What to Know about Stress and Anxiety Medication

Many people believe that they need to take medication in order to alleviate the amount of stress and anxiety in their lives. This may or may not be true in your case.

To Take or Not to Take Medication
Remember that you always have a choice between taking medication or not to reduce the amount of stress and anxiety youre presently suffering from. There are natural ways of combating stress and anxiety but they of course take a longer time to become affective. Medications on the other hand can produce faster results but at the same time, expose you to higher risks. You may have an allergic reaction to the medication or it has several side effects that hadnt yet been discovered. Lastly, you risk becoming addicted or overly dependent on the medication which is another illness as itself.

The Types of Medication
Most medication prescribed for people suffering from stress and anxiety are of the oral variety: pills, tablets and capsules. These medications naturally have varying weights and whether or not you have to take a 500mg pill is entirely based on the severity of your situation.

What to Remember When Taking Medication for Stress and Anxiety
Consult your physician first, preferably one who has access to your medical records. See if he gives you the go ahead to take medication for your condition.

Read and follow the instructions carefully and completely. Do not take the role of a pharmacist and become innovative with the dosage. Theres a logical reason behind the prescription given to you and it is more often than not for your own good.

Never purchase or change medication without securing your physicians approval first. If that is impossible, have the FDA or Food and Drug Authority verify if the contents of the pill is not harmful in any way to the human body and are truly effective.

If youre not satisfied with your present medication, you can always browse online for a medication that you think will perform better. Ask for recommendations from trusted friends and relatives.

Do not be impatient when its your first time to try a particular medication or your first time at all to try any medication for stress and anxiety. These things take time so do show a little more patience.

What about Therapy
If the painkillers and all the colorful pills arent causing things to turn out for the better, you may wish to consider other alternatives to resolve your present situation.

Could it be Something Else?
Did you simply assume that you were suffering from stress and anxiety? It could be something more serious and if so, that may be why the medications arent enough to make the headaches go away.

Maybe Youre Meant for the Natural Way
Its possible. Some bodies just respond better to natural healing ingredients. The simple act of walking, for instance, is a relaxing and enlivening activity that could be your best chance to get rid of unwanted stress and anxiety.

Consider Going Out
Its not like running away from your problems. Rather, youre just taking some time off to put more things into perspective. Book a flight or ride to a place where only few people know who you are and where you can live in relative comfort. Stay until youre feeling relaxed and ready to take on the world once more.

Will Using A Body Building DVD Work

Using a body building DVD doesn’t offer the same benefits as working out in your gym under the watchful gaze of the instructor. But you could use it to provide some inspiration if you are feeling a little bit overwhelmed and wonder if you will ever see the results you crave. They are also a great source of information on bodybuilding helping you to become more familiar with the terms of the sport. The better productions will also include sections on the types of cardio exercise routines you should be following as well as useful hints and tips on your new bodybuilding diet.

They should recommend plenty of vegetables and fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, low fat dairy products, lean meat, fish and eggs. They shouldn’t be suggesting that you take steroids but if you are going to do a lot of weight training you may want to consider some protein supplements. Discuss this first with your instructor.

Body building DVDs should be rated so that you know whether you are looking at exercises for beginners or those that know their way around the weights. You will probably not have the correct equipment at home but you can often substitute normal household items such as bottles of water or bags of sugar. Don’t be tempted to think that you cannot do yourself an injury using these items. Lifting any sort of weights can cause a problem – just ask the mother of any young child.

You should always obey the rules of exercise even when working out at home. Always do your warm up and cool down exercises. Never start on a full stomach and don’t overstretch yourself. Drink enough to keep you hydrated but don’t over do it with the liquid intake. You should eat small meals one to two hours before you start exercising.

Chose a DVD aimed at the type of results you are looking to achieve. You can get bodybuilding DVDs that target specific projects for example the swimsuit workouts tend to be very popular. If you want to follow a bodybuilding program for women aimed at achieving the perfect bikini body, buy one from a trainer who looks like you would want to. If you are into the muscle look then buy a DVD from one of the women bodybuilding champions. Don’t bother wasting your time using a bodybuilding DVD aimed at men as weight training for women involves a totally different exercise regime. You do not want to end up confused.

Look for a bodybulding program designed by an expert in this field. If the DVD promises to increase your chest size, dump it as this is a huge myth associated with female bodybuilding. If anything lifting weights may increase the width of your back but unfortunately is not the way to achieving larger breasts.

In addition to completing the workout on your body building DVD, do get outside in the air to go running, walking or any other form of aerobic activity. Not only will you lose weight but you will also feel better.

Spider Vein Treatments At Home

Spider veins arent pretty. Although this is not life threatening, it is hard to walk around when people see this on your legs. To help you fight it, here are a few special vein treatments you can practice on your own.

First, exercise regularly. Although this activity may not prevent spider veins from appearing, working out lessens the risk of problems in blood circulation. This is because working muscles in the lower limbs contract thus pushing blood through the veins and back to the heart.

Just about any exercise will do. You can walk, ride a bike, run, jog, lift some weights or use the stairs instead of riding the elevator while at work.

If you exercise regularly, naturally you will lose weight. You have to remember that people who are overweight cant pump blood from their lower limbs to their heart. Also, their blood vessels carry more blood than those who are thinner so there is a strain on the veins.

Sweating is not enough to reduce the risk of spider veins because all the hard work is for nothing if you dont also maintain a balanced diet. Since collagen is part of the tissue in the veins and valves, it is only right that you eat food rich in protein and vitamin C. To have a balanced diet, mix this up with fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

You should not sit or stand too long in one place because this disrupts the flow of blood down your veins. Whenever possible, get up to stretch your legs or sit down to let them relax. You can also shift the weight of one leg to the other if you are standing.

When you get home, prop your legs because this helps the blood move from your feet and ankles back to your heart. Doctors have been telling people to do this for centuries but we rarely do it. Now that you know, find time to do so.

Instead of sitting down, you can also prop your legs by putting three or four pillows under them when you are lying down on your bed. Stay in this position for about ten minutes to an hour and you will feel better after.

Women should wear compression stockings regularly. This come in various strengths so first check with your doctor which one you should buy from the store. If a stronger one is needed, this will have to be prescribed by your doctor.

You can also try wearing spandex pants that are made from elastic material. Be sure that it is not too tight especially in the groin or waist as this can cut into your skin and limit circulation.

There is a product around that can cover up the spider veins whenever you have to go to a party or head down to the beach. The cream is available in a variety of shades and applied by hand so it can blend with your skin.

Spider vein treatment on your own wont make them disappear and following what was mentioned here wont prevent it from happening if it runs in your family or as you age. What they can do is help you hide it so you dont feel embarrassed showing your legs in public until you consider taking either sclerotherapy or therapy to get rid of it.