Treating Arthritis Naturally

Treating Arthritis Naturally
Mike Law

There are actually three common types of arthritis. These are Osteoarthritis which is the most common, affecting around 16 million Americans with an average age of 45. It usually will attack weight bearing joints like knees, hips, and ankles but has been found in the fingers, neck and spine. Each of our joints is cushioned by cartilage, a very dense, sponge-like substance. Osteoarthritis attacks that cartilage and gradually wears it down.

Another type of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis. Extremely painful and inflammatory, it strikes the lining of the joints and actually attacks two million Americans in their twenties.

Psoriatic Arthritis is not as well known as the previous two, but actually eats away at the joints and can also manifest as psoriasis on the skin.

The term Arthritis literally translates to joint inflammation. If you suffer from any of the different types of Arthritis listed above, chances are you have taken drugs to combat the effects or tried other home remedies. If you havent
yet tried Urtication, it might be helpful. The term Urtication comes from the botanical name, Urtica dioica and dates back some 2,000 years to biblical times. Urtica dioica is Stinging Nettle. The treatment is to grasp the nettles in a gloved hand and swat the sore joints with the
nettles. This may seem bizarre, but the practice has proven to be so effective for some sufferers of arthritis that they now maintain a nettle plant on their window sill.

Here are a few more herbs that are used effectively for the treatment of arthritis:

Black Cohosh
Also known as Black Snakeroot, Bugbane, Rattleroot, Rattleweed, Squawroot. The dried root is the part used. This is a powerful relaxant as well as being extremely effective with easing painful menstrual cramps. Ovarian cramps will be relieved as well as bringing on a delayed
menstrual cycle. It is also effective in the treatment of arthritis, osteo-arthritis, rheumatic pain and neurological pain. In small doses, appetite and digestion are greatly improved and is very beneficial for the nervous system in

Useful for treatment of rheumatism, osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Also has a stimulating effect on the walls of the colon and digestive juices.

Celery Seeds
Use dried ripe fruits to use as an anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, diuretic or anti-spasmodic. Great for treating rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

Very useful in cases of acne, arthritis, chronic backache, skin conditions of warts and blotches. Also one of the best cancer herbs.

Use the leaves to treat migraine headaches, arthritis, dizziness and tinnitus.

The is the herb we referred to earlier and is another one of those universal plants. They are found all over the world and they strengthen the entire body. Rheumatism, arthritis, eczema, nosebleeds, arteries, lessen blood pressure are
just a few applications. Nettles contain calcium, chlorine, iron, potassium, silicon, sodium and sulphur.

A natural hydrochloric acid (utilizes sugar of fruits and oils), thus helping arthritics get rid of the uric acid which holds the calcium deposited in the joints. Also reduces lactic acid build up. Good for measles, skin, scarlet fever and perspiration.

Hope for arthritics. The extract from the plant has been used with surprising success on arthritis and rheumatism sufferers.

All of the herbs mentioned here should be available at your local health food store along with suggestions on how to prepare them for use. Some applications will be to ingest in teas while others may facilitate creating a topical treatment.

No matter what natural remedies you choose please consult your physician to make certain that your course of treatment does not interfere with medications that your doctor subscribes for your treatment.

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Finding An Acne Treatment For You

No matter if you are a teenager or an adult, acne is an embarrassing thing to deal with. Even if you are the only one that notices the small marks, you may still suffer from lowered self esteem, and major amounts of self-consciousness whenever you go into public. Even if you dont really mind what others think about you, you may want to get rid of the acne for professional reasons, or to increase your sex appeal to your significant other. No matter what your reason is for wanting the acne off of your face, you should look into some of the most popular acne treatments in order to get rid of it.

The most common form of acne treatment is a cream. Almost every major cosmetics company offers their own kind of cream that you rub on your face once, twice, or three times a day. These typically have good effects on your skin, but whether they work or not is entirely unique to your body and your acne. Try out a few different brands and see if you have good luck with any of them. If you have tried out several kinds of cream and have had no decrease in acne, then you should move on to other methods of treatment. It is no use sticking with something that obviously isnt working.

If you are looking to take a step up and find something a little more complicated, you can get suites of treatments from some cosmetic companies. The process is different with every company. For example, you might have to spray your face with a misty product, swab it down with a special cloth, then rub lotion into your face and rinse it all off. These are generally more expensive than regular simpler lotions, and it is hard to say whether they are more effective. You will have to do some comparisons on your own and decide whether you think it is worth the extra money. Never spend too much on treatment most of the time it simply isnt worth it.

Another more radical form of treatment is to take acne shots. These shots are usually designed to dry out the skin around the area that they are injected into. Acne will disappear almost immediately, but you will have to cope with something that is arguably worse: dry skin. For the next few months after you get shots, skin all over your entire body will be dry, and possibly peeling. As long as you religiously apply lotion to keep your body moisturized, this wont be too bad of an experience. It is definitely the most efficient way to get rid of acne.

