What If You Dont Like Your Chiropractor

Chiropractic care has many benefits. A chiropractor can do more than just alleviate the pain and discomfort of a joint or muscle. Chiropractic care can treat and manage allergies, arthritis, sleep difficulties, earaches, scoliosis, and more. Essentially, if anything is causing you pain or stress, chiropractic care can help. For that reason, you may be one of the millions of individuals who seek treatment. But, what if you get a chiropractor you dont like?

First, examine your reasons for not liking him or her. Be sure you have a good reason. As previously stated, chiropractic care has many benefits. It is usually less intimating than traditional medical care, but some still find it overwhelming. Dont let your fear of seeking treatment mistakenly translate into dislike for your care provider.

As stated above, you should have a legitimate reason for not liking your chiropractor. Two good examples include blame and not listening. Do you need to constantly discuss your pain with your chiropractor? Are they not listening to your explanation of trigger factors or answering your questions? You should not need to constantly repeat yourself. Yes, chiropractors do see many patients, but your medical history is recorded or at least it should be.

As for blame, this is common with parents. Has your child been suffering from lower back pain for years? Poor posture or a heavy backpack may be to blame. At first, you may have written off your childs pain and discomfort as normal growing pains. As the pains continued to get worse or increased in frequency, you may have visited a local chiropractor. You thought you were doing good, but the chiropractor criticized you for waiting so long. This should not happen. In terms of chiropractic care, early is best, but better late than never.

So, what should you do if you truly do not like your chiropractor?

Voice your concerns. A problem cannot be corrected if it isnt first addressed. Unfortunately, this can be difficult for some. Most chiropractors run their own businesses, meaning they are the boss. You have to voice your concerns directly to the individual who irritates you or makes you uncomfortable. Do it. Most chiropractors have great people skills, but not all do. If yours unintentionally offended you, he or she will try to rectify the problem and prevent it from happening again.

Find a new chiropractor. If you fear discussing your concerns with your chiropractor or do and do not see any changes, it may be time to find a new doctor. If covered by health insurance, contact your insurance provider to get a list of chiropractic care centers in your area. Research your options and read reviews online. Ask those that you know for suggestions. You will have to start again and redo all paperwork, undergo new evaluations, and decide on a new course of treatment, but you should get a new doctor that you feel more comfortable with.

Now that you know what to do if you dont like your chiropractor, what should you not do?

Dont stop seeking care. Not all chiropractors are the same. One may blame you for not seeking care immediately, but most will not mention a word. In fact, some will comment that it is better late then never. Some chiropractors will remember every word you say and others will seem like they could care less. Just because you may get one bad apple, dont give up on this beneficial care.

Do not stop showing up for your appointments. For continued care, appointments are scheduled in advance. You may already have two or three appointments scheduled. If you want to change providers, do it. Cancel all appointments first. If you dont, you may be charged for them anyways.

In conclusion, not all chiropractors are the same. A healthy relationship with yours is important to successful treatment. If you are dissatisfied with the treatment received, voice your concerns or find a new provider. If at any point you feel in danger or harassed by your provider, contact the authorities or the American Chiropractic Association (ASA).


Word Count 679

Chiropractic Care: Your First Visit

You may have heard that chiropractic care has many benefits. It is a natural form of healthcare that can lead to long-term relief of pain, discomfort, and improved mobility. Most patients see a chiropractor when in pain, but you do not have to wait. If you want to lead a natural and healthy life, seek natural medical care through a chiropractor.

Regardless of your reason for seeking chiropractic care, you may wonder about your first appointment. What can you expect?

Paperwork. Many new patients mistakenly believe they will not need to fill out a lot of paperwork. Unfortunately, all medication professionals recommend it. This is for your own safety though. Even though chiropractors do not administer medication, they still need all the information on your background and medical history. In addition to the medical history forms, you will be required to provide your contact and payment information.

On average, it can take 10 to 20 minutes to fill out all required paperwork. Your chiropractor may ask you to arrive early. If you are pressed for time, ask to pickup these forms ahead of time. You can complete them at home and bring with you to your appointment.

Education. Chiropractic care is unlike traditional medical care. Yes, there are many similarities, but there are also many differences. As previously stated, they do not administer medication. They also do not perform surgery. What they do use is diagnosable medical tools, such as sonograms, x-rays, and MRIs. After these tools are used to get a proper diagnosis, manual therapy kicks in. Chiropractors use their hands, precise force, and their training to treat spinal and joint problems.

