Children With the Sleep Disorder of Sleepwalking

The sleep disorder of sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, affects approximately 14% of school-age children between five and twelve years old at least once. Approximately one quarter of the children with this sleep disorder have more frequent episodes. Sleepwalking is more common in boys then it is in girls. Most children that sleepwalk outgrow the symptoms of this sleep disorder by adolescence as their nervous systems develop.

In children this sleep disorder is thought to be the result of the immaturity of the brain’s sleep / wake cycle. Normally the entire brain wakes up at the same time. However, in the case of a sleepwalker, the entire brain does not wake up together. The portion that is responsible for mobility wakes up while the portion responsible for cognition and awareness stays asleep. The child is actually in a deep state of sleep.

With this sleep disorder the brain remains partially asleep but the body is able to move. It is common for the sleepwalker to get out of bed and walk around. Sometimes they get dressed or go outside. Even though the sleepwalker’s eyes are open and they see what they are doing, their expression remains blank. They do not respond to conversation or their name being called. A sleepwalker’s movements usually appear clumsy. It is not uncommon for them to trip over furniture or knock over things as they move around. A sleepwalking episode usually happens one to two hours after the child goes to sleep. Most of these episodes last for fifteen minutes or less, but some can last for an hour or more.

This sleep disorder in children is usually outgrown and treatment is not generally necessary. In most cases, a parent gently guiding the child back to bed is all that is needed. There is not any need to wake the child.

However, there is about 1% of the population that sleepwalk as adults. Adults that have this sleep disorder did not necessarily have it as a child. In adults a sleepwalking episode can be triggered by stress, anxiety, sleep fragmentation, sleep deprivation, or certain medical conditions such as epilepsy.

Treatment for adults with this sleep disorder is often dependent upon the amount of danger they are in during an episode. For example, a sleepwalker who opens doors and goes outside onto a busy city street is in danger. A sleepwalker that gets up and goes into the living room and sits down on a chair most likely is not in danger. Treatments can include behavioral therapies, self hypnosis, or prescription medication.

A sleepwalker, whether adult or child, needs to have a safe area so that they do not get hurt during an episode. Precautions can be taken to eliminate some dangers. Parents should make sure the child’s bedroom does not have any sharp or breakable objects. Doors should be locked at night to keep the sleepwalker from going outside. Sometimes it is necessary to put bells on doors to alert the sleeping parent that their child is sleepwalking. Large glass windows and doors should be covered with heavy drapery to lessen the chance of having the sleepwalker walk through it while it is closed.

A child with the sleep disorder of somnambulism needs to be protected and kept safe during an episode. It is the environment they are in that is the danger more then the sleep disorder itself.

What Baby Acne is All About

Although teenagers are often the ones attacked by a bad case of acne, adults can have it too and surprisingly so do babies.

More common than you think

Baby acne is actually a common condition in newborns and it is a really normal occurrence. The condition is characterized by red bumps on the skin that may initially appear as rashes. Often, baby acne starts off about three to four weeks after birth and may last until he or she reaches about four to six months old. Still, there are some babies that develop baby acne at birth.

There is no clear cause of baby acne but some experts suggests the role of the hormones that mothers pass on to their child during the last stages of pregnancy. These hormones babies get from the womb and sometimes from the breastmilk play a role in the development of the acne condition. As your baby grows, these hormones slowly disappear from the system. When this happens, the problem acne also disappears.

And because baby acne is basically caused by the chemical make up of the body, there is really nothing you can do to prevent it from happening. The only thing perhaps that parents have a power on is to make sure that your baby will remain comfortable despite the problem and that it will not become worse because of irritation.

Although baby acne is actually not a cause for alarm as it is quite normal for some babies to develop them, it is still important that parents become aware of the condition so as not to exacerbate the case and increase the irritation. Symptoms of baby acne include red bumps that are commonly found on the cheeks. The bumps may also appear on the chin and on the forehead.

Aggravating matters

Baby acne frequently gets irritated when the baby becomes hit or fussy. The stress brought about by these conditions will often irritate the case. Saliva, spits and even milk may also exacerbate the problem, making it appear worse than before.

There is really no treatment available for baby acne. As mentioned before, the condition will disappear on its own once the hormones disappear from the system. Most doctors would recommend gentle washing of the face with a really mild cleanser to remove the oils. Vigorous washing is a no no as this can irritate the skin all the more. Remember that baby acne is not caused by germs or dirt but rather hormones so no amount of washing can make the condition go away. In addition, too much washing may also remove the natural oils of the skin, resulting in the increased activity of the oil glands. Like all other things, too much is also not good.