Hopefully at least one of these treatments sounds attractive. If you use all of them and none of them work, then you could be dealing with something much more ominous than just simply acne. But the chances are that by using these, you will be able to completely rid yourself of the curse of acne, and become much more clean and pleasant looking. Just progress with caution and choose your treatment wisely. Treatments only work if you can stick with them, so choose something that fits the level of commitment that you are willing to make towards getting rid of your acne.

Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?

Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?
Rudy Silva

With 10 million or more people with arthritis, the majority of them will have degenerative arthritis. This arthritis is called Osteoarthritis. Degenerative arthritis occurs when joints are overworked, rub against each other, experience excess friction, and slowly degenerate.
Most joints rub against each other, but bone joints have a protective layer called cartilage. This cartilage has no blood vessels or nerves so it cannot receive nutrients directly. This cartilage serves as a cushion or pad between bones so that bones don’t wear out and so you don’t feel pain.
Cartilage should not wear out if its surfaces remain lubricated with oils that you eat. But if you are not eating the right oils or the proper amount, then your cartilage can become dry. Under these conditions you will slowly deteriorate the cartilage, which will lead to degenerative arthritis.
Once your cartilage becomes damage or grinded down, it is hard to regenerate it. Cartilage is not a living tissue and does not receive its nourishment directly from blood vessels. It is made up of mucin, albumin and sulfuric acid. It absorbs oils and nutrients by osmosis.
Osmosis is the movement of oil from an area of high oil concentration passing through a membrane into an area of low oil concentration. So if the cartilage is deficient in oil and you don’t eat the oil it needs to minimize cartilage-to-cartilage friction, then degenerative arthritis will occur over time.
Eating oil that is high in vitamin D and iodine is what is necessary for good cartilage strength and function. Oil such as cod liver oil is ideal as lubrication for cartilage function. Fish oil is another good oil to eat. When you eat cod liver oil, this oil passes through the joint lining into the joint cavity. Once in the cavity, this oil is absorbed into the cartilage through osmosis.
Once the cartilage is properly lubricated, it has an elasticity and lubrication so that when it rubs against other cartilage little friction and cartilage degeneration occurs.
There is another process that can affect the integrity of the cartilage. Calcium can deposit on the bone near the cartilage and breaking to the cartilage and wear it down.
To prevent this condition, calcium must be kept in solution in the lymph liquid. This is done by maintain a balance diet.
Degenerative arthritis is a process where the cartilage at the end of bones in joint structures slowly degrades. This degradation occurs from the lack of the right oil in the diet and through calcium build up in the bone joint. Joint degeneration starts to occur after the age of 20 and can continue if the right diet if not followed.
Eating the right food to prevent degenerative arthritis is difficult to do if you have been brought up eating the wrong kinds of food. But as an adult you can now make a choice as to whether you will have Osteoarthritis when you get older by eating the foods.

About The Author

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call “” More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at: http://www.acne-remedies.for–
[email protected]

Arthritis Symptoms You Should Know About

Arthritis Symptoms You Should Know About
Rudy Silva

Many people have arthritis symptoms and don’t realize it. It takes a while to get full blown arthritis. It’s something that gradually builds up and before you know it, you have arthritis and are seeing your doctor for medication. Any medication you take does not address the cause of arthritis and will not improve your condition.If you show any arthritis symptoms, then expect to have arthritis 4-10 year down the road. Typically when people have symptoms, they just ignore them and actual don’t recognize them as arthritis symptoms.Here is a list of arthritis symptoms that you need to look out for. Each person will show different symptom because of the nutritional make up will be different.Dry scalp with dandruffDry skin which shows a whitish in different parts of the bodyEar has no ear waxFingernails that are brittle or splittingPremature color change to graySkin wrinkles in the neck areaRinging in the earsComplexion color is paleStretch mark which appear after losing weightRectum itchingAccumulation of dried flakes at the corners of the eyesNose is constantly itchingFeeling stiffness when getting up in the morningHands and legs get cold and clammyBleeding gumsTeeth have etch linesVaricose veins in the legsBeing sterileFrom this list of arthritis symptoms, you can see that many symptoms relate to your body being dry. One of the causes of arthritis is the lack of essential oils. If you lack oil in your body, you will have dryness throughout your body. You will lack the oil that provides the lubrication to the body joints.You can have one or many of these arthritis symptoms. If you do, you can start at any age using the oils good for preventing arthritis. You can start eliminating those foods that are detrimental to your joints and health. Some times it takes awhile to eliminate specific foods from you eating habits. So the sooner you start the better.Without the proper oil reaching your joints, your joints will slowly degrade. The cartilage of your joints will be dry and this causes friction. This friction causes heat that will help in the slow degradation of your joints. Because the cartilage has no blood vessels, nutritional oils cannot be directly delivered its cells. Oils have to be absorbed into the cartilage by osmosis.Look over this list of arthritis symptoms and decide if you have one or more. Remember, arthritis takes many years to appear after the symptom does. About the Author
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter called “Natural Remedies”. For more information on arthritis go to: http://www.arthritis-remedies.for–