The Natural Way of Fighting Kidney Stones

For those people who are suffering from kidney stones, experts say that the easiest means for them to deal with the condition is to flush it out from one’s system. Although this can be done by using medication or through simple medical procedures, it is always best to do it the natural way. Some of the natural means in dissolving kidney stones and flushing it out from person’s system is by drinking tea. Since time immemorial, tea has been giving people a lot of benefits. And one of which is helping the body’s system to flush out waste products that could bring health complications.

More and more individuals who have suffered from kidney stones would agree that teathose that contain Chinese herbs such as plantain leaf, meadowsweet, Joe-pye weed, and sarsaparillacan help dissolve kidney stones because these contain natural properties, which are good in eliminating excess uric acid in the body.

People in China are known to use the mentioned herbsin the form of teato treat kidney stones. Combined with other herbs such as corn silk, wild yam root, hydrangea root, yarrow leaf, and cramp bark, tea preparation can be an effective means of dissolving small kidney stones in no time. To make the tea more effective, longer time in preparation is a must. This is done to ensure that all the natural properties will be intact. Although many people attest to its effectiveness, this may not work for everyone especially to those who bleed easily.

Another means of dissolving kidney stones the natural way is through diuretic tea. For this type of tea, you can choose either dandelion or corn silk. Many people say that these herbs are the two most popular choices of diuretic that can produce early results. When combined with other herbs such as nettle leaf, fennel seed, and oat straw, diuretic tea can be more effective in dissolving even medium-sized kidney stones.

If you are not the type of using herbs as a natural means of fighting kidney stones, there are much simpler ways such as:

1. Taking in lots of fluid. People with kidney stones must drink at least 8 glasses of water to flush out body waste.

2. Opting for lemonade preparation. With the properties present in lemons, it can delay the development of stones in the person’s body.

3. Eating foods that are rich in fiber but low in protein, calcium, and salt. By doing this, you will have lesser risk for kidney stones because you are veering away from the major causes of kidney stones.

4. Engaging on a regular physical exercise. Experts say that one of the reasons why people become prone to kidney stones is due to lack of movements. By veering away from a sedentary living, you can delay and even postpone the formation kidney stones.

Today, many studies show that the most common problems of people involving their kidney is the presence of kidney stones which, are pieces and clumps of waste products formed in this specific body organ. People may not know this but kidney stones can be literally compared to the real stone because they are hard and can be painful specially when they grow in terms of numbers.

But, unlike the real stones, kidney stones can be dissolved once they are diagnosed early.

The Importance of Early Diagnosis in Kidney Stones

Those people who are prone to kidney stones must familiarize themselves with the different types as early as possible so they would know what to adjust. Aside from setting lifestyles changes, knowing what type of kidney stones develop in the body is also important because it will help you do the things that will prevent their existence in your body system.

Many people are not aware of it but there are actually different types of kidney stones that some individuals suffer from. Among those types, the most common that most people develop is called “calcium oxalate stone.” While others are called “struvite stones,” “uric acid stones,” and “cystine stones.” These types vary depending on what cause them and their characteristics.

Medical alerts for kidney stones

To be able to address the condition properly, it a must for people who are prone to having kidney stones to familiarize themselves with the condition. In order to determine if one is suffering from kidney stones, here are some medical alerts or symptoms to be noted:

– pain in varying levels. As vague as it is, pain in varying levels is one of the major medical alerts of kidney stones. Considered as a common symptom for kidney stones, pain may vary depending on the size of the kidney stone and the length of time that it remains undiagnosed. Experts say that painwhich can be mild or extremeis normal for people who suffer from kidney stones. This is because as the stone increases in size and weight, the more discomfort it brings especially during urination. Another form of pain that can be experienced due to kidney stones is from renal colic, which brings waves of severe pain that lasts for more than 10 minutes and can even last for an hour depending on the location of the kidney stone.

– presence of blood in the urine or the condition called “hematuria.” The presence of blood in the urine is quite disturbing but this is one of the most common medical alerts of kidney stones.

Immediate diagnosis is a must

Most people dont know it but almost 50 percent of the people who suffer from kidney stones would likely have them again in the next 10 years or so? This is because many of the sufferers do not continue medication and they cease from maintaining healthy diet and lifestyle.

People who are likely to suffer from kidney stones can go to any hospital’s Emergency Room or “ER”. Here, you can ask the attending physician or the hospital clerk on duty to undergo testing. It is advantageous for you to go straight in the ER because hospital people will attend to you directly. In most cases, it would take a long time before one can actually set at check up with a specialist. So it would be best if you go directly to the ER and get the prompt attention that you need.

Diagnosis can be done through an assessment of the person’s clinical history, a physical examination, laboratory evaluation, and x-ray for follow up. Having early diagnosis can definitely help you determine which type of kidney stone is present and would lead to faster and reliable treatments.

Once you feel pain in different extent along with nausea or vomiting, pain with urination, and at times, the urgent need to urinate which are usually characterized among children and adults, then you should have yourself checked by the doctor because you might be suffering from kidney stones.

Kidney Stones in Kids

More and more studies show that majority of the children who are prone to developing kidney stones are those that suffer from underlying medical conditions which increases their risk of developing stones this early. For parents to understand how to deal with kidney stones in case their kids suffer from it, they must first understand everything about the condition. Having a broad understanding of the condition can help parents trace possible causes, identify symptoms, and give immediate response to the child in pain.

