Try A Home Remedy For An Ear Infection

A home remedy for an ear infection may be your best option if you are a parent. Children tend to get ear infections often and it can be costly going to the doctor each time. Its especially bothersome when you are on vacation and you need a quick fix. Luckily there are many treatments you can do yourself. However, before trying any home remedies its a good idea to visit a doctor at least once.

People have been dealing with ear infections using the products they have sitting in their home for many years. These are things that have been working since the days when doctors werent readily available, so people had to treat themselves. You can take advantage of these treatments too.

A hot compress is a good option for at home or on the go. Have the child hold the hot compress to their ear with a towel or washcloth wrapped around it. You will also want them to lie on the side that is infected. This will force the build-up to come out of the ear while helping with the pain.

You probably have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your home and you can use this as a method of treating an ear infection. All you need is a couple drops into the infected ear and let it drop down in. The hydrogen peroxide will kill the infection.
Lemon juice can have a similar effect to hydrogen peroxide if you have that in your home and want to use something more natural. Lemon juice is an acidic which will neutralize the base chemical properties of the bacteria, stopping the infection.

Garlic and onions combined with olive oil can create an all natural solution to an ear infection. Youll need to simmer those ingredients together with a small amount of water. When it cools, use an eyedropper to put a few drops into the infected ear. Let it soak, and within 24 hours the infection will be gone.

Vinegar is found in most homes, and if you have it too you can use that to create an ear infection fighting solution. A combination of 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water will make a powerful cleaning solution that is safe for anyones ear.
Although it is a strange use for a liquor, vodka can also cure an ear infection, and not by drinking it. Dab a small amount of vodka onto a cotton ball and press it against the infected ear. Make sure some of the vodka drips into the ear. The strong alcohol content will remove the infection without causing harm like a pure alcohol would.

You can choose any of these home remedies and see which one works best for your children. Once you find one you like, you can continue to use that home remedy for an ear infection each time they get one. Be sure and remember that home remedies may not work and if the infections or pain continue, you should consult with your professional health care provider.

Remedy For Dry Skin – Overcome Your Dry Skin

Finding the right remedy for dry skin can be vitally important if you are dealing with uncomfortable and itchy dry skin. Dealing with dry skin is not impossible because there are a wide variety of different home remedies for you to choose from. Combine the following skin care methods in different ways until you find a mix that works well for you. Each remedy for dry skin is going to benefit your skin in different ways. Creating a combination that works well for you is the best way to ensure that you get the most out of your dry skin regimen.

– * You can take advantage of the healing benefits of oatmeal when it comes to treating dry or damaged skin. Oatmeal offers some truly skin soothing effects that were first discovered more than 4,000 years ago. Many people are just beginning to understand these benefits because when you put oatmeal in your bath it is capable of behaving as a soothing agent. You can pour approximately 2 cups woth of colloidal oatmeal such as Aveeno into a bathtub full of lukewarm water. Colloidal means that the oatmeal has been converted into a fine powder that will suspend in the water rather thank sinking into the bottom of the tub.

You can use oatmeal as if it were a soap substitute, for example. Tie a little bit of colloidal oatmeal into a washcloth or handkerchief, then dunk it in the water, squeeze the excess water out and then use it just like you would use a typical washcloth for a nice soothing effect.

– * You should also choose soaps that are superfatted. Most types of soap contain a material called lye in them, and while it is great for the process of cleaning, it is also very irritating when your skin is already dry. It is recommended, then, that you avoid strong types of soap like Ivory or Dial in favor of a super fatted soap such as Dove, Neutrogena or Basis. These super fatted soaps contain extra amounts of fats like cold cream, coconut oil, cocoa butter and lanolin which are added to the soap mix during the manufacturing process.

Products like Dove, for example, are not really actually soap at all. They are more like using a cold cream. There are trade offs to consider when it comes to choosing a product like this, as super fatted soaps do not tend to clean as well, but they are also far less irritating when it comes to washing dry skin, and this makes a real difference when it comes to remedying dry skin at home.

You can overcome your dry skin issues when you use the right home remedies. Use the above remedies and other skin care remedies to restore health and beauty to your skin once more. Keep in mind that the skin care regimen for you will be different than for other people.

Osteoarthritis in the Knees: 10 Pain Relief Options

Do you suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees? If so, you know pain and you know it well. Luckily, your suffering does not have to be constant or last for long. There are many ways to seek relief. In fact, just ten of your options are outlined below. These particular options were selected due to ease and practicality; just about anyone can seek relief with these methods.

1 Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

For osteoarthritis, most professionals recommend Tylenol or acetaminophen. With that said, there are many over-the-counter pain relievers available. Choose a brand that you can afford and one that provides you with relief. For example, if Aleve has worked to stop headache pain, try it for arthritis relief. You already know the formula works.

2 Topical Arthritis Creams

For instant arthritis pain relief, it is best to go directly to the source. Topical arthritis creams enable you to do so. You apply the cream directly to the hurtful joints. At first, you may notice a slight tingle or sting, but then comes the relief. This relief usually lasts as long as over-the-counter pain relief pills.

When examining the active ingredients in over-the-counter arthritis creams, you are likely to find capsaicin. This ingredient is also found in cayenne pepper. Many not only recommend a capsaicin cream, but adding the pepper spice to foods for flavor and the health benefits.

