Alternatives to Assist With Anxiety and Depression

Many who suffer from anxiety and depression take medication to relieve their pain. Doctors may prescribe antidepressants, tranquillizers and sleeping tablets for your condition. But there are healthier alternatives that can be used in attacking anxiety and depression.

Exercise is extremely important for many reasons but even more so if you suffer from emotional stress. Many of you will say that you just don’t have the time to exercise. But exercising doesn’t have to be done in a gym or health club. It can be a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood or running up and down your stairs. Among other things, regular exercise increases your endorphins, those happy hormones that get the good feelings going in your body. They boost self-esteem, and reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The catch is that you need to exercise regularly to benefit from it. Set up a schedule and stick to it. If you can’t do 20 minutes every day, try it three or four times per week. And make sure you do something that gets your heart rate up a little bit. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to feel better and will look forward to your little exercise break.

Social support is crucial during tough times and especially if you’re attacking anxiety and depression. It’s probable that you want to just be alone when you feel depressed. But try to keep in mind that loneliness is actually one of the causes of depression, and if you already have it, sitting alone could worsen the situation. So think about getting involved in some groups, even if it’s the last thing you want to do. You can start by volunteering. Doing something for others is a great way to feel better about yourself and humanity, and it takes your mind off of how bad you may believe things are.

Similarly, talking to someone about how you feel is a great way to alleviate some of your pain. You don’t need to go out and join a group to do this. Share how you feel with a close family member, friend or even a professional who will lend an objective ear.

Relaxation and meditation are also very effective when it comes to treating depression. One of the best methods of relaxation is to practice savasana (referred to as the “dead body pose”) In this position, you lie flat on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides. This is a position that is often done between yoga exercises. It returns blood circulation to normal and teaches complete relaxation.

Take certain supplements. There is a strong correlation between anxiety/panic disorder and low levels of certain vitamins and minerals. Here are some things that you want to make sure you are getting enough of: Omega 3 fish oil, calcium, magnesium, vitamin c and b-complex vitamin supplements.

The above information about attacking anxiety and depression does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.

Ways to better your memory

We all want to have a photographic memory. Just imagine being able to remember every single fact that you have read since you were a kid. You would be a shoo in when it comes to game shows and trivial pursuit games. Besides, havig a great memory will get you through tough times in college. Unfortunately not all people are blessed with such great memory but there are ways to make it better. Here are some of them:

1. Exercise your mind
The more you use your brain, the more it will be better. When it comes to the brain, there is no such thing as drain. If you want to improve your memory, then use your brain as much as you can. Read a book. Answer a crossword puzzle. Engage in memory games that will develop your brains power.

2. Play memory games
There are a lot of games out there that will help you exercise your memory. Log on to the internet and look for memory games that you can play. There is also the game board mastermind and Games of the Generals that will help you improve your memory and your logic skills.

3. Use visual tactics
Most people who have had to improve their memory have used visual tactics to help them remember things. For instance, if you want to remember a grocery list without writing them on paper, all you have to do is visualize your house and associate every part of it with the things that you have to buy. If you need a bathroom cleanser, then visualize it with your bathroom. The same goes with a vinegar and cooking oil with the kitchen or a moisturizer for the face with your bedroom. Thinking visually will help you keep the list in mind.

4. Say it over and over again.
Some people remember when they repeat it to themselves. For instance, the best way to remember the name of a person is to use it in a conversation with that person. That way, you will be able to associate the name with the face right on the onset. It will be easier then to remember that persons name the next time you meet her or him. The same also goes with remembering telephone numbers. The more you use it and repeatedly use it, the more you will be able to remember them.

5. Eat right
There are foods that will help keep your brain healthy and thus improve your memory. Foods like peanuts, tofu and milk help keep the brain in tip top shape. The same goes with fish and meat that have proteins that help nourish the brain and keep it developing. In fact, these foods are especially important with children who are growing because their brain is just developing.

6. Group them
Another effective way to remember things easily is to group them. For instance, in remembering telephone numbers, it will be easier to group them into two and remember them as two chunks than remembering them as seven separate numbers. Thus, numbers are given hyphens to make it easier to commit to memory.

There are a lot of other ways to better your memory but before you can do it, you have to first commit to the task.

Are You Attacking Anxiety and Depression

If you’re seriously interested in knowing about beauty, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about beauty.

Many who suffer from anxiety and depression take medication to relieve their sadness. Doctors may prescribe antidepressants, tranquillizers and sleeping tablets for your affection. But there are healthier alternatives that can be used in attacking anxiety and depression.

