Dental Emergencies

As we all know, toothaches and any type of oral injury can be extremely painful and should be seen by a dentist immediately. Dental emergencies should be seen immediately by a dentist, day or night. These emergencies include broken teeth, teeth that have been knocked out, or teeth that have been forced out of the socket. With some emergencies, the cheeks, lips, or gums will have cuts or abrasions on them from where the teeth come out of the socket.

If youve had a tooth recently knocked out, the first thing you should do is look for that tooth. When youve found the tooth, gently scrub it to get rid of any dirt or debris. Once you have cleaned it, you should place it back in your mouth between the cheek and gums. Whatever you do, you should never try to put it back in the socket. If you can make it to the dentist in time, he may be able to put the tooth back in place.

If youve had a tooth come out of place, you can normally reposition it with your fingers. You shouldnt use a lot of force, simply because it could damage the tooth. You shouldnt force the tooth into place, rather try and jiggle it around. You can also use moist tissue to hold the tooth in place, until you can get to a dentist.

If youve got a fractured tooth, the treatment will all depend upon how bad the booth has been fractured. No matter how light the fracture may be, it is very important that you get to a dentist as soon as you can. Minor fractures arent that bad, as they can normally be smoothed out using sandpaper. Sometimes, the tooth can also be restored with a composite. Either way, youll need to make sure that you use extreme caution with the tooth for the next few days.

The more moderate fractures, normally include damage to the dentin, pulp, and even the enamel. These fractures can be nothing to worry about at times, yet painful with other cases. Providing the pulp hasnt been damaged, your dentist will be able to restore the full shape and function to the fractured tooth. In cases where pulp damage has occurred, the dentist may need to do a root canal or other type of serious surgery to repair the tooth.

Whenever you encounter a dental emergency, you shouldnt hesitate to contact a dentist immediately. Your dentist will be able to assist you, fix the problem, and stop the pain. Dental emergencies can happen at any time, so you should always the emergency number of a dentist who will be there at a moments notice. Tooth pain can be very excruciating – and youll obviously want to get the problem fixed immediately.

Causes Of Toothaches

When it comes to toothaches, there are many different things that can cause a toothache. A toothache can come at any given time, even though you may not expect it. The pain can be unbearable at times, and youll do practically anything you can to make the pain stop. When a toothache first comes on, many of us start to wonder what caused it to happen.

Some of the main causes of toothaches include decay, a fracture in the teeth, and cavities. A crack in the tooth is also a cause, although it can be difficult to diagnose, as cracks will normally appear to be invisible to the naked eye and x-rays. Cracks can make your tooth feel as if it is exploding, as they expose the dentin and nerves to the air and anything else you put in your mouth. If you dont get them fixed, they will get worse, possibly leading to your tooth breaking off at the gums.

Pulp irritation is another cause of toothaches, as it occurs after dental treatment. No matter how well your filling or crown was done, the materials that were used to fix the tooth can end up causing pain later on down the road. There really is nothing you can do, as crowns can sometimes come off or the filling can sometimes come out. If this happens, all you can really do is go back to the dentist to get the problem fixed.

If you have an exposed root or nerve, it can also be the cause of your toothache. This normally happens due to rough brushing, receding the gums and exposing the root. If the root is exposed, the air or liquid you drink can trigger a toothache. To prevent this from happening, use care when you brush and never try to tear your gums apart thinking it will get your teeth cleaner.

If you use tobacco products, youll more than likely get toothaches on a frequent basis. Chewing tobacco is a common contributor to toothaches and tooth pain, as the tobacco will eat away at your teeth until there is nothing left. It doesnt take long for it to happen either, especially if you have been chewing for a long time. Smoking can trigger toothaches as well, as the smoke is bad for your teeth and eats away at them as well.

Even though there are many causes to toothaches, there are things you can do to stop and pain and prevent toothaches. You should always brush your teeth on a daily basis, and go to the dentist for your regular checkups. If you get a toothache you should always go to the dentist and get the tooth fixed. The dentist may be able to catch it early enough to save the tooth – which will prevent you from having to get it pulled and save you a lot of money – and pain in the long run.

