Proven Diet Techniques to Prevent and Treat Yeast Infections

What Role Does Food Play In My Yeast Infection?

You may be puzzled by the connection between yeast infections and food. Simply put, what goes into your body must come out. If you eat a lot of sugary foods, the excess sugar will exit through the urine. Yeast, a normally beneficent fungus, can explode when fed a lot of sugar. Although everyone has some yeast, it must be kept in check. Once the yeast fungus is allowed to grow unhindered, it will most likely cause a yeast infection.

What Foods Should I Avoid?

Any foods that feed the yeast should be cut out of your diet. This means you should not eat any sweets; avoid the sweeteners used in most prepackaged foods as well as fruit. All grains are off-limits if you are following a strict version of this idea, even the whole grains we usually consider healthy. White bread, pies, pastas, tortillas, and sourdough are only some of the bread items you may have to do without. Do not eat anything with yeast in it. Mushrooms carry yeast, so avoid them.

Do not indulge in foods based on dairy. Cheese, milk, and flavored yogurt should be on your dont eat list. It is best to drink only water; you should definitely avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee, fruit juices (for the sugar content), and carbonated drinks. You should not eat sauerkraut because of its high amounts of vinegar, and all tomato sauces are best avoided. Do not eat anything that is high in vinegar. Avoid legumes, such as beans, and potatoes; these starchy foods turn into more sugar, which will only feed the yeast infection.

Is There Anything Left to Eat?

Now that the restrictions are out of the way, lets look at some of the foods that can help your yeast infection go away for good. Most dark green vegetables are good for you and can be eaten as you fight the yeast infection. Green beans, spinach, arugula, and brussel sprouts can all be enjoyed safely.

Garlic actually fights back against the yeast infection. You can eat it raw, incorporate it into a recipe, or even use it as a suppository. If it is placed in the vagina, it can act as a natural yeast-killer. Seaweed also keeps the yeast population from expanding. While seaweed can be eaten (and enjoyed) raw, you may prefer to use it as an ingredient is a recipe, such as soup. Most raw nuts are allowed, although peanuts are not a good choice. You may want to drink herbal teas or freshly squeezed lemonade to add a bit of variety to your mealtime.

If you want to dress up a salad, you can toss it with olive oil or an apple cider vinegar that remains unpasteurized. You should definitely eat plenty of yogurt; it contains acidophilus, a good bacteria that will help kill off the excess yeast.

By eating the right foods, your yeast infection can be eradicated.

What factors causes Acne?

What causes Acne?

Did you know that common Acne, also known as Acne Vulgaris, is suffered by up to 85% of adolescents and young adults? That is an extremely high portion of the population which is affected by this skin disorder.

The cause of Acne is not fully known, but there are several factors which contribute to the development of this inflammatory skin disorder. Your genes play a role in this, meaning if your parents or grandparents suffered this skin condition, you will be prone to getting Acne yourself.

Most notably, there is a link to a change in hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles and puberty. In the past the over production of sebum was considered to be the main cause of Acne. Sebum is an oily secretion of fats and the remains of fat producing cells, caused by hyperactive sebaceous glands in the skin.

However, it appears as though the narrowing of follicle channel, where the hair is rooted in the skin, is also a major factor causing common Acne. There are several other factors which can contribute, such as Stress, accumulation of dead skin cells, an allergic reaction to bacteria in the pores, scratching and the usage of anabolic steroids.

What has not been confirmed in any way, is the contribution a fatty diet, including chocolate, potato chips and French fries, may have on Acne. Generally, sufferers should experiment with their diet to ascertain what food stuffs affect the severity of their Acne.

What could have an influence on Acne is a diet high on refined sugar products. Acne is rare in societies which have not been influenced by our western way of life. These people have a low glycernic level in their diets. However, if the reduction of high glycernic foods, such has soft drinks, sweets and white bread, has a significant effect on alleviating Acne disorders has yet to be proved. Keeping a low consumption of these kinds of foods will influence your general health for the better.

Another misconception concerning Acne is personal hygiene. Acne is not caused by dirt, so a poor personal hygiene is not a factor. To make this clearer, Acne causes blockages to occur deep within the follicle or hair channel and as such cannot be washed away. In fact, anything more than a gentle cleansing can cause new lesions by damaging or over drying skin.

On a lighter note, if you have heard that celibacy or masturbation can cause Acne and sexual intercourse can cure it, I have good news for you. There is absolutely no scientific evidence at all that this is true.

