What do you need to know about rheumatoid arthritis

What do you need to know about rheumatoid arthritis
Mansi gupta

What is meant by Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a very commonly found form of arthritis. It is a disease that gets worsened over a period of time and leads to painful swelling and permanent damage in the joints of the body particularly the fingers, wrists, feet and ankle. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease i.e. a disease in which the body’s immune system damages its own tissues. The injured tissues cause reddening, swelling and pain in the particular area. Apart from inflammatory joints, this disease can even hit one’s internal organs such as lungs, eyes and heart. It is therefore a systemic ailment that often produces excruciating intolerable pain.

People prone to Rheumatoid Arthritis
Women especially between 20 to 60 years of age are more susceptible to develop Rheumatoid arthritis due to the innumerable hormonal alterations in their body because of various reasons. However, young and the old, anyone can be afflicted by this autoimmune systemic disease.
Symptoms and Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pain, irritation, stiffness, extreme weariness after doing day’s work and even swelling of joints, mark the onset of arthritis. If the situation deteriorates gradually, it is definitely Rheumatoid arthritis.
Contrary to gradual development, in some cases the disease might just hit within few seconds with inflammation and fever.

The stiffness of joints and tiredness because of Rheumatoid arthritis is extreme and hampers the individual’s daily activities. The problem may trouble more during winter season.
A burning pain in the joints (left or right hand, cartilage and bone etc.) that prolongs for six weeks or more at a stretch indicates Rheumatoid Arthritis. But if the pain travels to individual’s sacroiliac joints of lower back or to the upper spine, the disease is other than this one

Factors that invoke the disease
No strict causes for Rheumatoid Arthritis have been discovered as yet. But investigations and experience have revealed many some constantly occurring or usual factors that have led to its development.
The individual with a family history of Rheumatoid Arthritis is greatly liable to be afflicted by it. But particularly what infested thing gets passed on from affected ancestors to the patient still needs to be explored.
Acute stress is supposed to be another reason behind Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Different viruses such as mononucleosis can cause Rheumatoid Arthritis. Other than this, infections like strep throat lead to the ailment.

Prevention and Cures
Diagnosis commences with some crucial tests. These tests determine the severity or the stage of rheumatoid arthritis for the individual. Once rheumatoid arthritis is confirmed, anti-rheumatic drugs are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen etc. are prescribed initially and more often to those who are suffering from mild form of the disease. But when the case gets worse, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs or DMARDs are given. Corticosteroids like prednisone, narcotics; chemotherapy drugs for instance Cytoxan; anti-organ rejection medicines such as cyclosporine are examples of DMARDs. Arava, Enbrel or Etanercept and Methotrexate are by and large recommended medicines to patients of Rheumatoid arthritis. But as many other antibiotics, these drugs too have numerous side-effects which should be borne in mind before advising them.
Besides medicines patients even find therapies like acupressure and acupuncture quite relieving. In many cases of Rheumatoid arthritis, patients also desire to go for a surgery About the Author
Mansi gupta writes about. rheumatoid arthritis Learn more at http://www.arthritiseffects.com

What Causes Childhood Arthritis?

What Causes Childhood Arthritis?
David Chandler

What is childhood arthritis?Childhood arthritis is a disease that occurs in children under the age of 16. It causes pain, stiffness, and swelling in one or more of the joints. This pain, stiffness, and swelling are called inflammation. With childhood arthritis, the inflammation lasts longer than six weeks, and is not caused by an injury or other illness. Childhood arthritis is also called juvenile arthritis.How common is childhood arthritis? It affects 1 in 1,000 US children under the age of 16. Both boys and girls are affected by childhood arthritis. Arthritis is not just a disease of old people. In fact, approximately one in 1,000 children under the age of 16 suffers from arthritis. Juvenile arthritis is among the most common chronic childhood disorders.What causes childhood arthritis?The exact cause of childhood arthritis is unknown. Childhood arthritis does not usually run in families and cannot be passed from one person to another. The onset of childhood arthritis may follow an infection or injury, but these events do not cause the arthritis. With childhood arthritis, the body’s immune system stops working properly. The immune system’s job is to fight off germs and disease. However, in a child with childhood arthritis the immune system attacks healthy tissues. What triggers this process is unknown.What can you do about childhood arthritis? If your child has inflammation, in one or more joints for more than six weeks your doctor may perform a physical examination of your child and order tests, such as x-rays and blood tests to find out what is causing the inflammation. There is not just one single symptom, sign, or test that will give a diagnosis of childhood arthritis.If your doctor thinks your child has childhood arthritis, he or she will usually refer your child to a rheumatologist (pronounced room-a-tol-o-jist). A rheumatologist is a doctor who has received special training in the diagnosis and treatment of problems involving inflammation of the joints, muscles and other parts of the body. About the Author
For more information, visit www.ArthritisInfoCenter.com

Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief – Fun and Effective

Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief – Fun and Effective
Isabelle Boulay

Everybody knows exercise is a significant part of staying
healthy. As anyone with arthritis can tell you, though, when
your joints say no to play, exercise goes from pleasurable and
stimulating activity into a trial of how much pain you can

The tendency when suffering from arthritis is to keep your
joints as motionless as possible. The problem is that this leads
to weakening of the muscles and tendons and a stiffening of
joints, which makes the pain worse over time. It is a
self-feeding cycle difficult to break out of.