As for why education is important, many are unfamiliar with chiropractic care. Most Americans have it drilled into their heads that rest, relaxation, and pain medications are the best way to seek relief. After all, we have heard this for years. Your chiropractor will educate you on the history of chiropractic care, its benefits, the differences between other forms of medical care, and why you made the right choice to come in for an appointment.

Examination. You will undergo a number of tests when at a first chiropractic appointment. As previously stated, you will get a quick physical exam. Your doctor may take your height and weight, test your blood pressure, or take your temperature. If he or she suspects a serious injury, a sonogram, MRI, or x-ray may be used. If not, your chiropractor will rely on their hands to get a good feel of the area causing you pain.

Consultation. This step varies depending on appointment length, chiropractor preferences, and diagnosis. If your doctor wants to wait and review your tests or take time to think about a course of treatment, you will need to return for a second appointment. This should conclude your first one. Some chiropractors can and will diagnose right away. They will then consult their findings and preferred method of treatment right away. In fact, treatment may begin. This may involve a simple therapeutic massage or a spinal or joint adjustment.

Picture taking. Although optional, many chiropractors like to take pictures of their new patients. Some want to highlight improvements. Your chiropractor may use before and after pictures to show to new patients or at medical conferences, but most will ask for permission first. They may also want you to see the difference at the end of treatment.

So, there you have it. You can expect some of these things at your first appointment. All medical professionals are different, so your first appointment may vary slightly.


Word Count 595

Chiropractic Care versus Traditional Medical Care

Are you suffering from mild to severe pain and discomfort? Whether it is your knees, hands, neck, back, fingers, toes, or another part of the body that hurts, you may be ready to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. This is nice, but have you considered chiropractic care? If not, you should. It is similar, but also very different from traditional medical care. How?

Natural versus Artificial

Over the past few years, a lot of focus has been placed on natural and organic. Many Americans are making the switch to all natural and organic foods and supplements. This nice, but many of those same people turn to traditional forms of medicine and over-the-counter pain relievers to seek relief. This is not natural. Chiropractic care is. Chiropractors may use x-rays and MRIs to diagnose a problem and decide on a course of treatment, but that treatment is done with the precision of the hands. It is manual therapy.


Medications are commonly prescribed in traditional forms of medical care. They are not with chiropractic care. In fact, chiropractors are unable to write prescriptions. Some believe this is because they arent enough of a doctor. This is not true. The main reason for their inability to write prescriptions is because they do not believe in their use. Patients are not discouraged from seeking temporarily pain relief with over-the-counter products, but it is only temporary. Chiropractors prefer to make adjustments to treat the problem of pain at it source, not mask the problem with prescription medication.

Side Effects

In keeping with medication, it is important to note the side effects. They are common. It is rare to find a prescribed pain reliever without side effects. Even little side effects, such as an upset stomach or dizziness, can have a profound impact on your life. When seeking medical care, you want to seek relief, not have a new set of problems to deal with. That is why chiropractic care is best to treat pain, discomfort, and decreased mobility. Since there are no drugs prescribed, you will not experience side effects. But, you will get positive effects from either proper adjustments or therapeutic massages.


In terms of safety, there are little to no risks associated with chiropractic care. In fact, care is recommended for individuals of all ages. Both those young and old can benefit from chiropractic care. With traditional medical care, there are more risks present. Many of the medications prescribed are only safe for certain individuals. For example, those under the age of 4 can rarely seek safe pain relief from over-the-counter or prescribed medications. They can, however, get a safe therapeutic massage or undergo a safe realignment to treat pain and discomfort.


Chiropractors cannot perform surgery. In most cases, it is not needed. Patients who seek medical care experience pain, discomfort, and decreased mobility. As previously stated, realignment or a therapeutic massage may do the trick. Since surgery is only considered a last resort and performed by surgeon, there is little risk of complications. Surgery opens up a world of complications, including the invasion of germs and infection. Since the body is naturally healed using manual therapy, complications are non-existent.

NOTE: Chiropractors encourage those suffering from pain, discomfort, and difficultly moving to seek chiropractic care. What they dont encourage is avoiding all traditional forms of medical care. Some conditions, such as the flu, cancer, and diabetes cannot be treated with manual therapy. Never put your health at risk. Chiropractic care is best to treat pain and discomfort. Always keep your primary care physician in mind for other non-pain related medical problems.

In short, there are many differences between chiropractic care and medical care. So, which should you opt for? If you suffer from pain or experience difficulty moving, contact a local chiropractor. See what they can do for you. Since there are little to no risks, you have nothing to lose.


Word Count 653