What is Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is a symptom of people with diabetes Type I and Type II. It occurs when people have too little sugar, or glucose, in their blood. While this often is the result of medication from diabetes, hypoglycemia has many different causes and can affect anyone. Those with this disorder present with low blood sugar. This can be temporary and easily fixed by protein or food. In some cases, people who have been fasting can develop low blood sugar. Often, this is quickly cured by protein.

It is a common misconception that someone suffering from hypoglycemia should be given something sweet to alleviate the condition. The truth of the matter is that those suffering from hypoglycemia are usually lacking protein and a food high in protein can alleviate their symptoms. Peanut butter is an excellent choice in helping someone suffering from hypoglycemia.

In some cases, however, hypoglycemia is a disease as it occurs for many different reasons in a person. The best way to define hypoglycemia is to say that it is the opposite of diabetes. While people with diabetes need to avoid sugar as they have an abundance of glucose in their blood, those with hypoglycemia have low glucose levels and need to replenish the sugar or glucose in their blood. In many cases, those with diabetes may develop hypoglycemia as a reaction to insulin or diet. This is different than someone who experiences hypoglycemia on an occasional basis, usually the result of not eating properly.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness, anxiety, heart palpitations, sweating, dilated pupils, coldness, feeling of fainting, clamminess. These symptoms are triggered by the loss of glucose that affects the brain If untreated, a person with hypoglycemia can fall into a diabetic coma and even die from the hypoglycemia. If someone is suffering from hypoglycemia, they should be given something to eat rich in protein to avoid falling faint or, in the worst case scenario, falling into a coma.

Other symptoms of hypoglycemia include physical symptoms such as vomiting and abdominal pains as well as hunger. As hypoglycemia continues, neurological symptoms may include difficulty speaking, slurred speech, fatigue, anxiety, lethargy, delirium, headache, stupor, abnormal breathing and finally, coma.

One of the first things that a doctor will do to treat someone with hypoglycemia is to determine the circumstances that caused the disease. A physical examination is necessary and blood samples will usually be taken. Many cases of hypoglycemia are unexplained as no sample is taken from the blood before glucose is given to relieve the symptom.

In many cases, hypoglycemia is nothing to be concerned about. It can simply be the reaction of malnutrition or fasting. Many people experience hypoglycemia without even knowing it. If it continues to be a problem, however, many people will seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause of the illness.

For the most part, hypoglycemia has many common causes and for those who experience the symptoms, testing by a medical professional is necessary to determine the etiology of the cause of hypoglycemia. In a good number of cases, the cause for hypoglycemia is never determined and the situation resolves itself.

Discover The Truth About Lower Left Back Pain

Many people immediately associate lower left back pain with any muscle strains or injuries to the area. With how common muscle injuries are to the lower back, it’s no wonder that that’s everyone first assumption. The problem is, not all lower back pain is caused by muscle sprains or strains. It can be dangerous and even downright deadly to immediately assume that’s the cause and not seek treatment right away.

Most lower back pain associated in the center of a person’s lower back is probably caused by some sort of strain or inflammation in the area. If you’re having lower left back pain, or even lower right back pain, you seriously need to sit up and take notice. Don’t dismiss it as having slept oddly the night before or being a little stiff after sitting at your desk at work all day.

Back pain that’s located more on one side over the other could signal a potentially life threatening situation known as a kidney infection. Chances are, by the time someone is feeling lower left back pain from a kidney infection, the kidney infection has been going on for awhile. Kidney infections can cause permanent damage to a person’s kidney. In a worst case scenario, a kidney infection can cause a person’s kidney to stop functioning entirely. That can result in the need for dialysis and a potential kidney transplant later than life. Often times, kidney infections are accompanied by a fever. Sometimes, the fever can spike extremely high, very quickly.

Kidney infections can be caused by bladder or urinary tract infections. If you’re prone to them, you really need to immediately seek treatment if you have lower left back pain. Bladder infections can be asymptomatic. That means, you can have one and never know it because you don’t feel it. Bladder infections can cause kidney infections by allowing bacteria to go into the kidneys. That’s why any lower left back pain really should be evaluated by a doctor to see if it’s the beginning stages of a kidney infection.

Another potential cause of lower left back pain could be a pinched nerve. Many nerves branch out over our entire body from the spinal cord. They run through muscle, around blood vessels, even through spaces between our bones and joints. If a muscle becomes inflamed, it can cause nerves to rub up against the bone, effectively causing the nerves to become pinched between the muscle and bone. If bones become misaligned, it can cause nerves to pinch between the bones. Any sharp, stabbing pain in your lower left back needs to be treated by a doctor. There are different treatments for pinched nerves than muscle strains so it’s important you are getting the proper treatment for your lower left back pain if you want to avoid injuries in the future.

As you can see, there are many different causes and treatments for lower left back pain. The important thing is to get proper treatment for your particular injury.