Sample Diabetes Diet

If you are looking for a diet to follow because you have diabetes and do not really know where to begin, maybe a look at a sample diabetes diet would help you get started. Eating regularly, at the same times everyday is essential to controlling your diabetes effectively.

You should never skip meals and always have healthy snacks ready to go so all you have to do is go to the kitchen to get them without having to prepare something first. Choose a day or two during the week when you will do enough preparation to get you through to the next prep day.

some things will not last a week so if you split up the days then you can be sure that everything you eat is fresh and no more than three days old. Fresh food just tastes better.

The following is a few suggestions of a sample diabetes diet plan:

Breakfast: 1c healthy cold cereal or cooked oatmeal
1c fat-free milk
1/2 orange or grapefruit
tea or coffee


1c low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat vanilla yogurt
1/2 c fresh or canned fruit, chunked and mixed into cottage cheese or yogurt
tea or coffee

Lunch: 3 oz. lean turkey breast sandwich with lettuce on whole grain bread or pita
1 tsp mayo or salad dressing
1 small apple
water with lemon or iced green tea


small tossed salad with tomato, onion, radish, cucumber and 1 oz. feta cheese
3 oz. canned tuna
2 tablespoons Greek vinaigrette
water with lemon or iced green tea

Dinner: 3 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 medium potato
1c fresh green beans
tea or fat-free milk


3 oz. fish (salmon, tilapia, cod, perch, etc)
1 c rice pilaf
cooked sliced carrots
tea or fat-free milk

Snacks: 3 cups no butter popcorn
1/2 c low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with cut up fruit
low-fat cheese and about 6 crackers

Get used to drinking water because you need to keep yourself hydrated. Staying hydrated will help you control your blood sugars easier by keeping the sugar from becoming too concentrated in your blood stream.

Keeping your carb intake evenly disbursed throughout your day will also help keep your blood sugar from spiking and help you stay at the same insulin dosage your doctor recommends for you.

By following this type of diet you may also lose some of the excess weight you have, especially belly fat. Not to mention the other risk factors you will be decreasing like those for heart disease and stroke that can put you at an increased risk when you have diabetes.

Eating right is just a smart thing to do whether you have diabetes or not and add in some regular exercise and you have the ideal plan for losing weight and controlling your diabetes.

Use this sample diabetes diet to jump start your efforts and be the best you can be and be as healthy as you can be while stabilizing your diabetes and losing the extra poundage around your middle.