Age And Cholesterol-Key Factors For Health Change

Many people think that cholesterol is bad for you… period. But that is inaccurate. The truth is that you need this substance and it is produced in your body. What is a problem is that age and cholesterol both tend to go up.

That means that as you age, you naturally tend to see your cholesterol levels go up. That trend is especially true with women.

Age and cholesterol can be a problem for men and women but post menopausal women might be at higher risk.

Prior to menopause, women tend to have lower LDL, or bad cholesterol levels then men of the same age, but after menopause women’s LDL levels often go higher.

You have both good, HDL, and bad, LDL, cholesterol in your body. The trick is to keep the good cholesterol at high levels and the bad cholesterol at low levels.

HDL tends to act as a cleaner and will keep your arteries flushed out. That is why it is so important to keep your levels balanced.

No matter what your age, or gender, there are many things you can do to make sure you keep your cholesterol levels in balance and at a healthy level.

It isn’t rocket science and it isn’t new but it is important. You also need to talk to your doctor.

You need to find out what your current levels are so you know what the appropriate course of action will be.

Once you’ve talked to your doctor, you can also start implementing some of these tips:

1. Eat better. All you need to do is stop eating so many foods that are high fat. Things like beef, dairy and fried foods.

Now, don’t think that means you have to give up every food you love, in many cases you may not need to. Sometimes, just cutting back a little bit can make a big difference.

Instead, start eating fewer servings of those bad for you things. You can cut back on the amount of times per week that you eat meat, for example.

Also, it isn’t all just about cutting back on some foods, but also about adding others. There are some foods that will help you lower your bad and raise your good cholesterol levels.

Things like nuts, brown rice, fresh fruits and vegetables and fish are some of the most common things you can substitute in your diet and start seeing results.

2. If you aren’t currently getting some regular exercise, now is the time to start. Every time you move your body it can be good for you.

You don’t need to go extreme or hardcore, and you should always check with your doctor first, but just get moving.

As you get stronger you should, and probably will want to, add more varied exercises to your routine.

Hey, we can’t do anything about getting older. And as we age, we all know that some things will change. But, we aren’t totally at the mercy of those extra years.

We do have things we can do to mitigate the effects on age and cholesterol levels and you can start right now…as soon as you see your doctor, of course.

Wouldnt You Love To Look Ageless

Everyone has three different ages. First there is the chronological age which is the age in number of years since being born. Then there is the biological age which is the age of your body system at a specific time and is affected by a persons health, their brain, heart, cardiovascular system and skeletal system. Lastly there is the psychological age which is how old you feel. You may be 60 years of age but you only feel 40.

You can’t change your chronological age no matter what you do but you can make some changes to the other two types of age. Your lifestyle, such as diet and exercise, can alter your biological age and the age you feel can also be changed when you feel better biologically.

To improve your health you should eat a balanced, nutritional diet. Reduce the amount of fats and sugars in your diet and avoid fried foods that only add excess fat to your body and clog up your arteries. Eat more lean meats, white meats and fish to get the protein that your body needs.

Do brain exercises regularly to stimulate your brain as this will keep you alert and help to reduce the risk of deterioration and memory loss. Keeping your brain and body healthy will help you to feel younger biologically and psychologically.

Psychological age is how old you feel in your mind. You could be 60 years old, you could have a biological age of 50 but you may feel 40 in your mind. If you keep active and exercise regularly and also do the things that you enjoy in life then you will feel younger psychologically. Laugh as often as you can as this will help to keep you happy, positive and psychologically younger.

Although there is no miracle cure to staying young and reversing the aging process, simple changes in your lifestyle can help you to slow down the aging process and feel young and be biologically young.

A healthy diet and exercise is essential to a young biological age. While many people are satisfied with having a good diet and exercising regularly, some will take a step further and turn to corrective surgery to make themselves look younger. Surgery such as a facelift can help to remove saggy skin and wrinkles which will give a more youthful look. Surgery can be very expensive however and it is best to look after your skin and health and prevent the need for surgery as you get older.

There are many facial products available that can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Looking after your skin with a daily cleansing routine will help to keep your skin fresh, clean and younger looking.

Exercising regularly is very important to remain healthy. An exercise routine may involve going to the gym or it can be something as simple as a brisk walk, jog or cycle. Playing tennis or going swimming are also great exercises to keep your body and mind healthy and youthful.

