Home Remedies For You Where To Start

Home remedies have been with us for centuries and just like most things their popularity ebbs and flows. Right now the popularity of all things natural is on the rise and many are on the look out to understand and gather some of the many home remedies that are out there. But just how do you go about finding home remedies for you that will work for you?

Your first step to finding home remedies for you that work is to start off with the most simple and straightforward remedies that you can find. If you have never seriously researched and investigated natural home remedies, then jumping in and trying to treat a major disease or condition without the advice and support of your conventional doctor is not advised and should be avoided.

Often times most people will use natural remedies for straightforward everyday injuries and conditions and that’s where you should start.

A toothache for instance, because of the way it often develops: out of nowhere, in the middle of the night when seeing a dentist is not possible, is an ideal ailment to attempt to treat via natural remedies.

Start by elevating the head if the toothache came on in the night when you were flat out asleep. By simply propping yourself up with some pillows you will ease the pressure in the head and sinus regions and this could be all that you need to ease the pain. If that isn’t sufficient, then you can place an ice cube on the painful tooth and this will numb the nerves and reduce inflammation. All great to buy you some time before you can get to the dentist.

Another of the home remedies for you that you might want to try is a remedy for Hay Fever. Hay Fever, that periodic burden on so many lives as the pollen rises, can be managed and kept at bay by following some simple steps. Have you tried lining the insides of your nostrils with petroleum jelly? You should try it if you suffer with Hay Fever! What this does is to trap and stop the pollen from entering through your nose and setting off your allergies. For Hay Fever you can also add a tea spoon of local honey, along with a tea spoon of apple cider vinegar to some hot water and drink as an early morning tea.

So, as you can see finding yourself some home remedies for you does not have to be a huge undertaking of mixing complex potions and concoctions, all it takes is a little common sense and a little research and before you know it, you’ll be using these remedies without giving them a second thought.

Natural Toothache Remedies

Not many people are aware of the fact that several herbs can be used in the relief of toothache pain. Natural herbs such as cloves, calendula, tarragon, and yarrow can be used to help relieve th pain until you can get to the dentist. For many years, different cultures have counted on herbs to help get the pain of a toothache control and get temporary relief.

Native Americans for example, used the inner bark found in the butternut tree to their gums to get relief from toothaches. The butternut tree is found in North America, and is also the cousin of the black walnut tree. Butternut trees are found along rivers in well drained soil, rich woods, and even in back yards. Once the tree matures, it can reach heights of up to 60 feet, with the bark being light grey in color, and the leaves and the fruit resembling the black walnut tree. The bark of the tree can be applied to the gums, helping to alleviate toothache pain.

Yarrow on the other hand, can be found in Asia, Europe, and North America. It normally grows wild in meadows, fields, and in open wood lands. The root of yarrow, is what contains the anaesthetic effect. If you apply the fresh root of yarrow to your tooth or gums, it will help to stop the pain – until you can get an appointment with the dentist and get it taken care of.

The herb known as clove is an evergreen tree, native to tropical areas. These days however, it can be found throughout the world. As many already know, the dried flower bud of clove is what contains the medicine. The oil from clove, when used on a toothache, will help to stop the pain almost immediately. If you compare cloves to other natural toothache remedies, youll find clove to be the best.

For many years, natural herbs have been used to stop toothache pain. Hundreds of years ago, herbs were the only way to stop the pain. Dentists were just starting to come around, although they didnt have near the equipment and sophistication that they have these days. Even though teeth were pulled during these times, it normally happened with alcohol to numb the pain then pliers to remove the tooth.

Throughout the course of time, herbs have proven to be very effective with stopping toothache pain. If you are interested in herbs or have any questions about them, you shouldnt hesitate to ask your dentist his opinion. Dentists know herbs, and should be able to recommend natural remedies to you if you request them. The next time you experience the pain of a toothache – you should always remember that herbs are a great way to relieve the pain.