
The Blessings (And Curses) Of Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences that any woman can have in life. Women who have had the privilege of carrying and bearing children know exactly what I mean. The ability to become pregnant and carry a child in your womb as it develops into a fully functioning infant is one of life’s biggest miracles. For all the blessings of pregnancy it is not, however, without its struggles.

The most obvious blessing of pregnancy is the promise of a new life that it means…


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Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences that any woman can have in life. Women who have had the privilege of carrying and bearing children know exactly what I mean. The ability to become pregnant and carry a child in your womb as it develops into a fully functioning infant is one of life’s biggest miracles. For all the blessings of pregnancy it is not, however, without its struggles.

The most obvious blessing of pregnancy is the promise of a new life that it means. There is nothing more special than seeing a new child added to the world, and women are the ones that get to provide the perfect atmosphere for the unborn child to grow in a safe and warm place. Pregnancy allows a woman to share months of intimacy with her baby before the baby gets to interact with any one else in the world. What a special time of bonding that the months of pregnancy are for mothers and babies. Even fathers must wait until babies are born to feel them or to fully experience them.

Some of the best blessings of pregnancy are less serious and yet really enjoyable. For example, pregnany woman seem to be adored and cared for wherever they go. Pregnancy makes everyone a woman’s best friend. Suddenly doors are being opened, heavy things are being lifted, and great meals are being prepared for you. Few seasons in life will offer these kinds of blessings, so take full advantage of the attention people give you during your pregnancy.

For women who love to shop, pregnancy has its obvious benefits. Not only do you have an excuse to spend time and money creating the perfect nursery for your new baby, but you also have a real need to shop for new clothing for yourself. Pregnancy allows the shopper in you to come out and get lots of practice because we all know that mothers and babies need lots of new things. Enjoy the blessing of shopping while you can because you won’t have such a great excuse for long!

While I have loved the experience of pregnancy very much, I would be lying if I said it was just a walk in the park. No, pregnancy definitely adds hard things to the life of a woman as well. Very few women make it through pregnancy without sickness or being frustrated over the obvious weight gain that happens. Sleep doesn’t always come easily with a baby growing and moving inside of you nor is it always easy to keep up with the demands of life when all you want to do is rest.

Whatever hard things come with pregnancy, I guarentee you that nothing can outweigh the joy and privilege it is to be a part of bringing a new life into the world.


Pregnancy Test – A Plus Or Minus Says It All

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A pregnancy test, as the name implies, is simply a test used to determine whether or not a woman is pregnant. Often used early in the form of a home pregnancy test, this process is helpful in making an early determination. An unborn child will require medical care even before they arrive and an early diagnosis is important so that the mom-to-be can learn the best types of food to consume, begin pregnancy classes and prepare for the familys new addition.

The most popular t…

pregnancy test

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A pregnancy test, as the name implies, is simply a test used to determine whether or not a woman is pregnant. Often used early in the form of a home pregnancy test, this process is helpful in making an early determination. An unborn child will require medical care even before they arrive and an early diagnosis is important so that the mom-to-be can learn the best types of food to consume, begin pregnancy classes and prepare for the familys new addition.

The most popular type of pregnancy test, which is used for early detection, is a home pregnancy test. These can be found at most major retail and/or drug stores and can provide quick results. Because these are amateur tests, meaning they are not performed by a licensed medical doctor, there is always the possibility of a false reading. If the directions are followed correctly, however, the accuracy rate is quite respectable. Before seeing a doctor, many women want to have an idea as to whether or not they are pregnant, which is why an at home pregnancy test is very popular.

Depending on the results of a home pregnancy test, a woman may still wish to consult a physician to ensure certainty. During the visit, a physician will relay the determination of pregnancy or the absence thereof and, if necessary, will provide additional information for expectant moms.

It can be difficult to realize the symptoms of pregnancy for first-time moms-to-be, which is why it is important to learn about the possible signs of an early pregnancy. Among them, an increased sensitivity to certain foods and/or smells, recurring morning sickness, fatigue, exhaustion and mood swings. It is important to have a pregnancy test following the onset of any or all of these symptoms because a positive result means that a new change in lifestyle may be in order. Pregnant women will likely be instructed to avoid air travel, smoking or being near secondhand smoke and the consumption of alcohol. Any and all of these can be harmful to a child and should therefore be avoided. It is very important that pregnant women speak with their doctor about the best ways to ensure the development of a healthy child.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. It is not designed to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice and/or recommendations. A woman who believes that she may be pregnant should consult a licensed medical doctor for a pregnancy test and the best method of ensuring the health of her unborn child.