Low Blood Sugar Child

Low blood sugar child, also called hypoglycemia, can be caused by many different things. The good news is that it is preventable as long as you keep it under supervision. Some kids tend to have problems with low blood sugar more than others. There are common signs that you can keep an eye out for. Once you notice some signs of low blood sugar in your kid, you can then change habits to control the blood sugar levels.

Low blood sugar child symptoms can seem to show up out of the blue. Kids often have big mood swings and we often dismiss them as “a phase” but it can often be a sign of fluctuating blood sugar levels. As a matter of fact, an ADD diagnosis is often the incorrect diagnosis for a child who suffers from hypoglycemia.

Some other common signs of hypoglycemia are turning pale, pounding heart and clammy or shaking hands. The child may not be able to let you know that they feel like they need to eat. They also may be feeling signs of headache or irritability but simply can not convey that to you. If you don’t know that this is the first signs of low blood sugar, you might well just write it off as your child having a bad day or throwing a temper tantrum.

If you start to notice one or more of these warning signs, the best thing to do is give your child a quick sugar spike. Fast acting sugar in the form of juice, dextrose tablets or just a spoonful of sugar can help alleviate the symptoms. You don’t need a lot either, just 4 ozs. of sweetened fruit juice or 2 tbsp. of sugar will be all that is needed. This quick dose of sugar will usually reverse the symptoms in just a few minutes.

If you want to stop the problem before it starts, all you have to do is make sure your child eats at regular intervals throughout the day. Having too long of a time period between meals, especially if your child is getting a lot of physical activity, can cause a drop in blood sugar.

It’s easy to have changes in your schedule from one day to the next, but your kids system isn’t going to be able to handle those changes as well as you would. Try to keep them on a set schedule from one day to the next, no matter how crazy your schedule gets.

Make sure, too, that you don’t feed your kids high carbohydrate meals. When there are a lot of carbs in a meal, your body thinks that it is getting too much sugar and it produces more insulin. The problem is that with a high carb meal, the increase in insulin can cause blood sugar levels to drop dramatically.

Any child can be susceptible to low blood sugar, not just kids with diabetes. Low blood sugar can affect anyone at any age. Low blood sugar child isn’t a big deal and can be easily prevented.

Depression And The Elderly

The elderly face many more challenges than their younger counterparts. They are at an age where death is almost expected whether it is reading about a friend in the paper or losing a family member. They also face more health problems. These factors can often lead to depression if older people do not have the appropriate support systems in place. Depression does not have to happen and it is not part of aging. However it can happen and it will prevent an elderly person from living a full life as they are more likely to withdraw into themselves and their memories.

The biggest thing a family can do for their elderly parent or relative is to learn to distinguish between the symptoms of depression and of grief. Grief occurs much more frequently for the elderly as they are more likely to lose loved ones, their health, their mobility, their freedoms, and their careers. Doctors know grief is painful and can last a long time sometimes even weeks. It is when these weeks start to turn in to months and the grievers behaviors start to change that is cause for concern.

Depression in the elderly is more likely to go unchecked and untreated than in any other age group. Often relatives do not visit as often so do not notice how long the person has been feeling sad. Some assume feeling sad is part of aging, although that could not be further from the truth. Even doctors are often more concerned about the physical well-being of their patients rather than their emotion state. The consequences of these inactions are cause for serious concern. Depressed elderly individuals are at a higher risk for alcohol and drug abuse, illness, and suicide. Their relatives need to be able to discern when a person is depressed and to watch out for the warning signs.

Warning signs for depression in the elderly can be isolation, extreme sadness, loss of interest in hobbies, weight loss, difficulties sleeping, feelings of being a burden to their family, lack of personal hygiene, even possible suicide attempts. Sometimes the signs are harder to see as the depressed elderly individual may not even feel sad. It may be that they are constantly worrying, wringing their hands, complaining more than usual, experiencing more aches and pains than before, pacing in the home, or even generally lacking energy. These are all signs of depression that relatives should be on the lookout for so they can help the elderly seek the treatment they need and deserve.

Treatment is available and necessary. As the general population of Americans age, the once-called baby boomers are now turning into our elderly. The population of elderly is steadily increasing at rates never before seen. It is essential for families and relatives to pull together to help keep an eye on our older loved ones. Perhaps it is as simple as inviting a parent, grand-parent, or elderly aunt over for supper. Perhaps it is getting involved at the local recreation center and organizing activities for the elderly. Perhaps it is watching over older family members more closely to make sure they are eating properly and taking their medications on time. Whatever we choose to do, it is our responsibility as the younger generation to look after our elders.

Looking Out For The Warning Signs Of Lymphoma

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding Lymphoma. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about Lymphoma.

Lymphoma, the cancer of the lymph system, is one of the hardest diseases to deal with. This is owing to up until now, no cure has been discovered to appease the fear of people at risk in this type of disease. Although experienced are some preventive measures that are advertised to prevent cancer cells from growing, nothing can stop it fully once incarnate has crowded and disabled the metier of specific organs in the body.