Understanding Toothaches

As we all know, toothaches are the result of several different factors. The pain that stems from a toothache is always apparent, normally in the form of throbbing. The pain will normally intensify as time goes by, when you eat, lay down, or drink hot/cold liquids. Toothaches are very painful, and it may seem that no matter what you do – it seems to hurt more.

In the dental world, toothaches can include such things as cavities, infections or abscess in the teeth or gums, debris that has been trapped between the teeth and gums, and trauma to the face, teeth, or the jaw. Sometimes, toothaches can result from medical conditions and have nothing to do with dental. In most cases, if the problem goes without being checked, it can lead to serious trouble and maybe even become a life threatening situation.

Normally, when you have a toothache, youll experience tremendous pain. The pain will stem from the affected tooth or the jaw, and youll know it almost immediately. It will start out to be a throbbing pain, then continue to get worse and worse until you get it treated. If you wait too long and allow the infection to spread throughout the tooth, youll end up having to get it pulled or cut out.

Anytime you start to experience a toothache, you shouldnt hesitate to make an appointment with your dentist to have it checked. Sometimes, getting an appointment when your tooth starts hurting is easier said than done. Even though you may be able to use certain products to stop the pain, the pain will always come back until you get the problem fixed. A toothache will always come back, until you get the tooth taken care of.

If you visit your dentist in time and he catches the problem early, he may be able to save your tooth. Normally, this will result in a filling, crown, or root canal, although you wont have to have the tooth removed. Dentists always look to save teeth, as they dont like to remove a tooth unless they absolutely have to. If the tooth has become abscessed, the dentist will put you on antibiotics such as penicillin until the infection has subsided enough to remove the tooth.

Throughout our lives, most of us will experience the pain and agony of a toothache at some point. A toothache can be the worst pain you have ever felt in your life, especially if you are feeling the pain of an abscess. If youve never had a toothache, you should consider yourself lucky. Those who have had toothaches though, will tell you that the pain is something you never want to experience – it will make you feel as if your whole world is falling apart.

The Basics Of Brushing

Brushing and flossing are something we all learn at an early age. The proper way to brush your teeth takes less than 2 minutes, although many people tend to spend much longer, or much less. Most adults tend to spend less than a minute, which isnt enough time to clean your teeth. To get the right amount of time brushing, you should try using a stopwatch while you brush.

When you brush your teeth, you should avoid using pressure but instead use short, gentle strokes. You should focus on hard to reach places, and make sure that you get the areas between your teeth as well. You should also make sure you get eating surfaces as well, along with your upper and lower gums. If you focus on all areas of your mouth, youll get everything when you brush.

Along with using the proper brushing techniques, you will also need to use the right toothpaste as well. There are a variety of toothpastes available, designed to help you with a variety of different conditions. You can get toothpaste that will prevent toothaches, stop sensitivity, and prevent things such as tartar and gingivitis. Toothpaste is the best way to protect your teeth, therefore you should always ask your dentist what type of toothpaste he recommends for you.

To get the most out of brushing, youll need to have a good toothbrush. There are many different models to choose from, which can make it extremely difficult to choose one. When you make your choice, you should look for brushes that have soft bristles. Soft bristles are easy on your gums, and they will remove plaque and other debris from your teeth. A small head is also preferred, as it can easily reach hard to get places, such as your back teeth.

You should also remember to replace your brush every couple of months, or when it starts to show signs of wear. If youve had a cold you should replace your toothbrush, simply because the bristles can contain germs that could get you sick all over again. Toothbrushes that show wear should always be replaced, as they can have an impact on your gums. If the bristles start to get worn down, they can tear away at your gums, leading to sensitivity.

To get the most from your brushing, you should always use a bit of common sense and ask your dentist for his recommendations. Brushing your teeth will help keep them healthy, and prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Keep in mind that brushing does help your teeth, although you still need to go to your dentist for regular checkups. If you take care of your teeth and brush them on a regular basis – you will keep them free of infections and cavities.