Arthritis and Aromatherapy

Arthritis and Aromatherapy
Mireille Gautschi

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and is characterized by pain, stiffness, swelling, decreased range of movement and at a more serious stage deformity.Aromatherapy is a holistic approach to health and wellness by means of aromatic, plant derived scents. It is very much a traditonal method as well as a science that encompasses the intuitive and creative aspects of preparing special purpose blends.Aromatherapy blends for the treatment of arthritis are usually made from pure essential oils, but also from hydrosols and — more recently — phytols. For application to the skin they have to be mixed with vegetable oil, a cream base or a carrier lotion. Essential Oils must always be used diluted when applied to the skin. A dilution of 3% essential oils in 97% base is generally regarded as very effective and safe.Since the reasons for the occurance of arthritis are still not completely established, it is difficult to find a cure for the disease. Arthritis could be genetic, it could have to do with bone density loss, it could also be a type of infection caused by toxins released in the body. Even more likely it is a combination of several factors. It is — at this stage — only possible to treat the pain and symptoms caused by arthritis but not it’s underlying cause.Aromatherapy is one form of arthritis treatment, using a variety of essential oils. They can be added to the bath, massaged into the skin, inhaled or applied as compresses. The right mixture of essential oils will help to relax, promote pain relief and alleviate fatigue. Essential oils can also provide psychological benefits like improving the mood and reducing anxiety.Some of the more suitable arthritis oils are Lavender, Juniper, Thyme, Rosemary, Benzoe, Eucalyptus, Camomile, Pine Scotch, Camphor, Angelica Root, Ginger, Origanum, Black Pepper and Lemon.One of the most effective ways to use aromatherapy for relieving pain and reducing inflammation are hot compresses:1. Fill a medium size bowl with hot, but not scalding water.2. Add 3 to 6 drops of essential oil.3. Fold a piece of sterile cotton cloth and dip it into the bowl.4. Squeeze out excess water, but not too much.5. Place the wet, hot cloth onto the affected area until it has cooled down to body temperature.6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 at least two to three times.7. Wrap the treated area in a dry and warm towel or blanket and leave the patient to rest for a while.Another good way to use aromatherapy for arthritis relieve is to rub diluted essential oils (see above for dilution) onto pulse points and affected areas during the day. Applying essential oils throughout the day can help to alleviate pain and tension. The essential oils on the skin are quickly absorbed and enter the bloodstream. This is an excellent form of arthritis relief and works also well as a preventative measure.Aromatherapy is a natural, safe and economical option to deal with the pain and symptoms of arthritis. And above all, it has no negative side effects as so many of the conventional treatments do. In mild cases of arthritis, aromatherapy is often all that is needed to make a person comfortable.Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is presented for information purposes only. The material is in no way intended to replace professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner. It cannot and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or choice of treatment. About the Author
Mireille Gautschi is a qualified Flower Essence Therapist and Herbalist who has many years experience with the developement of natural herbal remedies.Her products can be found on the Hillside Herbal Products website that also offers a very informative newsletter.

Methods of Using Essential Oils

You can have all kinds of recipes for mixtures of essential oils. You may know just what these blends are meant to do for you. Yet, if you don’t know the methods for using them, they won’t do you much good.

Possibly the most popular method of using essential oils in the US today is inhalation. This method is favored in parts of Europe, and is called the German method. You can breathe in the aroma of the oils by putting a few drops of them on a tissue and inhaling. Or, you could just hold the bottle under your nose for awhile.

Breathing in the vapors of essential oils is very effective in most cases. It stimulates the olfactory system which has a great affect on the brain. This can help in cases of mood disturbances, for example. It can help with any ailment that is primarily associated with the brain.

Another method used in the US is massage. The essential oils are dropped into a carrier oil and massaged onto various parts of the body. This is called the English method. It is especially helpful for muscle pain, but can be useful for other ailments as well.

The French method of using essential oils is to ingest them. This should only be done with the purest, therapeutic grade essential oils that have been approved to be taken orally. A tiny amount of certain oils can be used to treat ailments like indigestion, for instance.

Sometimes, essential oils can be applied directly to the affected area. This is often the case with skin disorders. Usually a single drop of an essential oil will do the trick. If you use essential oils this way on children, be very careful. Make sure essential oils are well diluted with oil or water before applying to the skin.

You can do a patch test to determine if you are allergic to a particular essential oil. Mix a drop of the oil with a drop of carrier oil such as vegetable oil. Put it on an inconspicuous area, like under the arm. Cover it with a bandage for twenty four hours. If you have no reaction, you should be safe to use the essential oil on your skin.

Countless different problems can be aided by using essential oils in a bath water solution. Just add a few drops to your bath and soak for at least fifteen minutes. This will allow the essential oils to enter through your olfactory sense. It will also absorb into your skin, and finally into your bloodstream.