Lymph system refers to a network of interconnected nodes and thin tubes which paves the way for the white blood cells to be carried out in the different parts of the body. White blood cells are very important since these helps fight infections. When these cells are struck by cancer cells, it will affect the way the white blood cells and will lead to its dysfunction.

Lymphoma targets a part of the lymph system and it does not refer to single cancer but to a group of rife cancers that are related. As of today, there are about 30 types of lymphoma including ” Mantle Cell Lymphoma, ” ” Malt Lymphoma, ” ” Cutaneous ( Skin ) Lymphoma, ” ” Diffuse Large B – Cell Lymphoma, ” ” Burkitt Lymphoma, ” and ” Primary CNS Lymphoma ” among others but these types albatross belong to two weird categories including the Hodgkin Disease and Non – Hodgkin Lymphoma.

According to experts, both categories may exhibit the same symptoms that are why the diagnosis and sets of examinations are done. But, the major variance in these two types will be noticeable depending on the person being affected.

Red flags of lymphoma

Lymphoma could correspond to express as a silent threat because it will take some era before its symptoms eventuate. And, when they do, they can reproduce so common or ” generic ” thats why many nation dont take concrete so seriously. Unless the symptoms become so noticeable and appear ever so often, that’s the only time when the person suffering from it would consider consulting a doctor.

If you are at risk, say belong to a family whose history include cancerspecifically cancer of the lymph systemthen it would be best to undergo a check up once you:

– feel painless lumps in the neck, armpits or groin. Experts say that this is the most commonand at timesthe ONLY one that is the symptom of lymphoma. Once you have enlarged nodes, it is the best time to undergo a sign up. You can acquiesce if your nodes are enlarged when changing clothes or while taking a bath. You can also ask your sister or your partner to check it for you if you feel uncertain about the lumps. However, not all emerged lymph nodes are always signs of lymphoma so its better if you consult a physician to express sure.

– drastic weight loss. Once cancer cells attack the lymph system, the person will suddenly lose weight without apparent reason. In fact, once lymphoma remains undetected in the coming months, the substance may lose as much as 15 to 20 pounds!

Other symptoms of lymphoma aside from enlarged lymph nodes and drastic containment loss may include continuous fever, sweating excessively specially during nightfall time despite cold weather, and severe itchiness on almost all parts of the body which are results of special chemicals that are secreted by lymphoma cells.
Don’t limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about Lymphoma. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what’s important.

Swine Flu: Overview, Treatment, and Prevention

Swine flu is an illness that is affecting hundreds of individuals in the United States as well as worldwide. According to the CDC, the illness may take some more time. Since one is likely to become infected with the condition, they need to understand swine flu symptoms in order for them to obtain proper treatment or medicaion.

The Symptoms

The symptoms of H1N1 infection is similar to that of seasonal flu. Among the symptoms include cough, sore throat, running or stuffy nose, chills and fatigue, to name just a few. Several people infected with the virus have complained of diarrhea and vomiting. The high risk groups prone to H1N1 is not yet known at the moment but it is likely that they are similar to those suffering from seasonal influenza.

People at greater risk of serious side effects from seasonal flu include people more than 65 years old, children below 5 years old, pregnant women, and people with chronic medical consitions as well as those who are taking immunosuppressive medications or with HIV infection.

Avoid Social Contact

If you are feeling sick, your condition may last for more than a week. You should remain at home and refrain from making social contact. As much as possible, you should not communicate with other people to avoid the spread of the virus.

At the moment, the CDC believes that H1N1 has similar properties on the aspect of transmission with seasonal flu virus. If you go out of the house to consult your doctor, wear a mask or use a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

According to recent studies, people suffering from seasonal flu are at risk to transmit the disease a day prior to development of symptoms for up to seven days after getting sick.

Children are more likely to be at risk for a longer period of time so it is best to consult a healthcare provider.

Emergency Warning Signs

If you suddenly become sick and experience any of the following warning signs, this is your cue to seek emergency medical assistance.

In the case of children becoming ill due to H1N1infection, the following warning signs may require immediate medical attention:

* Fast or difficulty in breathing
* Bluish or gray colored skin
* Insufficient amount of liquids
* Severe or continuous vomiting
* Lack of sleep or interaction
* Irritability
* Recovery from flu-like symptoms but the symptoms come back with fever and worse coughing

Among adults, the following emergency warning signs demand immediate medical attention:

* Trouble with breathing or shortness of breath
* Abdominal pains or pressure in the chest
* The individual suddenly becomes dizzy
* The patient is confused
* Severe or continuous vomiting
* Recovery from flu-like symptoms but the symptoms come back with fever and worse coughing

Prevention Is The Best Treatment

You can do your part in preventing the spread of the H1N1 virus. Here are some tips on how you can take part in efforts for preventing the spread of infection.

* Be aware. Obtain information about H1N1 by visiting the website of the CDC.

* Use a tissue in covering your mouth and nose when sneezing. Afterwards, throw the tissue in the trash.

* With soap and water, wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. If possible, use alcohol-based sanitizers.

* Refrain from touching your nose or mouth as this could lead to easy transmission of germs.

By being aware of swine flu symptoms, the spread of the H1N1 virus would easily be prevented.