One solution comes in the form of The Arthritis Foundation
Aquatics Program, a warm water exercise program designed by the
Arthritis Foundation. Why warm water exercise? The warmth
offered by hot water allows muscles to relax and intensifies
circulation of blood to the joints. In fact, ever since the
discovery of the first hot springs, humans have used the miracle
of warm water baths to fight aching joints.

Besides reducing the pain in your joints, exercising in water
permits body weight to be supported. This makes exercising in
water easier, safer and more relaxing. Not only that, but the
resistance that water provides as your body moves in it helps
strengthen muscles

These days, what with spas, health clubs and backyard hot tubs,
just about anyone has access to a pool of hot water to relax in.
Not only does this bring some immediate relief of arthritis
symptoms, but it also provides us with a great environment in
which we can exercise.

You should consult your doctor before beginning water exercise.
Water exercise is completely safe for most people, with a few
exceptions. If you’ve have suffered serious joint damage or
replacement surgery you may be among them. Your doctor will know
what’s right for you. Also be aware of temperature. Water
between 83 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for exercise.
Anything over 100 degrees may be relaxing, but can lead to
overheating. After you’ve gotten the doctor go ahead, it’s time
to get started.

The Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program exercises can be found
in the free brochure “Water Exercise: Pools, Spas and Arthritis”
from the Arthritis Foundation. Classes are also offered at local
pools nationwide–contact your local Arthritis Foundation office
for information. The classes are lead by a trained instructor,
usually last between 45 minutes to an hour and are scheduled 2
to 3 times a week.

With a doctor’s guidance, whether at a local pool or at home, a
water exercise program is a fun and effective way to combat
arthritis and keep joints and muscles healthy.

About the author:
Isabelle Boulay is a writer and contributor to
www.Medopedia.com, where you can find more information on arthritis
treatment and
atments for high blood pressure.

Air Purifiers: Are They Worth the Buy?

Do you own an air purifier, if not, there is a good chance that you would be interested in owning one in the future, if you arent already interested. That is because air purifiers are rapidly increasing in popularity. Why you may ask? Air purifiers are rapidly increasing in popularity because they make indoor air healthier and cleaner. This means that by owning an air purifier, your home or your office space could become a pleasant place to be, instead of an unhealthy or an unpleasant place.

When it comes to air purifiers, despite the fact that they are popular, there are still many individuals who wonder whether or not they should get one. This is because many individuals wonder whether or not air purifiers are actually worth the buy. Are you one of those individuals? If so, you may be in for the surprise of your life. That is because, in most cases, air purifiers are not only a good buy, but they could also be considered quite a deal.

Quite a deal, you wonder? When it comes to air purifiers, there are many individuals who feel that they are expensive to purchase. While air purifiers can be expensive to purchase, you need to remember one thing. They result in clean air, which is easier to breathe. Can you put a price tag on that? That is why, when you think about, air purifiers are a great deal; thus making them definitely worth the buy. However, as great as air purifiers are, you need to remember that they are not all the same. That is why it is important that you know what you are buying.

When buying an air purifier, you need to examine the overall cost of an air purifier. The overall cost of owning an air purifier isnt just the price that you pay at the store; it is the price overtime. With many air purifiers, you are required to change the filter every few months. This ups the cost of an air purifier. For that reason, you are advised to examine the cost of a replacement filter, before making your purchase. If you are concerned with the cost of a replacement filter, you will want to examine air purifiers that do not use filters, just collection grids. These types of air purifiers may cost more money, upfront, but they could end up saving you money, in the long run.

It is also important to examine what you will be using your air purifier for. A large number of individuals use air purifiers if they have pets or if they have a smoker inside the house. Unfortunately, not all air purifiers are designed to remove these types of particles from the air. Therefore, if you plan on using an air purifier for smoke or for pets, you are advised to thoroughly read the descriptions of each air purifier that you are interested in buying. Buying the wrong type of air purifier can turn an otherwise good purchase into one that is definitely not worth the buy.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to find and purchase the air purifier that best fits your needs and the needs of your household. This is, in turn, will make your next air purifier purchase definitely worth the buy.