Acupuncture’s Acceptance in America

Acupuncture has been used in China and Japan for centuries, and was introduced into Europe in the 1700s by Jesuit missionaries. However, it has been popular in the United States for only the past twenty or thirty years. Initially, its most dramatic and effective results here in America were to reduce or eliminate pain, where some patients undergoing surgery had no anesthesia whatsoever. Their pain was eliminated during the surgery by use of acupuncture needles.

The National Institute of Health has been interested in both the use and the growing interest in acupuncture, and has had a number of conferences whose main subject is the use of acupuncture. Interestingly, thousands of traditional physicians, dentists, and other health practitioners now use acupuncture for pain relief and other symptoms. Also, currently more than 10 million adults in the U.S. have used acupuncture at some time in the past, or are using it currently. (Though acupuncture is also perfectly safe for children, and frequently children respond more quickly to the treatments than adults.)

The National Institute of Health has looked at many studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture to relieve a specific set of symptoms. There are some outstanding successes, but making any sweeping statement is difficult because many of the studies are not easy to design. Or, more properly, there is some heated discussion on what studies have been so carefully designed that the results are beyond question. But there is general agreement that acupuncture is highly effective for a wide range of symptoms, including pain and nausea after operations, headaches, menstrual cramps, asthma, osteoarthritis, etc. Research is continuing and new results are coming out quite often. One of the best ways to keep up is to search the Internet for your symptom of interest together with the key word “acupuncture”. Also look for websites sponsored by NCCAM, a branch of the National Institute of Health that investigates alternative medicines.

Since the main equipment of an acupuncture practitioner are needles, the needles in an acupuncture office are regulated by the government to ensure safety of the needles. The FDA approves their use by licensed practitioners in acupuncture clinics. The requirements are that the needles are sterile needles and one time use only, so no one need be concerned about the problem with needle contamination. The acupuncture needles are regulated by the same rules as those in your doctor’s office. To avoid any concern, watch carefully that the acupuncture practitioner opens a new, sealed package for each patient and swabs the insertion sites with some kind of disinfectant before inserting the needle (such as alcohol, traditionally used by nurses).

This survey is intended to give an overview of how the traditional medical community and also the institutes of the government have given credibility to the use of acupuncture. Acupuncture has evolved from an interesting import from China to an established technique that many doctors recommend, or have even become trained in the technique themselves. Acupuncture clinics and practitioners now have standards set up and regulated by the government in order to ensure the safety of the clients. It has become an accepted part of the mainstream American health system.

Concerns of Bipolar Disorder Self Injury

In bipolar disorder, there is sometimes concern about bipolar disorder self injury. This can take many shapes, but is always serious.

One form of bipolar disorder self injury that is coming most recently into the public consciousness is self mutilation, or “cutting”. This practice is found in people with other diagnoses, too. Bipolar people are just some of those who self injure.

Cutting, burning or other self harming behaviors are often seen in adolescent girls and others, even in men. Much of this is a part of bipolar disorder self injury.

Although people who self mutilate are often depressed or beyond that, suicidal, these acts are not intended as suicide attempts. They are often desperate acts of those who feel out of control, worthless, or angry. It is no wonder, given the similar symptoms, that this is often a case of bipolar disorder self injury.

Suicide, of course, is the most extreme form of bipolar disorder self injury. Before suicide, there may be suicidal ideations, plans for suicide, and possibly many attempts before suicide is committed, if it ever is. In any case, all threats of bipolar disorder self injury should be taken seriously.

Suicidal thoughts may cloud the thinking of a depressed person to the extent that he or she can think of nothing else. It may seem that the world would be better off without them, or that they can show others that they should have been treated better. At this stage there is concern of bipolar disorder self injury, but the ideas are just at a simmer.

When a person begins to make plans, the danger of bipolar disorder self injury becomes more imminent. A person may make elaborate plans for years. Another person may only think of a plausible way to go about it. The trouble is that either of these people may at any time actually commit suicide. It is never easy to predict the likelihood of bipolar disorder self injury.

Many times a person’s suicidal tendencies will not be noted unless an attempt is made. While some attempts seem more serious than others, a wise person will treat all attempts seriously. More serious attempts could be those where a note was found, or the outcome was more certain in comparison to other sorts of attempts. Bipolar disorder self injury is always possible in these situations.

Whatever the method of attempt at bipolar disorder self injury, there is seriousness attached to it. After all, people who have attempted suicide in the past are 40 times more likely to commit suicide than those who never have attempted it before.

If a person begins to make final arrangements, or to set his or her affairs in order for no particular reason, suicide may be on his or her mind. It could be as simple as giving away possessions, or as complex as making financial arrangements. If this is suddenly seen in a bipolar individual, it should be determined whether or not that person is in danger of bipolar disorder self injury.

