How CHF Patients can Take Advantage of Translational Research?

In nature every action spawns a separate and equal reaction. In the field of medicine, the reaction may not always be equal to the action. The performance of a particular treatment in the lab on test animals may not be the same as would be seen in a human subject; this is where the field of translational research comes in.

Translational research takes research from the laboratory to the patient’s bedside. This can be done in several forms. In its earliest stages a treatment will undergo controlled clinical trials with a voluntary group of test subjects. If these small, controlled tests meet the acceptable range of success the treatment is then taken to research hospitals such as St. Jude’s or Children’s Hospital of Boston. Here patients are given the opportunity to experience new methods of control and treatment of a disease with the understanding that it is still considered highly experimental; however, for many these treatments represent a chance for a cure that previously as out of reach for them as the moon.

Congestive heart failure is, at the moment, an incurable event, occurring when for whatever reason the cells of the heart muscle are destroyed and the heart can no longer adequately pump blood throughout the body. Once the cells in the heart tissue are non-functional the body is unable to replace them, making it impossible for the heart to regain full heart function on its own. The current mortality rate is high, and over fifty percent of patients with congestive heart failure will die within five years of being diagnosed. There are many treatment options currently being considered for congestive heart failure, however, and a number of new technologies being tested daily. For example, Montefiore Medical Center in New York City is currently doing clinical trials on a drug known as Lovosimendan, a calcium sensitizer that does not trigger cardiac arrhythmia, and research into the possibility of using stem cells to regrow cardiac tissue is ongoing.

For a patient to take advantage of these options they should discuss the possibility of being a subject for clinical testing with their physician to see if they would be a good candidate, then allow the physician to make a recommendation on a course of action from there. It may be suggested that the patient contact a research facility, or the physician may suggest their name for a clinical trial they know is occurring soon. If the patient lives in an area with a research hospital nearby, chances are there will be an opportunity for them to benefit from the hospital’s policy on translational research.

It should be understood that translational research is precisely what it sounds like; research. Scientists and doctors are often still learning about the treatment and its effect on the human body, and there is always a possibility that it will be unsuccessful or carry with it many hazardous side effects. These courses of treatments are unknowns to physician and researcher alike. For patients who have run out of options, however, even the possibility of a negative effect cannot stifle what the opportunity to be part of a translational research project provides: hope.

How Can Stem Cells Be Used to Treat Congestive Heart

How Can Stem Cells Be Used to Treat Congestive Heart Failure?

Heart failure is a devastating blow to the body system, and despite the best efforts of clinicians and researchers often results in permanent organ damage and eventual death. Researchers are fighting to put a stop to the high mortality rate of congestive heart failure, and believe stem cells may be the way to do it.

The possible uses for stem cells have made it a highly published topic in medical journals today. Stem cells are the precursors to every cell in the body, and are primarily produced in the bone marrow in adults. During times of crisis, such as when a patient suffers from leukemia, the spleen and other organs that possessed stem cells during fetal development will take over production. This is the body’s way of maintaining proper cell balances and replenishing itself as old cells die. For example, red blood cells in the circulation only have a lifespan of approximately four months; during that time the hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow are continuously producing new rubriblasts, the precursor cells that will over time become mature erythrocytes.

There are several forms of stem cells; for the sake of research scientists are currently focusing on the embryonic and adult varieties. Embryonic stem cells come from a blastocyst, a four to five day old human embryo. During gestation these pluripotent cells will divide and multiply, forming the body and internal organs of the fetus. Embryonic stem cells are highly valued for research for several reasons; they are able to provide large numbers of replenishing cells and have no limitations on what form of cells they can become. The use of embryonic stem cells is highly controversial, however, due to the fact that collection often requires the destruction of the embryo.

There are several methods that have been published in research journals regarding the application of stem cells in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure results when cells in the heart are dysfunctional or destroyed and the heart is unable to properly pump blood throughout the body. Some patients are able to be treated using mechanical aids or transplant, but this is not always the case. Several years ago a group of patients with no other available options for treatment agreed to be part of a test study regarding stem cells. Autologous stem cells were removed from the marrow and injected into the failing heart tissue through the chest wall. Patients who received this treatment showed marked improvement, presumably as a result of stem cell action. The precise means by which this occurs is still unknown; however, research scientists speculate that the stem cell is either growing new vessels or acting as a beacon to bring other cells in to repair the damaged tissue.

Another possibility regarding stem cells is the growth of tissue for transplant. Hearts available for an organ transplant are not as easily obtained as physicians would desire, and there are often waiting lists years long for every available organ. Stem cells grow readily in a laboratory environment, and if unstimulated to differentiate will reproduce pluripotent daughter cells. This results in a tissue that will essentially adapt to whatever environment it is placed in. Research scientists speculate that with the proper environment essentially grow heart tissue and transplant it to the patient who has suffered heart failure, replacing the dead and damaged tissues with live, vital tissue. This procedure would allow the heart to function more easily and hopefully give the patient a better chance for survival.