One way to use essential oils is to make a compress to put on an affected area. Put up to three drops of the essential oils on the affected area. Once the essential oils are in place, cover them with a hot, moist towel and then a dry towel. This increases the intensity of the vapors.

No matter how you use essential oils, you will find that they are very helpful for a variety of complaints. Of course, you still need to know exactly which oils to use. Once you know that, you can use the many methods of applying essential oils.

How to Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy

Those who have used essential oils before becoming pregnant will probably want to use them during their pregnancy. Some people will want to try them for the first time while expecting. However, it’s important to know how to use essential oils safely during pregnancy.

There are many essential oils and blends of oils that just aren’t safe to use during pregnancy. Some herbs that are used in cooking should be avoided in their essential oils forms during all nine months of pregnancy. These include basil, bay leaves, sage, thyme, and oregano. Others are clove, marjoram, and wintergreen. Some of the essential oils are safe for use after the first trimester. There are remedies for many of the discomforts of pregnancy. For example, women often have morning sickness that lasts beyond the first trimester. If so, they can breathe in oil of peppermint, spearmint, or lemon.

It is easy to end up feeling tense and full of muscle pain when you are pregnant. If this happens, a massage could be just the thing you need. With the essential oils of lavender and chamomile mixed with vegetable oil, your partner can help ease away that tension.

Commonly, women suffer from swollen ankles and feet during pregnancy. If lavender, cypress, and juniper oils are mixed with vegetable oil, they can used for massage oil. This blend of essential oils can cause the swelling to decrease.

Pregnant women also have muscle cramps in their legs at times. For this, massage oil can be made from the essential oils of lavender and chamomile, just as for any muscle pain. However, with this pain and any pain of the feet and legs, it is important to be careful when doing the massage. Activating pressure points in these areas can induce labor.

Carrying around all that extra weight can make a woman feel quite fatigued. She may have given up coffee and caffeinated soft drinks for the health of her baby. To energize herself, she can mix essential oils of lavender, grapefruit, and orange with vegetable oil. This can be inhaled or rubbed on the solar plexus. Skin eruptions are common during pregnancies. They are uncomfortable and distressing to many women. Several different conditions can be helped by putting a mixture of essential oils and vegetable oil on the affected areas.

The essential oils you should use for dry skin are geranium, lavender, and rose. For inflamed skin, use chamomile. For itchy skin, use a combination of chamomile and lavender. These remedies should soothe the skin and make it smoother. There’s just no getting around stretch marks. If you are getting them, though, you might like to have a way to soothe them and keep them from itching. Just put lavender, geranium, and rosewood essential oils in your vegetable oil for massaging.

Do your homework if you are pregnant and wanting to use essential oils to relieve some of the discomforts associated with pregnancy. After the first trimester, there are certain essential oils that are safe to use. If in doubt, consult an expert. It’s important to take the safety of you and your baby into account.

Home Remedy For Dry Skin – Choosing The Right Dry

Home Remedy For Dry Skin – Choosing The Right Dry Skin Home Remedy

When you are battling problems relating to dry skin, finding the right home remedy for dry skin can be really important. Luckily for you, there are a wide variety of available home remedies for you to choose from when it comes to dealing with dry skin at home. Here is a brief collection of some of the home remedies that are available to you for dealing with dry skin. If you are looking to get the most out of your daily or regular skin care regimen, combine these tips in different ways until you find a skin care combination that works for you.

– * Dry yourself until you are damp, and then stop at that point rather than going any further. It is actually must more effective for you to apply a moisturizing product when your skin is damp right after a bath, than afterwords when your skin is totally dry.

You should not have to jump out of the bath while still soaking wet and immediately apply skin lotion. You should pat yourself down with a towel in order to dry your body up a bit before you apply lotion to your skin. You should still feel damp, because the entire purpose behind applying lotion is trapping the moisture inside your skin rather than drying it all off first.

– * It is also important that you avoid advertising hype when it comes to home remedies for skin care and dry skin problems. Nothing will ever beat natural remedies like mineral oil and petroleum jelly in place of expensive lotions. Dermatologists tend to agree that natural materials such as vegetable oil, peanut oil and sunflower oil are always great for combating dry skin, especially when it is related to the weather. These are effective skin care remedies and pure methods of skin lubrication as well, not to mention rather inexpensive.

There is one drawback to these products however, which is that they are capable of feeling greasy. The one thing commercial lotions have over these products is that people tend to prefer things that are smooth feeling and smell good, but if you’re looking for a natural option, consider the options mentioned above. Everything essentially does basically the same thing, so it comes down to how natural they are, and how costly they are.

When your skin is healthy and nourished again, and looks young and beautiful, you will be glad that you put effort into your home remedy for healing dry skin. There are a number of different natural options and remedies that you can choose for restoring health and nourishment to your skin. Combine different home remedies until you get the skin care results that you are satisfied with for the best possible results with your skin. Each skin care remedy is unique in the benefits that it provides you with, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you are satisfied.