How To Use The Glycemic Index

The glycemic index is a rating of carbohydrates that was developed in 1981 by Dr. David J. Jenkins of the University of Toronto. This concept was developed to help people who wanted to rank carbohydrates based upon how they affected the blood glucose levels. Different carbohydrates are absorbed into the system in different manners and all take different times to break down and digest. Carbohydrates that break down and cause rapid digestion tend to leave the most glucose in the blood stream and cause the most damage to a person who is a diabetic. These carbohydrates are given a high rating on the Glycemic Index.

The carbohydrates that are given a high rating on the Glycemic Index include those made with white sugar, white flour, baked potato, French fried pototoes, white break, pastas made with white flour. Even corn flakes are considered bad carbohydrates on the Glycemic Index. This can be valuable information for anyone who has just been diagnosed as a diabetic and wants to discover which foods are more beneficial. While most diabetics will be told to avoid carbs, avoiding carbohydrates all together is not often feasible. For someone who thinks a candy bar is way worse than white bread, the Glycemic Index can be a real eye opener and can be a great way how to use the Glycemic Index for someone who is trying to discover which carbohydrates are safer than others.

Another way on how to use the Glycemic Index is to learn which carbohydrates are better for those who are trying to either watch their carbohydrate intake or who are on a diabetic diet. Some foods, such as fruits and certain vegetables, are low on the glycemic index and take a longer time to absorb into the bloodstream, giving the body the benefit of the nutrients while allowing the body to expel the glucose in a more natural way. One caveat when it comes to fruits and vegetables is that baked potatoes are not considered in the low group in the Glycemic Index.

As a matter of fact, potatoes are one of the highest ranking foods in the Glycemic Index. People consume French fries throughout the world like they are going out of style. Not only are they high in fat and offer little protein, they are also very high in carbohydrates.

Intermediate carbohydrates in the Glycemic Index include foods with a rating from 56 to 69. These include candy bars, some brown rices and croissants. This an be invaluable news to someone who is learning to develop a diabetic diet but who is unaware of what foods rank high and rank low.

Most people may assume that a piece of white bread is way worse for a person with diabetes than a candy bar, but this is not true. By learning the different ratings and classifications on the Glycemic Index, a person who is watching their carbohydrates as well as their diabetic diet can learn some invaluable lessons and learn how to use the Glycemic Index to their advantage.

High Glycemic Foods

In 1981, Dr. David Jenkins of the University of Toronto came up with a ranking system for carbohydrates based upon how long it takes them to break down into the system. Some carbohydrates break down very slowly and those release glucose gradually into the bloodstream and have a low glycemic index. For people who are diabetes, particularly those who are insulin dependent, a low glycemic index is preferable. These foods allow the insulin or medication to respond better to the blood glucose and allows for the sugars to break down more naturally.

Other foods are rated high on the Glycemic Index. These foods currently have high ratings and raise the blood glucose level quickly. High glycemic foods can be beneficial for people who are recovering from high exertion or those suffering from hypoglycemia. People with Type I or Type II Diabetes should avoid high glycemic foods as they can play havoc with the insulin or medication they are taking.

Some examples of foods that considered high glycemic foods include corn flakes, white rices such as jasmine rice, white breads and baked potatoes. People who have diabetes, either Type I or Type II, should avoid these foods as much as possible.

Other foods that are high glycemic foods include those with large amounts of white refined sugar or white flour. One thing a doctor will tell a patient on how to avoid high glycemic foods is to avoid anything white. This includes white bread, pasta made with white flour and even cakes or sweets made with refined white sugar or white flour.

High glycemic foods tend to take a long time to digest in the system of a diabetic. The glucose, or sugar, stays in the blood because the system of a diabetic is unable to process the refine sugars and flours. The glucose stays in the blood and in the urine causing the diabetic to frequently urinate, experience thirst and hunger more than the average person and sweat profusely.

After a while, this takes its toll on the system of a diabetic. The kidneys begin to hurt because they are not functioning properly. This is one symptom that diabetics often present with when seeking a physician. They also get blood in their urine and, in the worst case scenario, they faint or enter into an episode of semi-consciousness, confusion which can even lead to a diabetic coma. In some instances, a diabetic coma can prove fatal.

People who have Type I and Type II diabetes should be very mindful of which foods have a high glycemic index and avoid these foods in their diet. With proper diet, medication or insulin and monitoring of blood sugars, diabetics can lead a normal lifespan.

Diabetes is not a death sentence at all. It is simply a condition that many people possess that does not allow their body to break down sugars and starches through their system so that they digest normally. Diabetes is harmful to an individual who does not follow the advice of their physician, does not consume a proper diet and does not monitor their blood glucose levels. People who adhere to the medical guidelines concerning diabetes have just as much of a chance of living a normal life as anyone else.