Kidney stonesjust like in adultshas different types of stones which can either be “calcium oxalate” which is the most common and caused by too much presence of calcium in the urine, the “struvite stones,” “uric acid stones,” and “cystine stones.” These types vary depending on the levels of the minerals found and their characteristics.

Parents would never know if their children are suffering from kidney stones if they are not familiar with its symptoms such as abdominal or back pain, blood in the urine or hematuria, vomiting or nausea, and the often need to urinate. In younger kids, these symptoms cannot easily be recognized that is why there is a need to undergo laboratory evaluation and tests. Since kidney stones is not common among children, especially to younger ones, it is a must to identify the risk factors present such as:

1. History of the kidney stones. If the family has history on this disease, it is likely that children will become more prone to the condition in the future. Studies show that kids who have history of kidney stones are likely to suffer from the same problem in the next 10 to 20 years of his or her life.

2. Low fluidespecially waterintake. If the child exhibits this habit, he or she is prone to kidney stones because it affects the ideal amount of urine that should be released daily. It should always be remembered that if there were lesser water or fluid intake, the chances of developing kidney stones are much higher because there will be more concentration of substances that leads to faster kidney stone formation.

3. Diet and amount of food intake. This especially those high in animal protein such as beef, pork, lamb, or chicken are likely to develop kidney stones because they have higher concentration of protein which is one of the primary causes of kidney stones. Many experts believe that children who consume too much protein are at risk in developing “calcium oxalate stones” along with problems in terms of intestinal absorption.

Other symptoms to look out for include experience in cystic fibrosis, suffering from urinary tract abnormalities like dysfunction of the bladder or the kidneys, some inherited disorders from the parents, and undergoing medications such as “furosemide,” “allopurinol,” and “acetazolamide” which are known to promote formation of urine crystals that leads to the formation of kidney stones.

Experts say that before, children are lesser prone to kidney stones because they are healthier and more physically active. But, over the years, there has been a constant increase in the number of children that are being affected by kidney stones.

Maybe because more and more kids now are living sedentary lives by being in front of the computer or by eating foods that are high in protein, calcium, and sodium.

The Science of Arthritis

The Science of Arthritis
Adam Waxler

In order to understand how to handle arthritis pain, you need to understand how the body works and how arthritis can impede the body from working properly. Once someone has a general understanding of the science behind arthritis, one can better understand how to handle arthritis pain and get some arthritis relief.
First of all, there are several different types of arthritis. The two most commonly known forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, there are three other major types of arthritis. These other forms of arthritis are systemic lupus erythematosis, ankylosing spondylitis and gout. Lets take a look at each:
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) This form of arthritis mainly affects women. It develops in the skin, internal organs and joints.
Ankylosing Spondylitis This form or arthritis affects the spine and can also affect the ankles, knees, lungs, heart, shoulders and eyes.
Gout This is a painful affliction mainly for men, about one million of them in the United States alone. Uric acid build up, due to an internal chemical malfunction, forms crystals that get stuck in a joint, generally the big toe, and become inflamed.
Where two bones meet, called joints, are covered with cartilage, also known as gristle. This cartilage is sturdy, elastic, and spongy or compressible, and keeps the bones from moving against each other at the joint. Healthy joints can handle some fairly heavy pressure. For example, when taking a walk a persons knees handle a force of three to four times a persons total body weight, while deep knee bends can increase to nine times the bodys weight. Unfortunately, arthritis effects how joints function properly in your body.
Surrounding the bones and cartilage is a strong, fibrous capsule lined with synovium, a thin membrane that lubricates the joint area with fluid. The end result is less friction or smoother rubbing together of the bones. This fluid also feeds the cartilage cells, keeping them healthy, and is pumped into them during joint movement. Therefore, lack of movement can be unhealthy. By understanding more about how joints work it is easy to see why exercise plays a crucial role in arthritis relief.
Arthritic joints can be affected with inflammation when bacteria or a virus (or other undesirable element) enters the joint area or when an injury occurs. What happens is when foreign matter enters this area or the area sustains injury, white blood cells, antibodies and other natural fighting mechanisms automatically kick in internally to help. These fighters cause swelling, redness and heat as the body fluid moves around. Symptoms of inflammation, one of the uncomfortable issues associated with arthritis pain, are redness, swelling and tender joints.
The exact science of what actually causes arthritis is still being researched. For most forms of arthritis, the causes are unknown. Injury, overuse of joints and mechanical issues with joints (like skeletal abnormalities, worn out joint muscles) can lead to arthritis. Many arthritis experts also point to issues relating to bacteria as one of the main culprits causing arthritis. Heredity, stress, drugs, food allergies and viruses have also been linked to some forms of arthritis. Likewise, diet, poor circulation, and lack of movement have also been connected to arthritis.
While it appears that arthritis may be caused by many factors, the good news is that at least some of these factors can be controlled. Clearly, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise will go along way towards arthritis relief.
Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

About The Author

Adam Waxler publishes a series of health & fitness information products and web sites including his new resource filled with with FREE articles and tips on Arthritis Pain Relief & Prevention @