
Diets During Pregnancy

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Diet is an important factor to be taken care of during the pregnancy. One has to bear mind that one has to eat for two during pregnancy though overeating is not the remedy for this.

pregnancy, diet, diets, weight lose, fitness, health, medical, medicine

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Motherhood is a wonderful experience of a woman. Nature ensures the continuance of living beings through their progenies, human beings being no exception to this universal rule. The development of human consciousness and scientific advancement though has put some restrictions or exceptions to the very purpose and end of a man woman relationship, it is the natures design for obtaining progeny and thereby ensuring the continuance of the human race.

Diet is an important factor to be taken care of during the pregnancy. One has to bear mind that one has to eat for two during pregnancy though overeating is not the remedy for this. One has to take sufficient quantity of proteins, vitamins and minerals since the mother is the only source of al these essential items for the baby.

Pre natal diet do not recommend complete non carbohydrate diet since it may result in production of ketones in the blood stream in the absence of carbohydrates, that may result in the risk of brain damage for the baby. Besides this also may lead to constipation in pregnant women since they are supplied with additional doses of iron required for the baby.

The pre natal food need include enough fruits to ensure vitamins in required quantity. One need be careful not to over eat that may lead to obesity especially those who suffer from diabetics or low B.P. or over weight.

Normally low carbohydrate diet includes whole grains and fruits with minimum white rice and pasta. If one take high carbohydrate diet it is better to go for frequent meals. One may avoid processed meat as it contains less nutrients and more calories. Sufficient quantity of nuts salads and fruits are to be taken. Large doses of salt and sauces are to be avoided. One is best advised to consult the gynecologist to get a balanced diet prescribed. There is definitely a connection with the pre natal food and the babys health.

One has to prepare oneself to be a good mother by enriching the knowledge of baby care, and the post delivery health care. One needs to be emotionally prepared to keep adjusted with the physical, and emotional changes one is subject to during this period. The role of a loving husband during the period cannot be over emphasized. It is he who has to give her the care, comfort, and the confidence to prepare herself to become a matured, healthy and loving mother.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding pregnancy. Prior to beginning any diet or taking any medication, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.

Natural Beauty Tips to Help You Look Your Best

Let our natural beauty tips help you look beautiful without all those toxic chemicals found in today’s cosmetics. It is possible to achieve a healthy, vibrant appearance using only natural ingredients. You’ll look better and feel better because you do not have all those heavy cosmetic products on your skin.

Natural beauty refers to a vital and healthy look for your body, hair, and skin. Living an overall healthier lifestyle is the first step to refreshing your appearance. Take care of your body from the inside out before attempting to fix skin problems with surface treatments like moisturizer or makeup. Many times, a simple lifestyle change is all it takes to completely revitalize your look.

Make sure you are eating right and are getting enough vitamins and minerals each day. Add a multivitamin to your morning routine to ensure that you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and try to avoid excess fats, sugars, and processed foods. Healthy food for your body will show through in your appearance as your skin clears and becomes more moist and supple.

Exercise is probably the most powerful of any of the natural beauty tips. Regular physical activity improves blood flow to the skin, giving it a fuller, more colorful look naturally. Of course, exercise will also help you stay trim and looking good all-around. On top of the benefits to your appearance, working out on a regular basis will keep your internal organs and heart healthy, along with preventing some cancers and extending your life.

The next in our list of natural beauty tips is to always keep yourself hydrated. As skin dries out, it becomes inflexible and more susceptible to wrinkles. Instead of applying heavy moisturizing cream externally, try drinking more water to provide moisture from the inside. This is a far healthier and natural solution to the common problem of dry skin.

Even if you still want to wear some cosmetics, there are natural beauty tips that can help you. Start off with either a sheer foundation or a slightly tinted moisturizing cream. Use a damp sponge to apply the cream so you get coverage all over your face without too much cosmetic buildup. This shows off your healthy-looking skin, but will also cover up any blemishes or marks without being too heavy or obvious.

To avoid leathery, dry skin, stay out of the sun whenever possible. The UV rays from the sun will dry out your skin and cause it to wrinkle prematurely. If you must go out in direct sunlight, be sure to wear sunscreen that is rated SPF 15 or higher. Hats, sunglasses, and umbrellas can also help protect you when you are out in the sun.

As you can see it does not require chemical-filled cosmetics and makeup to look great. There are many ways to enhance your appearance without resorting to artificial products. Following these natural beauty tips will get you on your way to a healthier, more radiant appearance.

Asthma And The Yoga Diet

One of the most effective ways to treat asthma attacks is through the Yoga diet. Dietary errors are quite common these days because many people live unhealthy lifestyles. The ideal Yoga diet for asthmatic individuals are the pure or Sattvic foods. These foods are easily digested and not only that, they are also very nourishing.