Another reminder for parents is to lessen or avoid altogether the use of oils and lotions on the skin as this can add up to the grease that are already acting up on the acne. Never ever put any skin ointments and other facial products as this can aggravate the matter. Using topical medicines on the problem areas may only make it worse especially if your babys skin is ultra sensitive. Before you do anything about it or apply anything, make sure that you have consulted your pediatrician or a dermatologist about it.

Knowing About Adult Acne

Acne has long been associated with the adolescence stage, perhaps because this is the time when breakouts occur but adults can also develop acne and having no acne when you were a teenager does not mean that you will not have one when you reach your 20s and 30s.

In fact, there are many that only develop the condition later in life. Doctors attribute the phenomenon to the fact that internal body systems and make up change over time and one factor that causes the development of acne is the bodys hormones. Another theory is the fact that there are certain types of acne that only occur when one is already an adult.
Although there is no conclusive evidence that the rate of occurrence for adult acne has risen up, more and more adults are observed to be seeking treatment for their conditions. This may be brought about by increasing awareness on the problem of acne in adults and the fact that it can be cured.

About a quarter of men in their mid 20w to their early 40s experience or develop acne. Women, however, have a bigger problem as they are most likely to develop adult acne. In fact, about 50 percent of women in the same age range have acne breakouts. Another bad news is the fact that controlling the acne does not mean that recurrence will not occur. There are even some people who get acne problem when they are about 40 years old, some even beyond 50.

Unlike with adolescent acne when the skin is much more elastic and its ability to heal and regenerate is still fast, adult acne is more prone to permanent scarring. This is perhaps because as one grows older, the skin loses its collagen which primarily needed for the skin to heal and bounce back after much damage. Another reason is that adult acne conditions are often more severe than what is usually experienced during adolescence.

Although there is really no preventive measure that will completely eradicate the possibility of developing acne later in life. As mentioned earlier adult acne is actually caused by the changed in the internal body system. There is really nothing much that one can do about that.

Still, it does not hurt to develop practices that may prevent mild cases of acne from exacerbating further. One of the steps to consider of course is to always keep the face clean. Although any soap will actually do to clean the face, there are people whose sensitive skins do not respond well to the harshness of some body soaps. Dermatologists therefore recommend the use of a mild soap that is water soluble to make sure that it will go easy on the skin and it will not leave any traces that can clog the skin further.

Another preventive measure is the use products that will reduce the oil on the skin such as facial masks that are often worn while sleeping, which is the time when oil production goes on haywire. Another is the use of rice paper during the day, which helps in controlling the oily environment where the acne bacteria thrives on.

Exfoliation and disinfection are also needed to keep the acne bacteria at bay. Products with 1% to 2% beta hydroxy acid (BHA) or an 8% alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) ingredients are great exfoliants. BHA is actually better than AHA but some people are allergic to it. Benzoyl Peroxide, on the other hand, is the first line product that is used to disinfect the skin and kill of the bacteria.

Identifying Lower Back Pain Symptoms

Lower back pain is a common complaint not only in old age but also among much younger adults. What truly cause this element may never be exactly diagnosed and even experienced physicians and experts may overlook some causes underlying the condition. The patient may also find it hard to distinguish the location of the pain and may often be confused on where to start pinching the section of the body to temporarily relieve the pain.

The typical lower back pain symptom is excruciating pain felt somewhere in the back. There is no telling how one would identify the cause of pain without really undergoing medical examination or x-ray. However, even these two may not suffice, as there is a host of symptoms that are not supported with anatomical abnormalities. But still the pain is real and not psychological.

The problem often arises here. Since physicians don’t find any physical symptoms with some forms of lower back pain, they may recommend their patients to a psychiatrist. Therefore, no true diagnosis is made therefor the condition is not properly addressed.

No one should be blamed for this, not even the doctor who emphasized that nothing is wrong.

Why this is the case is not yet comprehensively studied. But recent researches assert that trigger points may be responsible for this condition/s. Trigger points are individual areas in the body that are usually located nearest to the bones. The fact is, for each pain that is felt there are a number of trigger points responsible.

Most lower back pain would go away for around 3 months after the onset and will only recur as suddenly as it went. However there are symptoms that may indicate the severity of the condition and may require immediate medical intervention and surgery. The following symptoms may be as follows:

Cauda equina syndrome or sudden bowl movement, which may not be linked to other conditions rather than the actual pain felt at the lower back. This syndrome may also manifest as progressive weakness of the legs. There can be no known cause for this except that the sciatic nerve that is located at the lower back down to the legs is impaired or irritated.

Continuous low back pain

Severe abdominal pain

Sudden fever and chills without evidence of illnesses that normally come along with these two.

Unexplained weight loss

Unlike with other ailments, lower back pain symptoms may vary from case to case and the severity of the case is also dependent on the individual states.