Exercise is extremely important for many reasons but level more then if you suffer from emotional woe. Many of you will remark that you just don’t have the time to exercise. But exercising doesn’t have to be done in a gym or health club. It can be a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood or running up and uncherished your stairs. Among other things, regular exercise increases your endorphins, those elated hormones that get the superb feelings going in your body. They boost self – esteem, and reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The catch is that you need to exercise regularly to favor from it. Set up a schedule and stick to it. If you can’t do 20 log every day, try it three or four times per week. And make sure you do something that gets your heart rate up a little bit. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to feel better and will look forward to your little exercise break.

Social support is galling during tough times and especially if you’re attacking anxiety and depression. It’s probable that you want to reliable be alone when you feel depressed. But try to keep in mind that loneliness is actually one of the causes of depression, and if you already have it, sitting alone could worsen the situation. So think about getting involved in some groups, even if it’s the make headway thing you want to do. You can dawning by volunteering. Doing something for others is a great way to feel better about yourself and humanity, and it takes your mind off of how bad you may believe things are.

Similarly, talking to someone about how you feel is a great way to alleviate some of your pain. You don’t need to go out and clasp a group to do this. Share how you feel with a close family member, friend or even a professional who will lend an objective ear.

Relaxation and meditation are also very effective when it comes to treating depression. One of the best methods of relaxation is to practice savasana ( referred to due to the ” dead body pose ” ) In this position, you lie flat on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides. This is a position that is often done between yoga exercises. It returns vermeil circulation to normal and teaches complete relaxation.

Cut certain supplements. There is a strong correlation between anxiety / panic disorder and dismal levels of certain vitamins and minerals. Here are some things that you want to make sure you are getting enough of: Omega 3 fish oil, calcium, magnesium, vitamin c and b – complex vitamin supplements.

The above information about attacking anxiety and depression does not substitute medical cure given by a health professional.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Help Fight Apathy with Essential Oil Aromatherapy

Apathy has become a major issue in society. As individuals, we are constantly bombarded with negativity from work, home, or even a simple outing. We are handed stress related issues in our lives and after a time we can become apathetic to even the most important aspects of our lives. Being apathetic only serves to worsen your mood and it can make you feel spiritually down.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy can greatly enhance your mood and help you battle against those apathetic feelings. Apathy is a downward spiral for any professional especially if you own your own business. The pressures of the day need to be warded off to eliminate apathy that can overcome someone who is having an incredibly bad day.

Increased apathy eventually leads to increased levels of stress, and the situation can lower your energy and it can harm your health. Nothing every good becomes from apathy, so focusing on eliminating the apathy and increasing your mood will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Essential oils in aromatherapy will immediately start to increase your mood and make you feel more refreshed each day.

You can use essential oils in your home or office. When used in your office, apathy seems to fade away even during stressful times. Essential oils are not only safe and effective, but they are a natural way to rid your body of harmful emotional toxins. Essential oils used in the office as a pleasant scent throughout the day will help to keep your emotional stress levels at bay so you will be at the best performance possible for your coworkers and customers.

Use essential oil in aromatherapy for the home to help you and your family members wind down from the day or keep spirits high for others that are there for the day. The aromatherapy is safe for your children, and the sweet scents can be enjoyed by all ages. Even children go through tough times and they too can be affected by apathy. Using essential oils in the home can help all your family members fight off apathy and provide them with a happier, healthier lifestyle.

The following essential oils can be used individually for their respective benefits. Used in combination, though, and these essential oils can be a potent eliminator of harmful emotional downs.


Basil is a strengthening herb that can liberate and free you from emotional constraints. Basil is a powerful essential oil that helps you spiritually clear your mind, and it gives you clarity to concentrate more effectively. Basil has a long track record of having natural medicinal purposes that dates back to ancient history.


Grapefruit is a popular combination with other essential oils for its refreshing fragrance that seems to immediately improve moods and boost energy levels. The citrus smell helps wake you up from the nights sleep and gives you the energy to tackle the day.


Peppermint is known for its cool, refreshing scent that clears your thoughts and opens your mind. It aids in your overall concentration, so it is a good essential oil for your office or home during the day. Peppermint has an everlasting soothing effect, and it can be used in burners or even a bath to quickly alleviate the days stress and relieve any aches and pains. Peppermint is an extremely powerful essential oil, and it should be used by adults only for its potent effects.

While each of these oils can benefit you individually, the combination will quickly remove negative thoughts and help initiate a positive attitude. Essential oils are a safe, effective way to remove the apathy from your daily life. As apathy leaves your emotions, you will find yourself in a better state of mind and you may even see your own health increase. Enhancing your mood will can also help keep your relationships more healthy and keep you emotionally stable.


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