How to Treat Genital Warts at Home

Genital warts are usually treated by professionals. Some people, though, have found that they are able to treat genital warts in the privacy of their own homes. They find these methods preferable to subjecting themselves to a doctor’s treatments.

Some home remedies for genital warts involve some form of vinegar. You can dab cider vinegar on the warts. You can also use red wine vinegar and mix it with garlic to put on the warts. Or, you can use white vinegar. White vinegar has no unpleasant odor.

Certain oils have been used. Coconut oil removes warts, and is soothing as well. Vitamin E oil is also a good choice. It loosens the wart. At the same time, it is good for the surrounding skin.

Herbal remedies are numerous. There is a powder called Job’s Tears, a plant extract called hatomugi. It can be found in Chinese medicine shops. It also comes in tea and bags of dried herbs. If you take this substance for a few days, genital warts will fall off.

Other herbs are used in an effort to boost your immune system. Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. This is why when you have one, you often have many. To help your body fight the virus, you can use herbs along with other immune system building activities.

Echinacea helps to fight off viruses by using the natural acids of your own body. Goldenseal has been used for centuries for wound care. It has recently been discovered that goldenseal has antibiotic properties. It can be used, and works especially well with prescription medications for genital warts.

Astragalus is another Chinese herb that has been used for thousands of years. It has been used as a remedy for genital warts. Today, there is proof that this herb actually does energize the immune system. This helps it fight off the virus that causes genital warts.

Some other herbs used in the treatment of genital warts are St. John’s Wort, Ginkgo biloba, and Olive leaf. These herbs are usually taken orally to help the body combat the virus. The herbs are easy to find in any pharmacy or health food store.

To go along with these herbal treatments, you should be taking time to care for yourself, too. Eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and get an adequate amount of sleep. Exercise is also helpful in helping to boost your natural immune system.

Garlic, in its many forms, has been used for a long time to fight genital warts. It can be used raw, or it can be found in capsules or ointments. You can take it by mouth or you can put it directly on the wart. It will not injure the surrounding tissue, so it is perfectly safe.

Actually, the most unsafe thing about these home remedies is that your condition may need to be seen by a physician. As little as you would like to tell someone about this problem, it may be necessary. When left untreated, genital warts can be very dangerous at times. If you have them, it’s best to ask a doctor before you try a home remedy anyway.

How to Treat Common Warts at Home

Common warts plague many people. If what they have is truly a common wart, then it probably is not anything dangerous at all. However, it can be a big nuisance. It can make them feel self conscious and it may be uncomfortable. Fortunately, common warts can often be treated at home.

The standard treatments for common warts are mainly different salicylic acid products. These preparations come in liquid, ointment, gel, and or specially coated adhesive pads. Some examples are Compound W ointment and Mediplast pads. Dr. Scholl’s also makes a liquid.

You should never use salicylic acid products if you have diabetes or a problem with your immune system. If you don’t have any such conditions, and you do use them, do so with caution. Follow the directions carefully.

If you leave the acid on healthy tissue, the acid will eat into it. The preparation that stays on the common warts will dissolve away the warts. You can eventually rub it off with a pumice stone.

Besides this, there are home remedies you can try. Using about 25,000 i.u. of Vitamin A from fish oil capsules can help. Open the capsules and spread it on the wart. Rub it in once a day. The advantage of this method and most other home remedies is that good tissue around the common warts is not damaged.

Other oils and juices can be used in a similar way for common warts. Vitamin E oil, castor oil, and clove oil are said to help with common warts. Aloe vera juice, milkweed juice, and the milky juice of unripe figs have been known to have a positive effect. Even dandelion sap has been used.

Some people rub their common warts with chalk. Some use a raw potato to rub it. A poultice of flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and raw honey can be put on warts. The poultice should be changed every day.

Tea tree oil, when rubbed on the common wart, is said to melt the wart away in a little over a week. You can soak the wart in water for twenty minutes. Then dry it and apply vinegar. After this dries, wash and dry your foot again. Doing this regularly is said to remove common warts.

Some people advocate the use of garlic for removing common warts. Some would have you crush the garlic. Then hold it in place on the wart with a bandage. Some simply recommend taking garlic supplements.

Applying fresh cut pineapple to the common warts is supposed to get rid of them in just two or three days. The problem with this method is that you have to constantly cut into fresh pineapples. You will have more of the fruit than you know what to do with.

Perhaps, in the end, the best treatment for common warts is no treatment at all. These warts often go away with no treatment at all. About half of all warts will disappear with no help within two years. So, if you have common warts, you might try doing nothing at all.

Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal

Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal Your Dry Itchy Skin At Home

If you are dealing with skin that is dry or itchy, then finding the right home remedy for dry itchy skin is going to play an important part in your daily or weekly skin care regimen from now on. Luckily, there are actually a wide variety of different remedies for you to select from when it comes to remedying dry skin at home. Because everyone has unique skin care needs, choosing the right skin care regimen is going to mean exploring different home remedies until you have cured your dry itchy skin. There is no one size fits all solution to dealing with dry itchy skin, but the following tips will definitely help you.

– * Itching that is caused as a result of dry skin rather than a medical condition can easily be treated using a wide variety of home remedies. The key to using these home remedies is to combine them until you get the results that you seek.

– * Add a can of evaporated milk to your bath. The milk will help to moisturize your skin.

– * Add oatmeal, baking soda and evaporated milk to your bath for a good home remedy for dealing with dry and itching skin. The materials when mixed together will work well at soothing and relaxing the itching.

– * Try applying different natural ingredients to your skin. Cod liver oil, Vitamin E oil, witch hazel, Aloe Vera gel, lemon juice and wheat germ oil are all excellent ideas worth considering as they’ll moisturize the skin and relieve the itching.

– * Some home remedies for your dry and itching skin can be taken in pill form. These include chickweed, burdock root, plantain, yellow dock and goldenseal.

– * Another material that is good for relieving the itching and dryness in your skin is cornstarch, which can be poured into your bath water or dusted right onto your body.

– * Another trusted home remedy for dry itchy skin is to use baking soda in your cool bath water as it will alleviate itching and other skin irritations including insect bites, bee stings, prickly heat and other relatively minor skin ailments.

– * You can drink between one and two cups worth of stinging nettle tea every day to relieve the itching and dryness in your skin. This can be done by adding boiling water to a single teaspoon worth of dried stinging nettle leaves.

– * A fresh poultice with burdock root or chickweed is another good remedy for itching.

Choosing the right home remedies to treat dry itchy skin may take trying a combination of different remedies until you are satisfied with the results. Keep this in mind when you are trying out the home remedies mentioned above and other home remedies that you discover for dealing with skin that is dry and itchy.