Many thoughts, plans, or attempts actually do end in suicide. 11 percent of deaths in the US are as a result of suicide. More women than men attempt suicide, but 80 percent of the deaths by suicide are by males. More and more adolescents are committing suicide every year. Bipolar disorder self injury, then, is a distinct and growing problem.

It is difficult enough dealing with the affective, social, legal, and physical consequences of the disease. Self harm and suicide make attention to bipolar disorder self injury most necessary.

If You Have Arthritis

If You Have Arthritis
Michal John

If You Have Arthritis?

Arthritis and related conditions affect nearly 43 million
Americans, or about one of every six people, making it one of
the most prevalent diseases in the United States.According to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one out of every
three Americans (an estimated 70 million people) is affected by
one of the more than 100 types of arthritis.Arthritis is a
chronic disease that will be with you for a long time and
possibly for the rest of your life.

Prevention & Causes of Arthritis:

These are some prevention and causes of arthritis.There is
evidence that behaviors such as weight reduction and avoiding
injury may slow the progression and impact of osteoarthritis.The
pain of arthritis may come from different sources.These may
include inflammation of the synovial membrane (tissue that lines
the joints),the tendons, or the ligaments; muscle strain; and
fatigue.Factors that contribute to the pain include swelling
within the joint,the amount ofheat or redness present, or damage
that has occurred within thejoint.Joint arthritis, the cartilage
may be damaged, narrowed and lost by a degenerative process or
by inflammation making movement painful.

Symptoms and Medications:

There are many different signs and symptoms of arthritis. If you
have experienced pain, stiffness, or swelling around a
joint.Many people will experience some difficulty functioning at
home, at work or at play because of joint pain, stiffness and
loss of motion regardless of the type of arthritis they
have.These arthritis symptoms may come up suddenly or slowly
over time and may also include sleeplessness, fatigue,
depression, and muscle aches.

Some Tropical medications for Arthritis: Arthritis Pain

Arthritis Pain


Ahhhloe Ice for
Pain Relief these products are useful to Arthritis pain.

Home Care Suggestions: 1.High doses of aspirin are not good
for the body. 2.Massage therapy is good and provides relief to
the joints. 3.Aloe Vera juice I glass daily and aloe Vera gel
are also very effective.

More Info About Arthritis

About the author:
Author By
Michal John

Pregnancy: After Birth: Should You Return to Work?

Are you a woman who has just recently had a baby? If you are, congratulations! The birth of a new child is a fun, adventurous, and memorable experience. Although work may be the farthest thing from your mind right now, it is something that you may want to take the time to think about. After having a baby, a large number of women wonder whether or not they should return to work.

When it comes to determining if you should return to work after having a baby, there are a number of important factors that you will want to take into consideration. For many women, money is an issue. How is your current financial situation? Before your baby was born, were you relying on one or two incomes? This simple question may play an important role in your decision. Many women are able to stay at home with their children if they have another source of income, like a regular paycheck from their spouse or live in partner.

Although money may be an issue for you, when determining if you should return to work after the birth of your child, it is also important to examine the money that you may save. As a parent, you likely wouldnt send your child to just any daycare center. Unfortunately, daycare providers that come highly rated and recommend often have high fees. It is not uncommon for parents to pay one hundred dollars or more a week in childcare expenses, just for one child. It is also important to examine the reduction in work purchased snacks and drinks, as well as gasoline to and from work. After this comparison, you may find that staying home with your child, after their birth, is actually a cost effective solution.

When determining if you should return to work after the birth of your child, you are also urged to examine the benefits of staying home. From birth to the toddler age, children are at an important stage in their life. Many experts have stated that close contact between parents and their children can help improve their relationship, as well as improve their developmental skills, as someone is working with them at all times. These are just important factors to take into consideration.

Of course, it is also important to remember that you dont just have to be a stay-at-home mom. There are a large number of mothers in the United States who are considered work-at-home moms. With a computer and internet access, there are a number of work-at-home jobs or home-based business opportunities that can allow you to stay at home with your new baby, as well as bring in a source of income. If you have yet to return to work, working from home is something that you may at least want to take into consideration.

The above mentioned points are mostly centered on the benefits of staying at home with your child, after their birth. While there are a number of benefits to doing so, you should also know that there are a number of benefits to sending your child to daycare, as long as that daycare comes highly rated and recommended. Perhaps, the greatest benefit is the social interaction that your child will likely receive by being around other children. It is also important to mention your own needs. Working from home or staying at home with kids is a large task, one that can occasionally be stressful. That is why many mothers make the decision to return to the workforce after having a child, for their own sanity.

As you likely already know, the decision as to whether or not you want to return to work after the birth of your baby is your decision to make, but the above mentioned points are ones that you may want to keep in mind. Regardless of whether you decide to return to work or stay at home with your child, your and your child will likely have a long and healthy relationship with each other for years and years to come.


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