Anemia in Adolescents

To understand what is anemia one should begin with breathing. The oxygen that is inhaled simply doesnt stop in lungs. It circulates though out the body and fuels the brains also. Oxygen travels to all parts of the body though bloodstream and to be precise in the RBCs I.e. red blood cells. Now, these RBCs are produced in the bone marrow of the body and they serve as boats carrying oxygen in the bloodstream. RBCs have something called hemoglobin, a protein which holds oxygen. To make adequate hemoglobin body requires iron in plenty. The iron is supplied by the foods that we take along with other nutrients. When these RBCs are fewer in number than what is needed anemia occurs in the body. There can be 3 primary reasons: RBCs are lost due to some reason, the production of RBCs is slower than what is needed and lastly the body is destroying the RBCs. Different types of anemia are linked to at least one of these causes.

The bone marrow replaces small amounts of blood is lost due to some reason without making a person anemic. But in cases where considerable amount of blood flows in small amount of time as a result of an injury due to a serious example for instance, it may not be possible for bone marrow to replace RBCs so quickly resulting in anemia. Also, losing small amounts of blood over long periods of time may also lead to anemia. Example of this situation can be seen in girls who get heavy periods attributed mainly to deficiency of iron in the diet.

Anemia due to iron deficiency is the most common kind of anemia in the United States. It occurs mainly due to lack of iron in a persons diet. A teen with iron deficiency would have lower hemoglobin production and consequently lower RBCs. When the production of RBCs is low the person is regarded as anemic. The signs of anemia are paleness and tiredness. There can be other reasons as to why enough RBCs are not produced in the body. Folic acid and Vitamin B-12 are also essential to produce RBCs. Getting these in adequate quantities is this important too. There can be a problem with bone marrows working too resulting in anemia.

Hemolytic anemia occurs when a person has RBCs whose lifespan is shorter. The bone marrow may not be able to produce new blood cells if the blood cells die too early. This can result due to many reasons including person having disorders like sphenocytosis or sickle cell anemia. In some cases the immune system of the body may itself destroy the RBCs. In some cases certain antibodies can form in the blood as a result of reaction to certain drugs or infections and may attack the RBCs.

Teens get anemia as they grow rapidly the amount of iron intake may not be enough to keep up with the pace of the growth as it needs more nutrients in this process. In the case of girls they need more iron after puberty and are at risk due to heavy blood loss during menstrual periods. In some cases pregnancies also leads to anemia. Also, teens who diet excessively to lose weight may also be at risk of having iron deficiency. Meat eaters especially red meat eaters are at less risk compared to vegetarians as meat has rich iron in it.


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Arthritis – The Inflammatory Disease

Arthritis – The Inflammatory Disease
Amanda Baker

One of the most common conditions in the United States today is a debilitating inflammatory disease that affects our joints. It is estimated that there are over 100 different forms of this disease and over 40 million people suffer from one form or another.
Though typically thought to be an affliction of the aging, arthritis can affect anyone at any time, and with all of the different forms, each with their own symptoms, it could be hard to determine just what type of arthritis an individual is suffering from.
The signs and symptoms of arthritis are varied, though some of the first symptoms are familiar and easy to recognize. Symptoms such as general pain or swelling around the joints, an increased stiffness in the joints in the morning, a cracking sound in the knees when standing, and joints with a red appearance that feel warm to the touch are all signs of arthritis.
However, before you rush to purchase an over-the-counter arthritis treatment, you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor is the only one who will be able to tell you what form of arthritis you may have and how to treat it.
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis that plagues sufferers. It affects the joints and is a systemic disease that can affect other organs. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms tend to disappear after sometime, but the problem is still there. The true cause of rheumatoid arthritis is presently unknown, though many suggest that things such as infections, fungi, or bacteria are the culprits. However, there are also those that believe that rheumatoid arthritis is hereditary. Painful and swollen joints are a common warning sign of rheumatoid arthritis, followed by muscle pain, extreme fatigue, redness and warmth at the joints, even a low grade fever and appetite loss.
Next to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is a common affliction, caused by breaking down of joint cartilage. Osteoarthritis commonly begins in one joint and typically only affects the one joint. It does not move to internal organs. Osteoarthritis commonly affects the knees, hips, hands, and spine. By the time the pain starts setting in for an osteoarthritis sufferer, the damage to the affected joint cartilage could be considerable.
Relieving pain from a form of arthritis can be as simple as over-the-counter or prescription medication. However, in the most severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Being overweight can also play a role in arthritis. Some physicians believe that a change in diet can also ease the pain of arthritis, though there is a lot of debate on the topic. Regardless, you should speak to your doctor who can tell you just what form of arthritis you may have, and what treatment options may work best for you.

