Staying Fit On The Go

Just because you are a busy person with lots to do everyday, it doesnt mean that you dont have time to stay fit and keep in shape while traveling. Excuses do not keep you fit and in shape and able to keep up with the demands of your busy life. If you are a member of a health club it would benefit you greatly if you ask the club if it participates in any programs that offer privileges at other facilities. Guest passes to certain spa and athletic clubs are sometimes free for one day. If your hotel does not have arrangements with a club near your hotel, the hotel that you are staying at just might. Asking at the front desk may open your eyes to many possibilities for a workout away from home and you will find out exactly what your options really are. Lots of hotels at least have treadmills or similar machines, which are much better than simply laying in bed and watching TV during your stay. When traveling just remember that almost every town has a YMCA or YWCA. Locate the yellow pages in your hotel room and give them a call. Again, there is now no excuse to become a traveling couch potato. Opportunities for you to take care of your fitness needs abound in all of your business and personal travels.

If necessary you may need to get a little creative, by using your hotel room as the gym of the day. Exercising in your hotel room is an easily and very convenient way to make certain that you get in your work out without missing a beat. Before you leave for your trip pack some collapsible hand weights or elastic exercise bands or other equipment that is made for travel, and turn your hotel room into the indoor gym that it has the potential to be. Elastic bands are great for getting resistance without lugging around big old dumbbells everywhere you go. Use the chairs and other pieces of furniture to your advantage to satisfy all of your fitness needs. Body weight exercises are enough for a great workout. Combine crunches, pushups, and legups. You wont exercise a large variety of muscles using only body weight, but you will at least be able to work on your heart and your endurance.

We understand that working out is not as easily done when you are in route to your next destination, so if your time is extremely tight and you dont have time for a complete work out. There are other alternatives to not working out at all. Stretch in your room, take a long walk. I bet the hotel is just as nice on the other side of the pool. Speaking of pool, you could always take a swim. Swimming is definitely a workout that will work every muscle in your body. With all of these ideas for a good work out, if not the best work out that youve ever had, you should no longer have any excuse for not continuing your fitness routine while traveling. Just remember that it doesnt really matter where you are when you do your work out but that you do your work out where you are. And if you cant do the exact routine that you are useful, just take solace in the fact that you are getting a workout.

Heal Damaged Hair-Take Care Of Daily Damage

I know that many of the things we do to our hair on a daily basis isn’t good for it. To help heal damaged hair there are many things you can do. You can also become more proactive and change some of your daily habits to limit the amount of damage you do to your hair in the first place.

In this article I will provide you with some simple tips to heal damaged hair, but as importantly, I will also give you some ideas of simple changes you can make so you don’t do as much damage in the first place.

So, here we go.

First off, to prevent damage there are many things you can do. One of the simplest is to cut down on the amount of heat you use on your hair. As much as possible try to time washing your hair to a time when you can let it air dry.

It might mean a change in your schedule but it can also result in better, more healthy looking hair.

Instead of showering in the morning, for example, why not take your shower earlier in the evening the night before? That way you can allow your hair to air dry. Than, if you need to, you can just get rid of your bed head in the morning by using a damp comb.

Another ultra simple thing to do to prevent damage in the first place is to limit the number of times you wash your hair. True, this will be easier if you are like me and you have dry hair and scalp as opposed to oily hair and scalp.

Though if you suffer from oily hair, your hair is probably not that damaged in the first place. Washing your hair every other day or every third day is perfectly fine for most people.

If you workout and sweat a lot you may need to wash it more during the week, but lay off the washings on the weekends when you aren’t working out.

Also, find more all natural shampoos. Many of the hair care products on the market are very hard on your hair. They are loaded with drying, potentially toxic chemicals that can really damage your hair.

Just finding less harsh shampoos can make a big difference.

If you do have some damage despite your best efforts one easy thing to do is go in for a trim. Your stylist can cut off the ends which is where you will find most of the damage.

Another thing you can do is to use a deep moisturizing treatment once a week. Also, find a shampoo that is made specifically for dry, damaged hair.

You can even turn to your refrigerator for help with damaged hair. Adding mayonnaise to your hair like a conditioner can help with some damage.

And, one last point, don’t overlook the important of the food you put in your body too. Beauty starts on the inside and works it’s way out. Make sure you eat a well balanced diet, get plenty of rest, drink enough water and keep your bad habits to a minimum.