Most asthma patients are lacto-vegetarians. According to major researches, a predominant veggie diet is the best way to treat and control asthma attacks. The proteins contained in meat products are very difficult to digest and so it burdens your metabolic system. If youre not ready to become a predominant vegetarian, you can simply cut down your consumption of red meat. After some time, you will get used to it and little by little, you can remove red meat from your diet. Being a predominant vegetarian has its advantage and it benefits asthma patients greatly. You also need to cut down on poultry, fish, and even eggs. If youre going to eat sea foods, dont fry them.

You must remember that asthmatics should limit their consumption of fats, carbohydrates, proteins but you can also help yourself with moderate germinated grains, green veggies, pulses, and fresh fruits. Try to eat more dried fruits such as berries or oranges, black raisins, and prunes. Have adequate servings of tomatoes, beets, cucumber, lettuce, and carrots. It would be best to serve green vegetables slightly cooked or sauted together with white bread.

Asthmatics are also advised to eat less to avoid discomfort. If you eat too much, you will feel like youve overeaten or that youre over-full. You must take your time while eating. Try to chew the food well and drink plenty of water. When youre eating, try to avoid liquids as much as possible and drink after youve finished eating.

Like any other healthy individual, asthma patients needs adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A is very effective in treating asthma. You can find this vitamin in cantaloupe, squashes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, apricots, pink grapefruit, spinach, and broccoli. Fruits with intense colors contain high beta-carotene, so choose your fruits well.

For hemoglobin formation and enhanced autoimmune function, take an adequate amount of vitamin B6. You can find it in whole grains, fortified cereals and breads, fish, meat, eggs, legumes, nuts, and beans.

Have servings of apples, avocadoes, apricot, blackberries, blackcurrants, kiwi fruits, blueberries, pears, and peaches because these fruits are rich in vitamin C.

In order to improve blood circulation, get enough vitamin E. Try to eat spinach, olives, seeds, nuts, corn, wheat germ, asparagus, and leafy green vegetables. Vegetable oil is also very important in your diet.

Roasted peanuts, walnuts, almonds, unsalted peanuts, mixed nuts, oatmeal, peas, raisin bran, baked beans, and dried peas are rich in zinc which supports your adrenal glands. Selenium, essential fatty acids, and holy basil or tulsi are also very important.

Oftentimes, these foods cause asthma fish, eggs, shellfish, chocolate, milk, food preservatives, citrus fruits, and coloring. To reduce the inflammation of the airways and get enough antioxidants, eat apples everyday. Dairy products can also lead to excess mucus, to try to limit your consumption of these products. Phlegm is doubly produced if you eat plenty of sugar-rich foods, rice, pickles, iced drinks, ice, chutneys, and fried foods. Avoid them so that you can aid the digestion process.

Follow the right asthma diet to prevent asthma attacks.

Overcoming The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue is a condition of exhaustion and lack of energy caused by several factors such as viral infection, overexertion and lack of sleep. As fatigue is a normal condition, most people have experienced fatigue at least once in their lifetimes. The feeling of exhaustion is usually relieved after the person gets some rest. But if a person suffers from fatigue for extended periods of time, usually more than 6 months, he/she may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition of extreme and persistent fatigue that lasts for six months and more. It usually comes with several other symptoms such as muscle pain, aches in the joints, sore throat, and lack of energy. Most people with chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS usually suffer from a more serious disorder like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is hard to determine, but it is widely believed that there are three factors that trigger this debilitating disorder.

The Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Viral or bacterial infection Exposure to viruses and bacteria can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms of fatigue usually disappear when the infection is successfully treated.

Overexertion Rigorous physical activities that go beyond what the body can take results to extreme exhaustion. Athletes who are prone to over training are susceptible to this.

Depression Some doctors believe there is a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and stress or anxiety. People who suffer from depression are also usually afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dehydration Depriving the body of its daily water requirements has long-term side effects such as chronic fatigue.

Eating disorders Inadequate supply of vitamins and minerals in the body causes chronic fatigue since the body lacks the proper nutrition it needs to perform properly.

Now that you know what triggers chronic fatigue syndrome, the following remedies should help you overcome the symptoms of CFS.

Have a balanced, healthy diet Increase your intake of healthy food such as fruits and vegetables. These provide your body with vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system strong. Also increase your consumption of garlic and onion, which are known to boost the immune system. Eating more quality protein that is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 (such as fish, chicken, soy products) also helps maintain the body healthy.

Avoid food high in fat and sugar content, as they will make you prone to feeling lethargic and sluggish. Never skip breakfast and instead of having three full meals per day, go for more frequent meals but with smaller portions to keep your body’s metabolism going.

Get up and active People afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome don’t have to rest and sleep all the time. Regular exercise is advised to help combat the lethargy and lack of energy. Fifteen to thirty minutes of mild exercise combined with 30 minutes of rigorous physical activity such as swimming, aerobics and tennis can work wonders in improving your heart’s performance and for proper circulation.

De-stress Doctors have found out that there is a strong connection between stress/anxiety and the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. To avoid having chronic fatigue, it is advised to manage stress and bring stress levels down. Learning to deal with stress will not only help you combat chronic fatigue, it will also help you improve your relationships, boost your health and enhance your general outlook on life.