About The Author

Amanda Baker writes for – a website for health, fitness and wellness.

An Overview of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an excellent way of removing unwanted hair. This is accomplished by sending a light beam of a specific wavelength onto the skin from the laser. The beam of light is sent through a hand piece into the skin, where it attacks the darker pigmentation of the hair follicle. This causes damage and destruction of the hair follicle without damaging the skin tissues around it. Some people do experience permanent hair loss, while others do need to repeat the procedure. Sometimes when hair does grow back it is lighter in color and finer and texture.

There are four types of lasers that are used for hair removal. They are Ruby, Alexandrite, Diode, and NdYAG. Each of these four lasers are different in many ways and are used for different skin types. The ruby laser is able to focus in on small areas and can be used on both dark and light skin. However, this laser works best on light skin. The alexandrite laser is very versatile and can be used on many different types of hair. It is able to focus on large areas and is very easy to customize. The diode laser uses a much longer wavelength which makes it very effective on most types of skin. The NdYag laser works well on people with dark hair and dark skin.

Laser hair removal is not a good treatment option for everyone. It is not recommended for people with certain medical conditions or disorders. It also is not an effective treatment for people with white, gray or very light-colored hair. People that have hair of these colors do not have pigments in their hair to absorb the energy from the laser. Laser hair removal works about system on people with light skin and dark hair.

In some instances, such as the removal of facial hair, one treatment may be enough. In other areas of the body, often a series of treatments must be given to remove the unwanted hair. Many times, laser hair removal is the last resort for people after years of using other methods to rid themselves of the excess hair.

Although laser hair removal is considered safe, it is important to have your treatments done by an experienced, licensed professional. If the treatments are not done correctly, you run the risk of burns, blistering, skin discoloration, or a patchy uneven hair regrowth. Take the time to meet with several specialists in your area, and then decide which one is right for you. For the best results follow all the guidelines that your doctor gives you both before and after your laser hair removal treatments.

The cost of laser hair removal can be expensive, and since it is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is not covered by insurance. Generally, a payment plan can be arranged for treatments. The average cost per treatment for laser hair removal in the United States is between $425 and $500 and many people need three to four sessions.

Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative to other types of hair removal and should seriously be considered by those who are troubled by excessive hair growth.

Air Ambulance of the Year Award Goes to AirMed

AirMed is an air ambulance service that stands out above the rest. This company is based out of Birmingham, Alabama. The AirMed air ambulance company was the only finalist from the United States to be considered for this honor.

The prestigious award was presented to AirMed by Voyageur Group’s International Travel Insurance Journal. This company is based out of London. The air ambulance of the year award was presented at the annual conference in Venice in 2007.

This honor represents the finest in the air-medical field. International Traveler Insurance Journal honors assistance companies, insurance underwriters, and cost-containment providers. AirMed air ambulance service has had excellent competition for the award. Several other air-medical companies from Canada and Europe were finalists for the award.

The annual awards speak volumes about the quality of service from the recipients. An impartial panel of judges are used to determine the appropriate winner. The judges are a panel of experts in the global travel insurance and medical transport industries.

AirMed’s devotion to quality air ambulance service shows in their high standards and patient-oriented business. This honor of Air Ambulance of the Year indicates AirMed’s dedication to service and standards in the industry.

According to company announcements, early next year, AirMed plans to open and operate an international base in Hong Kong. Based on this information, AirMed will be the first U.S. based air ambulance company to operate a base in China. With the addition of the new base in China, AirMed will be even more qualified and better equipped to serve the needs of the world.

Specialty patient care and seamless travel is a goal of AirMed air ambulance service. By the end of 2008, AirMed should have 11 dedicated aircraft in the fleet. This fact makes AirMed better prepared than most to serve the air ambulance travel needs with safety and convenience in mind.

AirMed is the preferred carrier for the United States Department of Defense and is the air medical transport for the Mayo Clinic. The AirMed air ambulance service has bases in Hawaii, Minnesota, and its headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama. Annually, over 2,500 medical missions are flown with this excellent organization.

The patient care and customer service is unparalleled. AirMed offers bedside to bedside medical care worldwide. For anyone in need of air ambulance service, AirMed’s staff and fleet will undoubtedly provide the special care and customer service to meet the need.

The Air Ambulance of the Year Award is an honor that deserves recognition. The dedication and quality service received by AirMed’s clients have allowed the company to stand out above the competition. A well-maintained, high-quality fleet helps to make AirMed the top air ambulance of the year. The experienced and professional staff cares about the patients and providing excellent medical standards.

Top-notch customer service speeds AirMed to the top of the chart. Air ambulance competition is tough, but AirMed has come up on top. The honor of Air Ambulance of the Year will undoubtedly encourage AirMed to continue their strive for excellence in the years to come.