Diagnosing Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a known disease of the small intestine. With celiac disease, the intestine experiences an immunological or allergic reaction. The small intestine does not absorb the nutrients of the food digested. This leads to nutritional, vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Diagnosing celiac disease early is very important to prevent any critical illness.

Celiac disease is common in European countries, particularly in Ireland, Italy, Sweden and Austria. In Finland, the prevalence may be as high as one in every 100 persons. While in North America, its prevalence is one in every 3000 people. Worldwide, its occurrence would be one in every 250 people.

Its exact cause is unknown but it is often inherited. If someone in the immediate family has it, chances are 5 percent to 15 percent that the member of the family may have it as well. It can occur at any age, although problems dont appear until gluten is introduced into the diet.

There are also times, for unclear reasons, that the disease appear or was experienced after some form of trauma. It can happen or emerge after an infection, a physical injury, the stress of pregnancy, severe stress or surgery.

There are no typical signs and symptoms of celiac disease and there are even patients that have no symptoms. They only show the symptoms after inducing or introducing gluten into their diet. There are cases that celiac disease is misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. The symptoms are often confused with other conditions, like irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers, or nervous conditions.

Blood tests are conducted such as anti-tissue translutaminase and anti-endomysial antibodies. Blood tests are used to find the elevated antibody levels. These elevated levels are a sign of celiac disease, since the persons immune system recognizes gluten as a foreign substance and increases the number of antibodies to fight it.

After confirming or getting elevated antibody levels in the blood tests, the doctor or attending physician perform intestinal tissue checks. This is to microscopically examine a small portion of intestinal tissue to check for damage to the villi.

A thin, flexible tube is inserted through the mouth, esophagus and stomach and into the small intestine to take a small tissue sample. The tiny, hairlike projections from the small intestine that absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients will provide the necessary information if the villi is damaged.

Also, patients with celiac disease show other clues. Patients may have the presence of a blistering, itchy skin rash known as dermatitis herpetiformis. An estimated 10 percent of patients with celiac disease also have this skin disorder. Dermatitis herpetiformis is a skin disease that can be found on the extremities, buttocks, neck, trunk, and scalp.

After undergoing medical examinations, a trial of a gluten-free diet can confirm the diagnosis. But before undergoing the gluten-free diet, medical evaluation is required. Undergoing the diet may have an impact on the results of the blood test and biopsies. They may appear normal and without any complications even if the patient is positive with celiac disease.

Dennis Lee, M.D, the author of the article Celiac Disease(Gluten Enteropathy) states that it is necessary to firmly establish the diagnosis of celiac disease before commencing to gluten free diet for three main reasons:

(1) to identify the gluten-free diet should be followed which is a life-long and tedious commitment;

(2) to avoid patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to unnecessarily commit to life-long gluten restriction; and

(3) a gluten free diet can lower the blood antibody levels and allow the small intestine to lose the typical appearance of celiac disease, complicating subsequent efforts at making a firm diagnosis of celiac disease.

A Shot of Wheatgrass Juice Everyday Keeps the Doctor Away

A Shot of Wheatgrass Juice Everyday Keeps the Doctor Away

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with natural health? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about natural health.

People hold taken moment on wheatgrass because of the many health benefits it gives. For the health – conscious individuals, wheatgrass juice is the way to go. If you are planning on taking the natural road to a healthy you, here are some things you have to know to get you started on wheatgrass juice.

What is wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is the growing grass of wheat erect that is dried or juiced. Because it has a high amount of Chlorophyll, it is rich in many vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that wheatgrass has various curative and detoxifying functions.

Because wheatgrass has increased in veneration for some time now, you can easily buy wheatgrass prepared clout several forms. Some bars and restaurants also included wheatgrass juice influence their menu.

What are the benefits of taking wheatgrass?