With current treatment the prognosis for sufferers of congestive heart failure is grim. At least fifty percent will die within five years of being diagnosed, and those who are not victims of this mortality rate will feel the effects of their heart failure for the rest of their lives. Stem cell research represents a chance for those patients to beat these odds.

How Can Genes Contribute to and Cure Congestive Heart Failure?

How Can Genes Contribute to and Cure Congestive Heart Failure?

It is common knowledge that heart failure follows another severe form of heart damage; however, until now scientists and doctors have had no way to identify those at risk. New research into genes and gene therapy have made them a potential weapon in the fight against heart failure.
Scientists have made several discoveries regarding the role of genes in the detection and treatment of heart failure. Several years ago it was discovered that a small percentage of patients who had suffered heart failure possessed a defect in the gene that allows the body to detect stress signals; in essence, the heart does not know that it is working to hard and is unable to adjust. This percentage may seem insignificant; however, the gene mutation was not present in any of the healthy patients examined. Researchers stress that this is a susceptibility factor, not a cause of congestive heart failure; however, it may be the breaking point when determining if a heart suffering from other disease will fail. Detection of this mutation may allow doctors to identify and treat patients at risk prior to their heart failing rather than after.

This defect is found in the ATP-sensitive potassium channels and is caused by a genetic mutation. The potassium channel regulates potassium and calcium levels in the body. While the heart must have calcium to function, an excess of calcium leads to damage. This is the reason calcium blockers are often given to patients with congestive heart failure. Fortunately, medications to open the potassium channel already exist.

In addition, a defect of the delta-sarcoglycan gene has been seen in hamsters with muscular dystrophy and cardiomyopathy. This gene is the cytoskeleton of muscle fibers, and successful transplant of a normal human delta-sarcoglycan gene has been shown to cause a tremendous improvement in these animals. This is noteworthy because current transplant attempts require open heart surgery. This type of gene transplant is carried on a virus, eliminating the need for surgery.

Scientists had been a bit concerned with using this method of gene therapy due to the need for a systemic effect. There was also some concern that the body’s natural immune system would eliminate the virus of its own accord prior to successful delivery of the gene; however, they believe they have found the best form of virus to successfully slip past the body’s defenses. When transplanting the delta-sarcoglycan gene researchers used a type eight adeno-associated virus, piggybacking the corrective gene onto it as it was inserted into the body. This allowed the gene to be carried to all areas of the body in animals with muscular dystrophy without being destroyed by the body’s own natural immunity.

Gene therapy is still highly experimental, and researchers are unsure yet of the role it will play in the conquest of heart failure; however, this represents a technology that was unavailable thirty years ago. Continuing advancements in technology and medicine’s knowledge of the body’s building blocks may one day unlock the mysteries to the cure of this deadly disease.

Manifestations of Arthritis

Manifestations of Arthritis
Amanda Baker

One of the most common conditions in the United States today is
a debilitating inflammatory disease that affects our joints. It
is estimated that there are over 100 different forms of this
disease and over 40 million people suffer from one form or

Though typically thought to be an affliction of the aging,
arthritis can affect anyone at any time, and with all of the
different forms, each with their own symptoms, it could be hard
to determine just what type of arthritis an individual is
suffering from.

The signs and symptoms of arthritis are varied, though some of
the first symptoms are familiar and easy to recognize. Symptoms
such as general pain or swelling around the joints, an increased
stiffness in the joints in the morning, a cracking sound in the
knees when standing, and joints with a red appearance that feel
warm to the touch are all signs of arthritis.

However, before you rush to purchase an over-the-counter
arthritis treatment, you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor
is the only one who will be able to tell you what form of
arthritis you may have and how to treat it.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of
arthritis that plagues sufferers. It affects the joints and is a
systemic disease that can affect other organs. Rheumatoid
arthritis symptoms tend to disappear after sometime, but the
problem is still there. The true cause of rheumatoid arthritis
is presently unknown, though many suggest that things such as
infections, fungi, or bacteria are the culprits. However, there
are also those that believe that rheumatoid arthritis is
hereditary. Painful and swollen joints are a common warning sign
of rheumatoid arthritis, followed by muscle pain, extreme
fatigue, redness and warmth at the joints, even a low grade
fever and appetite loss.

Next to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is a common
affliction, caused by breaking down of joint cartilage.
Osteoarthritis commonly begins in one joint and typically only
affects the one joint. It does not move to internal organs.
Osteoarthritis commonly affects the knees, hips, hands, and
spine. By the time the pain starts setting in for an
osteoarthritis sufferer, the damage to the affected joint
cartilage could be considerable.

Relieving pain from a form of arthritis can be as simple as
over-the-counter or prescription medication. However, in the
most severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Being overweight
can also play a role in arthritis. Some physicians believe that
a change in diet can ease the pain of arthritis, though there is
a lot of debate on the topic. Regardless, you should speak to
your doctor who can tell you just what form of arthritis you may
have, and what treatment options may work best for you.

About the author:
Amanda Baker writes for – a website for
health, fitness and wellness information.