Acne Scars Treatments-Good News

Good news! There is no reason to continue suffering from acne scars. It doesn’t matter if you have deep, pitted scars, or relatively minor ones, there are acne scars treatments available that can help you. These treatments cover everything to inexpensive home remedies to fairly pricey procedures that can only be performed by a medical professional.

Which option you choose will depend on several factors:
– How many scars you currently have
– How severe the scarring is
– The amount of time you are able to take to get rid of the acne scars
– How much money you have and what acne scars treatments your health insurance will cover
– Whether past treatments have worked

In most cases it is best to wait until you are done with your acne outbreaks before getting treatment for any scarring you may have. After all, you wouldn’t want to pay to have scars removed only to have a new outbreak cause more scars.

You should always check with your doctor or a dermatologist before trying any of the several acne scars treatments that are available. With that word of caution in mind, here are some options you may want to try:

1. Home remedy acne scars treatments. There isn’t a lot of medical evidence to back up claims about the effectiveness of home remedies, but many people use them and swear they work. Gently applying vitamin E or olive oil seems to moisturize the skin and reduce scarring, especially if you catch it early. Some people like to use lemon juice, but others find it to be too acidic, so be sure to test it on a small area of the skin first.

2. Medication for acne scars. You can go to the store and find several products that will help with acne which can minimize future scarring. There are also products that are made to reduce scarring, so you may want to give those a try. Another option is to talk to your doctor about prescription medications that you can use.

3. Acne scar procedures. There are also a few good options that require a visit to a doctor or an aesthetician. Lasers basically burn away old skin cells and promote the growth of healthier new cells. IPL (Intense Pulse Light) does the same basic thing, but does not require a medical license (in most jurisdictions) to be used. Dermabrasion is another of the acne scars treatments that removes old skin so new skin can take its place. Chemical peels are another option that removes skin, but many people are sensitive to this procedure; however, if your dermatologist believes you can tolerate it, then it’s worth a shot.

As you can see, there are several acne scars treatments that are available to you. However, none of them will do you any good if you just read about them. Instead you need to take action. See, you don’t have to live with unsightly scars from acne, so go ahead and take the first step now toward looking your best.

Getting Rid Of Acne Scars

Whenever body suffers any injury, the body rushes its soldiers to protect itself. Acne infection is also an injury that needs repair and body sends white blood cells and other molecules that fight the infection and repair the infected site. After the repairing job is completed, a scar forms that is the sign of repair. Skin never becomes as smooth as it was before the acne. Some scar is always left. Let us find out more about acne scars and how doctors can repair them so that you get something similar to your earlier look again.

Types Of acne scars- before we discuss about the type of scars, let us also note that everyone has different tendency of scar formation. Some people develop very less scars, while others may have major scars for the same type of acne. Acne scars are of two types- scars that are caused by loss of tissue and scars caused by increased tissue formation.

Depressed Scars- these scars may be of different types such as Ice-pick scars, depressed fibrotic scars, soft scars and macular types. As the cyst expands with pus, bacteria, oil and dead skin cells it ruptures and attacks the dermis. to protect the dermis the white blood cells rush in. This rupture may cause loss of collagen giving rise to deep recess or depression. The skin above is left unsupported because of loss of tissue below it and a saucer shaped or jagged ice pick scar is formed. Ice pick scars are more common on face.

Keloids- In some people the scar forms in a reverse fashion. With the loss of collagen, body triggers fibroblasts that produce excessive collagen producing scar tissues called keloids. Keloids are more commonly found on male torsos. Other type of increased tissue formation scar is called hypertrophic scar. Hypertrophy means overgrowth.

Scar Treatment- scars can be treated by your dermatologist using different treatments. Before proceeding for scar treatment, you have to discuss your feelings about the scars with your doctor. The cost involved may also play a role in choosing the treatment. What results you desire is the third factor. The severity of the scar, the location and type of treatments that can be done are other factors that have to be used to treat acne scars.

The common treatments for acne scars are- collagen treatment, laser treatment, dremabrasion, microdermabrasion, skin surgery, skin grafting etc. Keloids may be left untreated if it is felt that treatment will form further keloids. Injecting with steroid injections may also treat keloids.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Acne Types, Causes And Treatments

Acne Vulgaris, commonly referred to as pimples, is an inflammatory disease of the skin. This condition is very common in puberty. As one reaches their early twenties, it either disappears or decreases. Acne begins because of the comedo, an enlarged hair follicle plugged with oil and bacteria. The comedo is invisible to the naked eye and is present beneath the surface of the skin. When it gets the right condition, it grows into an inflamed lesion. The oil produced from the skin helps bacteria to flourish within the swollen follicle.

Non-inflammatory acre are of two types Closed comedo or white head, and Open comedo or black head. There are 4 types of inflammatory acne

Papule It is the mildest form that appears on the skin as a small, firm pink bump.

Pustule They are small round lesions containing visible pus. They may appear red at the base and yellowish or whitish at the center.

Nodule or Cyst Large and painful, they are pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. The nodules may persist for weeks or months with the contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars.

Acne Conglobata This severe bacterial infection develops mostly on the back, buttocks and chest.

The chief causes of acne are hormones like androgen, production of extra sebum, follicle fallout, bacteria and inflammation. For controlling acne, you can carry out the following steps

– Avoid excessive washing of your skin. It can leave the healthy skin dry, thus irritating the acne prone areas. Over-washing may also stimulate extra oil production.

– Avoid alcohol products to tone your skin. Alcohol is a strong astringent that strips the top layer of the skin causing sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

– Do not squeeze or pick the acne with fingernails, pins or any other thing. It forces the bacteria deeper into the skin and often leaves a permanent acne scar.

– A wash is required after exercise. The heat and moisture trapped against the skin creates an ideal breeding ground for the spread of bacteria.

– Consume food rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B-2, Vitamin B-3, Vitamin E and Zinc like eggs, nuts, liver, milk, fish and leafy green vegetables.

– Proper sleep and a life without stress and emotional anxiety can reduce acne.

– Wear little make-up while exercising. Avoid garments that are made exclusively with nylon.

Laser surgery is often used to reduce the scars left behind by acne. Treating acne with azelaic acid, salicylic acid, tropical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide is also common. A large number of people started trying herbal acne treatments over the traditional medications by using teas, oils and herbal creams.