Improves metabolism and cares for your heart
Wheatgrass is good for your heart as it lowers lonely your blood pressure. It also makes your blood healthier by increasing the red blood cells in your blood. The properties of wheatgrass also reduce the acidity of your blood because wheatgrass is very rich in alkaline minerals. Taking wheatgrass cede also help enhance your thyroid functions. Evident is also said that wheatgrass is effective in treating gastrointestinal diseases like constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis.
detoxifying agent
Because of the presence of minerals and antioxidants, wheatgrass is a right effective detoxifying fixin’s. It also fights off and gets rid of harmful chemicals and other substances that may develop into unalike types of cancers and other illnesses. Wheatgrass makes your blood healthy and cleanses the liver effectively. Using this to treat tumors and toxins helps patient correct from their illnesses without the harmful ration effects of synthetic drugs.
Slows down the aging process
Aging is part of an individual’s normal growth and development but it doesn’t mean that your health should be affected by aging. Taking wheatgrass puts aging on a different level. It does not only slows down the process, but bodily makes you age healthily by cleansing your body chill harmful toxins and keeping your cells healthy.
Aids individuals to elude weight
Wheatgrass has fat – burning properties. Heartfelt also suppresses your appetite. Losing weight doesn’t hold to mean taking those weight – loss pills or undergoing surgery. A regular dose of wheatgrass will do wonders to your body.

The popularity of wheatgrass resulted to it being available in various forms. Now, you onus take wheatgrass in powdered juice, tablets or through juice shots.

Some people also decide to grow wheatgrass in their homes so they can always have it easily available to them. Whatever preparations you prefer, the important thing is to enact able to have your regular intake of wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass juice is prepared like hunk other type of juice. Add water and enjoy. You can also add some ice. Juice shots are also available in the market. A 5ml shot is equal to a tablet of wheatgrass. Wheatgrass tablets are taken twice daily.

Wheatgrass has many healthy benefits for you. Take a dose of wheatgrass everyday and start your journey to a healthier you.
That’s how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.

Eczema Treatment Cannot Begin Without Knowing What Caused It

Eczema is a skin disorder. It is one of those problems that has no cure and can return and you cannot undergo eczema treatment without knowing first what caused it.

Some doctors believe that there is an imbalance in the body which is why you have eczema. In some cases, the body is producing too many or too few hormones. One example is when you have low thyroid function. When this happens, you will also have poor blood circulation and your skin will now develop the symptoms of eczema such as blistering, itching, oozing and swelling.

Eating also causes some people to have eczema. In fact, some patients have complained of certain food allergies before the flare-ups occur.

We all know that if we sustain an infection, the immune system will not work properly and your body will shut down. When this happens, we are also vulnerable to this skin disorder. A casing point is the growth of Candida albicans which is a yeast type infection.

Aside from ingesting something that may soon make you give you eczema, it is also possible that you either inhaled it or this was absorbed by your skin. This can happen if something overloaded your kidney and liver.

Believe it or not, stress has also been known to cause eczema because the body produces cortisol, a hormone that affects the intestinal tract by destroying friendly bacteria. As a result, your digestive system becomes impaired. You will feel pain in your stomach and when it happens more often, you may soon develop ulcers. This will soon affect other systems in the body and then make you vulnerable to eczema.

Eczema is also hereditary. This means if someone in your family like your parents or grandparents had this before, there is the possibility that you will also have it.

So now what? Well, knowing what caused eczema will make it easier for doctors to figure out how to help you. If the trigger factors were determined, you will be advised to stay away from it so that after you have undergone treatment, you will not encounter flare-ups.

Should eczema be stress related, you will be advised to stay away from activities that make it come back. You could talk to your boss and tell them about your condition. This will allow him or her to lessen your workload and give this to someone else rather than seeing you in such terrible shape.

Sadly, there is nothing you can do if it is genetic. The only thing doctors can do is tell you what to do when it happens and how to prevent it from recurring. Proper hygiene is probably the best advice because with the help of moisturizers, you will be able to keep your skin healthy.

There are also supplements you can take to help fight against eczema and you can get this over the counter at the drug store.

Based on the different causes mentioned, you can say that doctors have not really pinpointed the exact cause of eczema. Yes there is speculation that certain abnormalities may have caused this but this is different for each person who has even been diagnosed with it.

The only good news is that there is eczema treatment available. Before you try anything, it is best to get yourself diagnosed rather than self-medicating because you could only make matters worse.