Prevention in anything is usually the best way to go. When talking about keeping your hair healthy it’s just as true as when talking about keeping your whole body healthy.

Be willing to make simple changes and you can prevent dry hair so you won’t have to worry about how to heal damaged hair.

Relieve Aches And Pains That Bother You

It might seem odd,but it makes me feel good to know my muscles are sore and I have worked myself hard to build strength after a long work out. But sometimes you want to relieve sore muscles and pains,this is what you can do to help relieve those aches and pains that bother you.

Many people think that its crucial to stretch before and after they exercise to help ward off any soreness of the muscles. If you stretch too much while your muscles are throbbing after the workout,you may do more harm than good. So keep stretching limited and relaxed so you don’t put a strain on your muscles and get an injury.

During the stretching you can tear the muscle fiber,which can take a long time to heal and will limit your activities until it heals.Which can slow your progress down with your exercising regimen. Either you can sprain or strain,although both have their differences,you are more likely to pull muscles.Stopping your exercise routine while you wait for the muscle to repair can be frustrating and delay you.

Stretching only works if your muscles are loose and warmed up.Otherwise you risk injury.

Light warm ups before you workout can maximize your stretching. The soreness you feel in you body after working out is because of the tiny tears that occur when you work them hard. By the time your muscles repair,your muscles grow bigger and stronger. So some soreness is a good thing.

You should carefully adjust into a exercise program instead of rigorous training right away. I’ve made the mistake of thinking because I’m athletic I can easily get involved in any physical activity. This is wrong. Various activities require and use different muscles to perform different functions.

If some soreness of the muscles occurs,give light exercise a try. Things like small walks and a laid back bike ride are ideal. The idea is to keep your muscles loose without putting additional strain on your muscles.

First aid for injuries usually involves placing ice on the area from 15 to 20 minutes. After an hour has passed apply heat for 15 to 20 minutes for the next hour or so. Bathing in a hot tub can help to relax you and your muscles.

Maybe a light massage is right for you? Massages help to bring more blood to the the affected areas and help remove the lactic acid that causes soreness in your muscles. Many over counter creams for sore muscles exist to help ease your discomfort.

Just by following these tips,you can enjoy your workouts and know how to get rid of sore muscles too!

Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol

Reality shows are one of the biggest things people watch on television. This is because the events that happen are not scripted and naturally unfold in front of the viewer. One show that is helping people want to become healthy again is the biggest loser.

The contestants are a bunch of overweight men and women who work out and go on a diet and at the end of the week; one of these players will be eliminated. The person who loses the biggest number of pounds after a three-month campaign will win $250,000 and have a second chance of living a healthy life.

The individual doesnt have to fight for money in order to make some lifestyle changes. As the saying goes. health is wealth and this is something more precious than any sheet of paper with a dollar sign has to offer.

People are able to burn more calories while exercising. This means the body will burn the food eaten and this has to be replaced so there is energy after to do other functions. The individual should get a meal that has the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats so this can repair damaged tissue, refuel and lower the bodys cholesterol.

Here are some examples of food that should be eaten after a workout.

Eating bread has been known to replenish the energy lost after a workout. Since this has certain ingredients that are high in bad cholesterol, this can be substituted for wheat bread that is much healthier. Nuts can also help lower the cholesterol and getting some low fat peanut butter will surely make a great sandwich.

Having a fruit is also good to lower the cholesterol. It is advisable to eat as a whole instead of taking away the skin or turning this into a juice. Studies have shown that eating it the way it is keeps the natural fibers that are good for the person. An apple is just one of many fruits that can be eaten once it has been washed.

If the person wants to save some money after going to the gym, it is best to pack some snacks that can be consumed after a workout. Cutting some carrot sticks or slicing a few tomatoes then packing it in a plastic container will come in handy after taking a shower and reporting for work or when going home.

When the person comes home, it is time to prepare something that can provide better sustenance. An example could be having some fish or chicken thrown into the microwave or having it steam. Studies have shown that frying using cooking oil also increases the persons cholesterol level so cooking it in another manner can reduce this.

Having some vegetables along will help make this a healthy meal. Some garlic and onions can be prepared since studies have shown this to lower the livers production of cholesterol. The serving for tonight can end with some yogurt for dessert leaving the individual satisfied and light.

Lowering the cholesterol will not happen overnight. By observing a proper diet with exercise, the individual will be able to lose weight and cuts down the cholesterol levels that puts the person in potential danger of high blood pressure, a stroke or a heart attack.