A Unique Way to Improve your Cognitive Abilities is to

A Unique Way to Improve your Cognitive Abilities is to help your Kids with Homework

As a parent we want to make sure our children are doing well in school. One way to make sure is to help them with their homework. Now, you may be chuckling to yourself remembering how long ago it was that you were in school. Some of the learning styles have changed since then but the basics of the materials remains the same. By helping your kids with their homework you can improve your cognitive abilities.

At first you may feel completely out of the loop. For example your child may be taking an algebra class. There are many rules to follow for it and most of us dont remember them. Take the time to follow the examples in the book to see what you can figure out. A great way to help your child to check their math homework is to do several of the problems on your own sheet of paper. Have your child do the same thing and then compare answers. If you find that some of them are different work those problems together to find the right answer.

English is another course where you can improve your cognitive abilities when helping your kids with homework. Do you readily recall all of those rules relating to the different parts of speech? Dont worry if you dont off hand because most adults will have to say that they dont either. As you relearn this material you will be able to help your child with his or her homework. You will also be able to enhance your own skills.

When your children discover you have a vested interest in their school work they will be more motivated to complete it. They will feel confident coming to you for help with it as well. You can use that time together to bond in a way that you havent been able to before. Many children are intimidated to ask their teachers for help. Yet they dont mind asking their parents.

Too often though as parents we dont have the right information to help them learn it. By keeping on top of what your children are learning you can help them do their very best in school. At the same time you will be exercising your own brain and improving your cognitive abilities. If you have several children make sure you learn what they are doing at the various levels.

If you arent able to learn what you need to from your childs school books, look around online. There are plenty of sites dedicated to helping parents learn such information. You can also contact the school and ask the teacher to help you if you are puzzled by certain formulas or information that your child is being asked to use for their homework.

You will be surprised by how much of the information you retain learning it this second time around. Then as your younger children move up to more advanced work you will already have the skills you need to complete it. Another benefit of all of this is that it gives you a new way to look at things. Instead of just telling your children to go do their homework you have a first hand understanding of what they need to accomplish as well as the time it takes to do it.


Word Count 567

Tips to Consider when you are Working to Improve the

Tips to Consider when you are Working to Improve the Way you Think

Changing the way that you think isnt always an easy process. You may have been following the same through process for years or for decades. That isnt necessarily a bad thing but it just means that you need to give the changes plenty of time to occur. Should you fall back into old habits, try to remind yourself why you are working to improve the way that you think. Then get back into that structure as soon as you can. The more you work at it the faster you will complete that transformation process.

You may become frustrated due to the fact that it hasnt been an easy road to follow. View that as part of the challenge. In fact, it is supposed to be hard and that part of all of it is going to help you to create a mind that is stronger than it was before. The fact that your brain can learn new things at all stages of life gives you the upper hand. Try to break your overall goal down into steps that are easier to manage. Keep that list in a place where you can see it often. Then you can identify how far you have already come to reaching your final goal. When they going gets tough that type of motivation is going to keep you strong.

The steps you take should increase in difficulty as you move along. This is important to remember. If you put the hardest things to accomplish out there at first you will most likely fail. However, when you have the harder things to accomplish further down the road you will have more of a vested interest in seeing it through to the end. Your early accomplishments will serve as a solid foundation that you get to build on as you move each step forward.

Make sure that you incorporate a good variety of methods to improve the way that you think. The progress you make will be more obvious when you have more than one tool that you are using. Have fun with these tools as well including reading or games. Dont pursue activities that you get no enjoyment out of. This is because improving the way you think is a positive thing and you dont want the road to getting there littered with negativity.

It is a good idea to set a time frame for accomplishing your goals to improve the way that you think. Saying that you will do it simply isnt good enough. Have a detailed plan of how you are going to do it. This way you can motivate yourself to follow that plan and those guidelines. Periodically evaluate how that plan is working. If you need to modify it then do so.

Your attitude towards changing the way you think is also something you need to keep in perspective. Being patient is a virtue that too many of us simply dont have. When you are able to take a deep breath, relax, and stay on track things will fall into place for you. Dont rush the transformation or assume it wont happen because it is taking a while. Remember that it did take you a long time to think the way you do right now. Therefore it is reasonable to expect it to take time for that to all change as well.

Word Count 573