3 – Prescribed Medication

Many times, physicians only write prescriptions for severe pain. This is pain that cannot be treated with over-the-counter products. Opioids are prescription pain relievers, but there is a risk of addiction or problems from improper use. If your doctor deems you a responsible and low-risk taker, codeine, hydrocodone, or oxycodone may be prescribed.

4 Heat

For most, heat provides pain relief. So, give it a try. Draw a warm bath, use a warm washcloth, or purchase a heating pad. As always, caution is advised to prevent burns. Although most individuals benefit from heat, some do better with cold. Some medical professionals, according to Arthritis Today, recommended alternating between the two.

5 Exercise

To reduce joint pain, strong muscle strength is needed. With strong muscles, you are able to rely on them and use them more. This puts less pressure on achy knees. In fact, strong muscles give the joints extra protection and cushion. Therefore, exercise is advised. If it is painful to exercise, start out slow with low-impact exercises. For some, stretching and light walking is enough. If still too painful, consider low-impact water exercises.

6 Physical Therapy

As previously stated, some osteoarthritis patients may find it too painful to exercise. Your goal is to avoid and prevent pain, so why do something that causes it? Exercise has long-term health benefits. Not only does it promote an overall healthy body, but it does provide the joints protection through increased muscle strength. You can exercise at home, but physical therapy is good. In some cases, this gives you easy access to water exercises. You can also learn safe low-impact exercises to do at home.

7 Weight Loss

Not all patients suffering from osteoarthritis are overweight, but those who are increase the risk of pain. The more weight one carries around, the more pressure there is applied to the knees. If you can lose weight without compromising your health, do so. The best way to lose weight is to combine exercise with healthy eating.

8 Knee Braces

Those who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees are more likely to experience walking troubles. It can be painful to walk from one room to another, let alone leave the house. A knee brace can provide support and stability. A proper fitting knee brace not only makes it easier to walk, but less painful too! Knee braces are available for sale at most health and drugstores, but talk to your physician first.

9 Walking Aids

Those with mild osteoarthritis in the knees can benefit from a cane. Those with severe osteoarthritis in the knees may need crutches. As previously stated, walking is difficult with arthritis in the knees. It is painful and there is an increased risk of falls, due to instability. Cane or crutches can provide support.

10 A Strong Support System

Many arthritis patients believe they reach the point of no return. This is when the pain is so unbearable it seem as if nothing will work. Those individuals are more likely to suffer in silence than seek treatment. If you are one of those individuals or if you just need a push to lose weight or exercise, a strong support system is vital. For many, talking about their pain helps to ease it. Ensure you have someone at home to discuss your arthritis with or find local support groups.


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How to Treat Osteoarthritis at Home

Osteoarthritis is a painful type of arthritis. It is caused by the wear and tear of joint cartilage. It degenerates overtime. Those with a severe form of osteoarthritis literally have two bones rubbing together. This, unfortunately, is very painful. If you have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, your doctor will recommend over-the-counter pain pills or write a prescription for stronger medication. Take these pills, but there is more that you can do and right at home.

Exercise. Do not believe you must visit a gym to get a good workout. In fact, those suffering from osteoarthritis should start at home. Fitness centers have many great machines, but they may be too hard for you to use. Start with low impact exercises. You may feel pain at first, but it should minimize overtime. Your goal is to work and loosen your painful joints. This will reduce stiffness and lessen the later risk of deformities. Another goal is to build muscle strength. With strong muscles, you can rely on them more, as opposed to your painful joints.

Alter your activities at home. Of course, you dont want to give up your passions. One should never let osteoarthritis get them down. To reduce pain or the likelihood of it, you will need to alter some of your at-home activities. For example, do you enjoy gardening? Instead of bending down, start an above ground garden with raised planters. Do you enjoy sewing by hand? If so, opt for a sewing machine. Less hand movements are required.

Use heat to treat pain. It has long been known that heat lessens pain. So, use it. Draw a warm bath and climb in. If positioning yourself in the bathtub is too difficult, opt for a reusable heating pad or a warm washcloth. If heat does not treat your pain or it stops working overtime, make the switch to a cold compress. It should have the same results. In fact, some medical professional recommend switching between the two.

Learn to relax. There is no doubt that osteoarthritis patients deal with pain. In fact, they deal with severe pain and often. Still, our emotions pay a huge role in the pain we experience. The more you focus on your pain, the more it will hurt. So, dont. Instead of focusing on that pain, focus on ways to lessen the severity. Yes, pain relief products and heat will help, but so will relaxing or doing something that you love!

Research home remedies. Did you know that over-the-counter pain pills and topical arthritis creams are not the only way to seek relief? Many patients report success with natural and home remedies. One being supplements. Devils Claw, Cats Claw, and Gingko occasionally work. Certain foods can also provide natural relief from pain and inflammation. The supplement Bromelain is recommended, but it is also found naturally in pineapples. It reduces the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. So, head to the internet and do a little bit of research. Your next stop may not be the medicine cabinet or the drug store, but your refrigerator or kitchen cupboard.

In short, osteoarthritis cannot be cured. Although it may seem as if all hope is lost, it is not. There are many ways to prevent, treat, and manage the pain and swelling associated with disease. By taking the above mentioned suggestions, you never have to leave home!


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