How to Treat Genital Warts at Home

Genital warts are usually treated by professionals. Some people, though, have found that they are able to treat genital warts in the privacy of their own homes. They find these methods preferable to subjecting themselves to a doctor’s treatments.

Some home remedies for genital warts involve some form of vinegar. You can dab cider vinegar on the warts. You can also use red wine vinegar and mix it with garlic to put on the warts. Or, you can use white vinegar. White vinegar has no unpleasant odor.

Certain oils have been used. Coconut oil removes warts, and is soothing as well. Vitamin E oil is also a good choice. It loosens the wart. At the same time, it is good for the surrounding skin.

Herbal remedies are numerous. There is a powder called Job’s Tears, a plant extract called hatomugi. It can be found in Chinese medicine shops. It also comes in tea and bags of dried herbs. If you take this substance for a few days, genital warts will fall off.

Other herbs are used in an effort to boost your immune system. Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. This is why when you have one, you often have many. To help your body fight the virus, you can use herbs along with other immune system building activities.

Echinacea helps to fight off viruses by using the natural acids of your own body. Goldenseal has been used for centuries for wound care. It has recently been discovered that goldenseal has antibiotic properties. It can be used, and works especially well with prescription medications for genital warts.

Astragalus is another Chinese herb that has been used for thousands of years. It has been used as a remedy for genital warts. Today, there is proof that this herb actually does energize the immune system. This helps it fight off the virus that causes genital warts.

Some other herbs used in the treatment of genital warts are St. John’s Wort, Ginkgo biloba, and Olive leaf. These herbs are usually taken orally to help the body combat the virus. The herbs are easy to find in any pharmacy or health food store.

To go along with these herbal treatments, you should be taking time to care for yourself, too. Eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and get an adequate amount of sleep. Exercise is also helpful in helping to boost your natural immune system.

Garlic, in its many forms, has been used for a long time to fight genital warts. It can be used raw, or it can be found in capsules or ointments. You can take it by mouth or you can put it directly on the wart. It will not injure the surrounding tissue, so it is perfectly safe.

Actually, the most unsafe thing about these home remedies is that your condition may need to be seen by a physician. As little as you would like to tell someone about this problem, it may be necessary. When left untreated, genital warts can be very dangerous at times. If you have them, it’s best to ask a doctor before you try a home remedy anyway.

Best Choices For An Ear Infection Home Remedy

An ear infection can be a very annoying and painful thing to experience; for both children and adults. You might not always have the time or the inclination to go see a doctor about your ear problem. If thats the case, then youre probably on the lookout for an ear infection home remedy. However, before trying any home remedies its a good idea to visit a doctor at least once.

Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to deal with ear infections in the comfort of your home. For the most part, ear infection home remedies work best against ear infections that arent very far progressed. If youre dealing with a more severe case, you may need to consult a doctor to get proper relief.

Before you decide on an ear infection home cure that you want to try, its important to learn as much as you can about the type of infection youre dealing with. For example, swimmers ear is usually caused by a fungal infection.

As disgusting as it may sound, this is actually pretty good news because fungal infections are easy to treat as long as theyre caught early. One way to deal with a fungal infection is to make a solution that is 50% water and 50% white vinegar. Drop it into the infected ear and wiggle your head around to be sure the solution cleans everything out. Basically, this method works because vinegar creates makes the pH levels of the water extremely deadly to fungus. This solution usually causes pain to subside in just a few minutes, and the fungus can be completely eliminated overnight.

A similar method involves using lemon juice instead of vinegar. The lemon juices acidic properties can work wonders against any bacteria buildup in the ear. If youre dealing with a bacterial ear infection, this is a great remedy.

Another interesting ear infection home cure involves using a big, clean sock and some rice. For this remedy, place a cup of rice in a sock and heat it up for a minute in the microwave. This helps to provide pain relief to affected ear, and if done repeatedly can also drain any buildup in the infected ear.

You can also try a home remedy that combines a few different herbs and spices that you probably have in your kitchen. Take a few cloves of garlic and some chopped onion, and cook them in a pan with a bit of water and olive oil. Once everything has cooked down, drain the oil into some sort of container.

Next, simply put a few drops of the oil into the inflamed ear. You can get very quick relief from pain related to an ear infection with this simple recipe. Even people who cant cook should be able to handle this one.

If you find that an ear infection home remedy doesnt work, or that an ear infection or ear pain keeps recurring, you should see a doctor. Sometimes, you may find that youve been using the wrong kind of remedy for the type of ear infection that you have.

The Best Natural Beauty Recipes

There are a number of natural beauty recipes you can make at home. You do not have to pay for commercial cosmetic products to look your best. In fact, many times the natural solution is healthier and more effective than the chemical-laden makeups you will find at the store.

Here is a great papaya enzyme facial mask that is one of the more popular natural beauty recipes. You will need the following ingredients: 1/2 cup mashed papaya, 1 whipped egg white, and 1 teaspoon of honey. For additional cooling or if you have sensitive skin, add a tablespoon of plain yogurt to your mixture.

Mix all of your ingredients together in a large bowl. Wash your skin before applying the facial mask mixture. Leave the mask on your face for approximately five to eight minutes, giving the papaya enzymes time to exfoliate your skin. Rinse off with warm water first, then with cooler water, patting dry when done.

For hair, this herbal vinegar rinse will restore your hair’s natural pH balance, clean off built up dirt and hair products, and reduce oily hair. Place 2 sprigs of rosemary and 2 sprigs of lavender in 2 cups of water in a clear glass jar. Let the jar sit out in the sun to steep for between two and four hours, then remove the herbs. Add one or two tablespoons of either apple cider vinegar or white vinegar to your water solution, then use the same way you would use shampoo.

Herbal bath salts are another of the top natural beauty recipes you can make at home. All you need is a cup of sea salt and a handful of whatever herbs you have on hand, such as lavender, rosemary, spearmint, or peppermint. Grind the herbs with a coffee grinder until they become a fine powder. Mix with the sea salt and dump into your next bath for a relaxing change of pace.

A similar natural beauty recipe is this refreshing flower-based foot soak. For this one, you again need sea salt, along with some fresh sliced citrus of your choice (limes, lemons, oranges, etc.) and a handful of flower petals picked fresh from your garden. Fill a small basin with lukewarm water and add the salt, flower petals, and fruit slices. Soak your feet in the mixture for ten minutes, then rinse and pat to dry.

This strawberry manicure mask is a great way to pamper your hands naturally. Mash 3-5 ripe strawberries, drain off the juice, and combine with one tablespoon of sugar and a little bit of the light oil of your choice. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands by using a circular motion. This will condition and exfoliate the skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

During watermelon season, this pedicure polish is good for your feet and gives your home a nice aroma of summer. Combine 1/2 cup of mashed and strained watermelon with one tablespoon finely crushed almonds and 1/4 cup of plain yogurt. Apply the mixture by working it in with your hands in a circular motion. Use a tissue to remove, then rinse and pat dry to enjoy this one of our natural beauty recipes.