A healthy diet will help you to maintain a healthy weight and also reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis.

So although you can’t change your chronological age this doesn’t mean that you need to be the same age biologically and psychologically.

Positive and Negative Effects of Estrogen

Compared to other hormones, there are many large and dependable researches of estrogen and its possible effects on the body that have been performed. These researches have presented that estrogen offers many significant benefits. Because of this, many women are recommended to take estrogen to reduce menopause symptoms.

While many women are benefited by estrogen during or after menopause, some are found at greater risk for particular diseases if they take it. As researches give more information about estrogen, it may help pinpoint the reasons should those persons take it or not.

To most women, the helpful effects of estrogen are far more important than the harmful effects it can give. Estrogen helps reduce hot flashes and lessen the threat for osteoporosis. Other researches show that estrogen also lessens the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart disease.

However, there are also researches, which presents that estrogen has no beneficial effects for heart problems. Others suggest that estrogen can protect a woman from having Alzheimers disease, but this is not yet confirmed. Recent clinical tests of estrogen in postmenopausal women with symptoms of Alzheimers disease have not presented any effects.

Other beneficial effects of estrogen are:

Reduce night sweats
Reduces the risk of colon cancer
Improves pelvic musculature
Avoid loss of collagen in the skin

However, besides its promises, estrogen has also increased the number of severe concerns because there are dangerous effects that could possibly happen with some women. For instance, some women take an estrogen with another hormone called progestin. Estrogen may also increase a risk of blood clotting, which can damage the proper circulation in the arteries.

Significant proof suggests that long-term use of estrogen can slowly increase the risk of breast cancer. In addition, researches have also shown that there is a greater risk of breast cancer among women who use both the estrogen and the progestin.

Other possible negative effects of estrogen include:

Vaginal bleeding or spotting
Abdominal pains
Poor sleeping habit
Skin rashes
Head aches, migraine headaches
Causes endometrial cancer

Therefore, with both of these positive and negative effects presented, the decision in taking estrogen will not be all yes. It depends on the woman if she wants to use it still despite of all the negative effects it could have.

Always remember, even if many years will pass, researchers will continue to find out information about the advantages and disadvantages of estrogen. When these new findings come out, more women and their physicians might reconsider their decisions about taking estrogen.

Looking Ageless Is Within Your Reach

There are three different ages for everyone. The chronological age is the number of years since birth. Biological age is old your body system is at a specific time. This includes the wellness of your body, heart, cardiovascular system, brain, and skeletal system. Psychological age is how old you feel. You may be 70 but feel like 40.

There are methods to deal with the age type you are. Chronological age is the only type you cant change but the other two types you can make drastic changes to improve your standard of living. The biological as can be altered with your life style that includes diet and exercise.

Reduce the fats, cholesterol, and carbohydrates in your diet to increase the level of your health. Avoid the fried foods that clog your arteries and add excess fat to your body. Eat lean meats, more fish, and white meats such as chicken and pork. Energize your brain with stimulating games to keep yourself alert and increase your memory. The small things you do to change how you currently live will make your age lower.

Psychological age is your mental state of mind. You dont have to be feeling your biological age at any point in your life. Get moving and do things to regain your youth. You want to go swimming or take a leisure stroll in the woods to aid in the youthful feelings. Learn to laugh to reduce the feeling of being old. Laughter has long been called the key medicine to youth.

The scientific community refers to anti-aging s the exclusive slowing, preventing, and reversing of the aging process. There isnt any true medical technology to allow these to be done although there are steps being taken to promote anti-aging lifestyles with a healthier diet and exercise program.

While diet and exercise are the main methods recommended, many people opt to have corrective surgery and use products promising to help with the anti-aging process. Some of the products do have proven results and help to alter the appearance temporarily while other products are ineffective completely.

There are facial products that help with the fine lines and wrinkles. You apply the products daily to help improve your appearance. They are widely used all over the world with great results. Women find their face gains the youthful appearance they seek.

Adding to the products used is the increased physical levels with exercise including walking, jogging, riding bicycles, playing tennis, and swimming. Any form of added exercise helps the body and mind remain youthful.

Eating a balanced diet has the benefits of youthful appearance, weight management, and healthier body functions reducing the risks of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and arthritis or joint pains.