All about Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is common among Americans so do not feel so sorry for yourself if you are suffering with this syndrome. This disorder has a lot to do with food intake and that really makes sense since bowel is all about getting rid of what we put inside our bodies.

Although incurable, Irritable Bowel Syndrome can somehow be controlled through an Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet. The word diet might scare people away especially people who are afflicted with the syndrome. Most people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome are those who do not care about their diet. They are those who prefer to eat what they want and they might feel there is nothing wrong about that because it doesnt follow that they eat excessively.

Let us now look into the different food groups that people should avoid or that should not be part of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet. First we discuss two. Any food that is high on fat should definitely be avoided. Fat makes food delicious but to do away with fatty foods can do wonders to your bowel movement. Aside from that, decreased fat intake or better yet eliminating fat intake will improve not just the gastro but also the over all health condition of the body. Any food with insoluble fiber should also be shunned. This should be carefully noted since most people are only aware that food with any fiber should be taken in for good bowel movement but they do not know that only food with soluble fiber are helpful. If you see any food that says high in fiber, double check if the fiber is soluble or insoluble before making the purchase.

Water therapy is part of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet because there are so many drinks that have ingredients that one should do away with. Caffeine, coffee, carbonation and alcohol should be eliminated. This means goodbye to Starbucks, Coke, Carlsberg and all your other favorite drinks. If it is any consolation, water is actually the ultimate thirst quencher so why go for those second rate products when here is water which can provide with you everything that you need and at a cheaper cost.

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet is easy to follow. It is all about learning how to eat less or not to eat all the bad food that contribute to bad bowel movement. Looking closely, it is all about going back to the basics eat plenty of vegetables high in soluble fiber and drinking plenty of water.

Back Pain Exercises for People Who Cant Stretch Themselves Enough

Back Pain Exercises for People Who Cant Stretch Themselves Enough

To rehabilitate the spine, necessary and proper back pain exercises are needed. Exercises don’t only promote wellness of the bones and muscles but may also act as preventive measures for recurring attacks and may also lessen the severity of pain of possible future episodes of back pain.

Active back pain exercise that is controlled and systematically done are natural pain healers. Active movements help distribute the essential nutrients throughout the ligaments, discs and muscles that raise health of each component for optimum performance. And so is the opposite truth, the absence of exercises and productive activities help lessen the vigor of each component which makes them prone to injuries, impairments and degeneration.

Universally, the back pain exercises must be a well-balanced combination of the following:

Stretching exercises like hamstring stretching
Strengthening exercises like the dynamic lumbar stabilization exercise
Mckenzie exercise
Low impact aerobics like walking, water therapy bicycling and swimming
and other back exercise programs

It must be noted though that the intensity and rigidity of exercises and activities must be primarily based on the specific diagnosis. As with any other treatments, the effects will always be determined by several factors that are uncontrollable such as the threshold of the patient over pain, the level of pain that the patient experiences during attacks and the severity of the condition. It is wise to see a physical therapist with specialization on spine wellness. He can best device a back pain exercise plan that is customized for the specific conditions of the patient.

Stretching exercises work by stretching the soft tissues that are found at the ligaments, muscle, tendons located around the spine and at the back bone. The spinal column and all that encompasses it are specifically designed for mobility and stretching. However, due to some factors like injuries and degeneration of the discs, these body parts cannot be moved. Patients experiencing extreme pain may find it hard to mobilize these areas and may require them to perform exercises that may last for some weeks. Yet after faithful application of exercise routines, everything may go back to normal and little or less exercise may then be performed after the healing.

Hamstring stretching exercise on the other hand focuses on the hamstring muscles that are directly linked to the low back pain symptoms. Tightness of the hamstring muscles is known to be a proponent to pelvis stress and the muscles and bones located at the lower back bone. Working on these parts may lessen the degree of pain and the frequency of attacks.

These are only two of the most commonly used back pain exercises. Other exercises and routines are listed in the above section of this article.