Garage Dehumidifier

One of the areas of your home that may have humidity problems is your garage. If this is the case you will need a garage dehumidifier to help handle the problem and reduce the chance that mold will grow and cause damage.

I think that you need a dehumidifier in your garage especially if the garage is a detached garage. When the garage is part of the house, basically, it can have some “climate control” due to the connection to the house.

Some examples of having excess humidity in your garage are on those hot and humid days in the summer, the humidity can get trapped inside the garage. Then in the winter you drive your car right into the garage with wetness like rain or snow and the snow is filled with salt and muck and grime from the road.

You may or may not have a floor drain in your garage. So where does this moisture all go? Into the air and onto everything stored in the garage. If this humidity is not reduced and kept to a manageable level it can cause mold and mildew to grow and cause metal parts or shelving to rust.

Getting a garage dehumidifier is not the only way to reduce the amount of humidity in your garage. Sometimes all it takes is proper ventilation. Set up a fan and if your garage has a window in it, open it. Let the fresh air come in and be moved around by the fan.

In the winter, You could buy a small space heater for your garage to help keep it warm and basically “burn off” excess moisture or you can splurge a little and have a garage heater installed up in one corner of the garage. The heat will help dry up any extra humidity right along with keeping the air warmer for your car, too.

Humidity can also be controlled a little better if there is adequate insulation inside of your garage. Insulation is needed to help maintain a constant temperature inside your house so why not use the same idea inside of your garage?

Maintain humidity levels in your garage by using proper ventilation, if possible, space heaters or garage heaters, and make sure your garage is well insulated.

If you are just building your garage or are in the process of remodeling your old one then you might consider placing a moisture barrier on the walls of your garage. These materials can drastically reduce the amount of moisture that gets in the garage.

They are called Vapor Barriers for a reason. The keep the moisture that can permeate the walls away, therefore, keeping the damage that can be caused by that moisture to a minimum.

Materials like plastic sheeting, stainless steel, aluminum sheeting, and reinforced hard plastics are all used for and are very effective moisture reducers. These are just some of the ways you can decrease the amount of the humidity in you garage without having to purchase a garage dehumidifier.

Simple And Easy Home Remedies For Boils

Boils have been a plague on us since Biblical times when they were considered a punishment from God for wrong doings. It is not surprising then that they have emerged as a condition that is not only socially unacceptable, but also an unsightly embarrassment for anyone who has the misfortune to suffer with them.

A boil, though very painful, is a relatively harmless condition that will last about ten days and then disappear. Because they are relatively harmless home remedies for boils are often ideal ways to treat them. Boils then are basically an infection in a hair follicle or an oil gland that has been traumatized or become blocked in some way. A boil will develop and grow, turning yellow/white on the head of the boil and red and inflamed around the surrounding and nearby area of the boil itself.

Home remedies for boils often work at drawing the pus from beneath the skin and then the healing of the open sore that is left behind. Though lancing a boil is not recommended, since this will often lead to scaring once the boil heals, methods to draw out the pus from the boil are widely used home remedies for boils.

Cornmeal is a food that can be used as a poultice to draw out the pus in the boil. This is because cornmeal has properties that readily absorb moisture. Mixed up into a paste with warm water and then applied to the boil, wrapped in a clean cloth, is an ideal way to begin bringing the boil to a head.

Believe it or not, keeping the boil wet and warm is another home remedies for boils that has been proven to work well. The cloth needs to be kept wet as opposed to damp and the warmth must be maintained. It might take some organizing to keep the compress at the desired warmth and wetness, but if repeated four or five times during the day for about ten minutes each time, this is a great one to add to the list of home remedies.

In the same way as the cornmeal and wet and warm compress works, there are other food stuffs that will work just as well. Onions and garlic, for instance, have long been famous for their medicinal properties. A chunk of onion applied directly to the boil, or alternatively three or four cloves of garlic, are great ways to draw the boil to a head.

Above all, when the above methods are adopted and the boil begins to drain away, make sure that you do not allow the pus to contaminate the surrounding skin, as this will cause further problems that will need attention.