Famous Warts

Average people consider warts to be unsightly, embarrassing, and something to remove as quickly and painlessly as possible. Famous people do not always see the subject the same way. Some may simply not think warts to be a problem. Others may actually consider them to be a unique part of who they are.

Oliver Cromwell was one of the most well-known historical figures. Although fans of history and politics are divided in their opinions as to whether he was actually a hero or a ruthless dictator, he is equally if not more well-known for his request for his portrait to be painted “warts and all.” Cromwell’s death mask also contains his clearly-visible warts.

Oddly enough, many people who have no interest in the history of Britain are familiar with Cromwell’s alleged quote. The quote itself continues to be widely-used, even by the many who have no knowledge of its source. “Warts and all” is a common phrase, meaning to take one exactly as he is, his imperfections included.

In more modern days, while celebrities may not consider their warts to be their claim-to-fame, the subject of their warts gives many something to comment on some more positive than others. Long-time popular movie star Robert DeNiro, while not in the media nearly as much as he used to be, is occasionally brought up by fans and non-fans alike, remarking about his quite visible wart.

While it is doubtful that not having a wart removed is due to a desire for publicity, Mr. DeNiro’s wart gains publicity nonetheless. Movie star magazines and everyday “bloggers” all talk about Robert DeNiro’s wart.

On female celebrities, warts today seem to be what moles were in the past often passed off as a sign of “beauty.” Fans may or may not agree with this point of view.

Another widely-publicized wart is that which belonged to Elvis Presley. The story is that it was removed by a doctor prior to Elvis’s military service. The fact that a world-famous singer’s wart was preserved, and is still in existence thirty years after his death, says less about the scientific possibilities necessary for such preservation than it does about many Americans’ unquenchable thirst for the odd and the outrageous.

Perhaps an attempt to understand it all can be traced back to Oliver Cromwell. Perhaps ordinary, everyday people have a need to see “the famous” as less than perfect, as having flaws just like everyone else. Everybody, from the famous to the average, has some type of “wart.” It is certainly a better explanation than the other logical possibility that many people simply are intrigued by the macabre.

Do Animals Get Warts?

Not only are various animals capable of getting warts, the often do. In some types of animals, warts can be deadly. One of the main examples of how warts can affect a non-human species is that of the turtle. In recent years, studies have been conducted to research the causes and effects of warts on certain types of turtles.

The findings are startling. A virus called fibropapillomatosis is the contributing factor. Unlike the warts found in humans, which are generally located in the epidermis, the warts which affect these turtles spread throughout their bodies. The warts are then capable of obstructing the turtle’s internal organs. This then can cause the turtle to die, either from starvation from being unable to see or swim properly, or from other bacterial infections. There has been a steady decrease in the population of sea turtles; the warts which affect their bodies is the primary reason for this.

In dogs, the virus which causes warts is the canine viral papillomas. Unless a dog’s warts become infected, the general rule is to leave the warts undisturbed, as they usually disappear with time. A dog’s warts are rarely a problem unless they are located about the mouth or other area which is sensitive and prone to bacteria and moisture. In some instances, a dog will require antibiotics. In dogs, warts usually appear in clusters, rather than as individual warts.

Dogs acquire warts in the manner similar to how humans get warts they contract them from other dogs who already have them. Canine warts can only be be spread amongst dogs. They pose no risk to other types of animals, nor can people contract warts from their dogs.

Warts are less common in cats, but they do sometimes occur. Older cats are the most prone to contracting warts. Removal is not generally indicated unless the wart becomes infected. There is more danger in the wart becoming infected through the cat’s scratching or other activity than by the wart’s state itself. These warts also are not transmittable to humans.

Cows can contract warts. In cattle, the term for warts is infectious papillomatosis, which refers to the papillomatomavirus which causes them. In cows, warts are not usually serious and eventually disappear, but they are highly contagious. When cows have warts, isolating them from other cattle is important. It has not yet been determined whether either this virus being present in a cow or the antibiotics given to clear it up have an effect on the safety of its milk.

Warts are the easiest way of determining whether a specific amphibian is a frog or a toad. Although there is quite a large variety of these creatures, by first appearance they have much in common. This amphibian has legs, but no tail; but the way to know for certain which type it is is whether or not it has warts. All types of toads have warts; no type of frog has them. Contrary to folk stories, the “warts” which are on toads are not related to the virus which causes warts in humans.