Biotin and Hair Loss

Falling hair is normal, when you take bath roll in the bed, do combing and such other activities, you lost some of your hairs. It is very natural. But if your hair falls and that too in such a quantity that makes your head poor haired then it is a deficiency, which may ultimately lead to baldness. If this is the case, then you are suffering with hair problems.

The causes may be many and you need to identify them, but ultimately your body is deficient of Biotin. Yes, Biotin, it is the vitamin, which makes your hair healthy, strong and good looking. It is clinically proven, so maintaining a good level of Biotin in your body system is as essential as maintaining other vitamins and minerals. Biotin is necessary for your hairs health and overall well being. Medical specialists advise that the persons suffering with Hair Problems must take Biotin in addition to other medications.

So if you are suffering with hair problems, must go for medications with Biotin substitutes. Foods like eggs. Yolk and liver contains a lot of Biotin, you need to consume these foods in rich quantity to maintain your health and prevent hair loss.
Using a Biotin enriched shampoo may also help in improving your hair health.

Some more foods rich in Biotin are; brewers yeast, green peas, oats, soybeans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, green peas, bulgur and brown rice, etc. Eating these foods and food products will help your body in maintaining a good level of Biotin.

A person who is a patient of heartburn, acid reflux or GERD absorbs less amount of Biotin, and hence may trap into hair problems. This is because; a person suffering with above-mentioned disease takes a lot of antacids.
So now, you will definitely agree with the fact that Biotin is a hair food, and important for good hair health.

What Biotin else does for your body?

Biotin is a member of Vitamin B complex family also sometime known as Vitamin H or Vitamin B7. This is soluble in water, which means, if body has high level of Vitamin H at a certain day or time, it pass out through Urine. This vitamin is produced in the intestine with the help of bacteria in the intestine. Biotin helps in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and helps in maintaining steady blood sugar. So, it is good for the persons suffering with Diabetes. Diabetes is a major disease across the globe and affects several men and women.

Biotin do processing of glucose and we know glucose is one of the source of energy of our body to perform work and maintaining wear and tear of the body. Biotin also helps in making of DNA, RNA and nucleic acids and production of fatty acids. Growth and replication of cells depends on Biotin.
Thus on one hand Biotin helps in maintaining good hair health and on the other hand it is important for several bodily functions.

Sources of Biotin

The main sources of Biotin are; liver, kidneys, milk, cheese, butter and other dairy products, egg yolks, oysters, lobsters, poultry, cauliflower, avocados, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, grapefruits, raisins, mushrooms, green peas, blackcurrants, brewers yeast, wheat germ, nuts, beans, lentils, oat bran, whole grains, oatmeal, peanut butter, molasses, and foods like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herrings (foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids).

How To Remedy Dry Skin – Techniques For Dealing With

How To Remedy Dry Skin – Techniques For Dealing With Dry Skin

There are a number of different ways that you can learn for “how to remedy dry skin.” The real key to remedying dry skin is to try different options in different combination’s until you like the results. Different natural products and processes can help you create a dry skin remedy and regimen that properly meets your needs. What works for one person will not work the same for you, since everyone has a unique skin makeup. Here is a list of some of the natural things that you can do for dealing with dry skin. There are a myriad of different natural remedies that you can try out there, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you are happy with the results that you receive.

– * Create a mixture out of cooked oatmeal and fresh, raw honey for the purpose of moisturizing and cleansing the skin of your face, or other parts of your body as needed. This is a useful natural remedy for aiding dry skin because it restores moisture and makes your skin feel younger and healthier when you do it regularly.

– * Another useful way to remedy dry skin is going to be to eat foods that are naturally fun of healthy oils, such as oily types of fish. Oily fish, like salmon for example, often contain plenty of omega 3 fatty acids, which are capable of working wonders when it comes to nourishing and properly hydrating your skin.

– * Another way to create skin that is fair and healthy is to mix un-boiled milk with mustard, applying it to your face for a period of twenty minutes, or thirty in more severe cases of dry skin. This is one of the odder sounding dry skin remedies, but it really does work when it comes to undoing the damage of dry skin in favor of healthier and fairer skin instead.

– * You may also want to try taking the yolk of an egg and lightly dabbing it on your face and other sensitive places in your skin that are dry. Leave it for fifteen minutes, allowing for it to dry completely in the process. You can continue to use this home remedy for dry skin every single day until your face is clear and your skin is young and moisturized again.

The true key to achieving dry skin remedies at home in order to create fair, healthy and moisturized skin is to try different remedies for home skin care until you’re satisfied with the result. All of these skin care remedies utilize natural materials for healthy and radiant skin. What this means is that you can keep using them until you are happy with the results that you achieve. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different treatment options until your skin is young looking and young feeling as well as properly moisturized.

The Most Common Food Allergies

* Milk *

Being allergic to cows milk isnt the same as being
lactose intolerant.

* Eggs *

You can be allergic to either the whites of the yolk.
This type of food allergy is more prevalent in
children, but does affect some adults.

* Peanut *

Most people, adults and children with food allergies,
are allergic to peanuts too.

* Tree nut *

More children have nut allergies than adults. The
symptoms of nut and peanut allergies are the same, but
being allergic to one doesnt necessarily mean youre
allergic to the other.

* Seafood *

This is more common in, but not limited, to children.
The fish allergens can be passed through the air by
people eating or cooking fish near you.

* Shellfish *

Similar to seafood allergies. But having one doesnt
mean being allergic to the other.

* Soy *

People allergic to soy need to be especially careful
when eating Asian foods or using Asian sauces.

* Wheat *

This is most commonly a food allergy, but can also be
a respiratory contact allergy.

In the United States these are referred to as the big
eight. Over 90% of U.S. food allergies consist of
these foods.

Allergens differ in other countries, but these 8 make
the top 10 in many places through out the world.

Food allergies may be based on contact. In East Asia
where rice makes up a large part of the diet, rice
allergies are more common, as are celery allergies in
Central Europe.