hormonal and vaginal disorder. However, it was also found out that its excessive use can increase the risk of malignant melanoma and other cancerous diseases.

Bear this in your mind that before you decided to use Estrogen cream in treating estrogen imbalance you need to go to your doctor first and undergo initial check of your condition to avoid unnecessary side effects.