Choosing A Dehumidifier-Different Brands And Models

Choosing a dehumidifier can be an interesting process. There are so many different brands and models to choose from it is possible you may get more than just a little overwhelmed or frustrated especially if you are looking to buy your dehumidifier online.

Purchasing a dehumidifier can be a nice addition to your home. Using a dehumidifier correctly can increase the comfort level in your home and decrease the growth of mold and mildew. People who suffer from allergies or frequent upper respiratory illnesses may notice quite a difference in frequency of symptoms with continued use of a dehumidifier.

Decreasing the amoount of humidity in your home can also save on repair and replacement costs of the wood and drywall used in the area that has the most moisture which is usually the basement.

Choosing a dehumidifier requires research of different brands and models to make sure you are getting exactly what you need. Start your research by reading a consumer magazine to compare various models within your price range. Further your research by checking out reviews and comparisons online.

You could also go to a retail store and look at some up close to find a model that you like and then make your purchase online. There are sites that offer significant discounts on quite a few brands and models of dehumidifiers. If the one you choose is among the list of discounted dehumidifiers then you could save up to 34% on your purchase.

Some criteria you will need to follow before you even start looking is the total square footage of the space with the excess moisture. Measure the length of the room and multiply that number by the width of the room. This will give you the square footage of the room the dehumidifier will work in.

This is how dehumidifiers are sold. There should be a range of square footage that the unit can handle and you should make your pruchase based on the upper end of that range. You need one big enough to handle that square footage or else you run the risk of having the unit freeze up or over work itself and stop working all together.

Obviously, your budget has to be considered also. If you find a dehumidifier that you like but then look at the price tag and realize it is just a little too steep for you, you have two options. Either buy a smaller unit and run those risks I discussed earlier or save for another month or so until you can afford the one you need.

If you would like a dehumidifier that you do not have to empty every day then look into buying one that drains into a floor drain. Some do and some don’t, some require you to empty the bucket underneath every single day. Hopefully you have a utility sink in the basement so you do not have to go far and risk spilling the water.

Other research you need to do is to the unit’s efficiency. Check to see if the unit you have selected is Energy Star rated. With this rating you can tell if it will be energy efficient and will cost a lot less to operate.

Check, also, when choosing a dehumidifier, how much moisture it will remove from the air of your house in a 24 hour period. Experiment for the first few days to get a good feel of the unit and how it is working for you. Adjust the settings as needed to maintain around a 50% level of humidity in your home.

The unit may remove more moisture right at the beginning of usage and then taper off when it gets the house or area under control. If the unit is one that has to be emptied daily then, for the first few days check it several times a day and empty as needed until the unit does get the room under control.