Understanding Suicidal Tendencies through Bipolar Disorder

Have you ever wondered if what you know about bipolar is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on bipolar.

Before going into the rough details, well have a rerouting of ideas to know the main reasons why people who have bipolar disorder results in suicide.

First, there are generally two types of bipolar disorder which are: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. These two subtypes can be regarded due to symptoms which are appropriate basis for diagnosing the disease.

Bipolar Type I

In this occurrence, the person may at least have one or two manic episodes equivalent forfeit episodes of previous depression.

Bipolar Type II

The person requirement at least have an episode of depression and a hypomanic episode. Hypomanic episodes usually refer to a lesser and much briefer condition compared to a manic episode that lasts only for a few days and not at integral severe.

Hypomania episodes would be associated with elevated moods like fury and changes in everyday functioning that doesnt require hospitalization. Here, depression is much more longer than hypomania.


This is somewhat included in the type but is considered as the milder bipolar form. Compared to the extremes bipolar people are exhibiting, cyclothmia mood swings are moderate.


This is the time when bipolar becomes severe. The person undergoes episodes of delusions and hallucinations that detaches them from reality. Some goes into trust that they are someone or they see and hear things that, in reality, arent there.

With unabbreviated the things related to the disorder, it all goes down to one thing suicide. Because the person can no longer understand what is happening to him, his behavior is taking over his entire contour and is overwhelming his thoughts and feelings. And whereas the person believes that he is incapable of doing anything good, he commits suicide.

Suicide is a sin. But then again, it has become one of the most effective solutions to outrun every inconsistent problem that occurs in someones life. If someone in your family has already been diagnosed of the disorder, it is proper that the members of the family see to it that the person is taken care of.

Any thoughts of committing suicide must have immediate attention to rule out the idealism. It is advisable that the person seeks medical health. The risk for committing suicide will appear within the earlier constitutional of the illness.

To be able to diagnose if a person has suicidal tendencies, apart must observe signs and symptoms such as:

Inutile and helpless feelings

Thoughts about wanting to die or talking about the afterlife

Feels that he or nymph is just a burden for her family and friends

Abuses drugs and alcohol

Writing random good – bye notes

Organizing affairs like preparing for near death

Suicide is possible especially if you know someone who is suffering from an early stage of bipolar disorder. If you or anyone you knows who are feeling suicidal, bipolar or not, always find ways to rid of it like calling a doctor for advice and support, never leaving suicidal common people alone, and making sure that any access of harm that the person can use against himself is no where to be found.

It is important that one understands the different causes of the disorder in order to totally prevent the risk of suicidal attempts. Life is the most important everything to be taken care of. Its a pity to see it wasted.
Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what’s important about bipolar.

How Massage Therapy Benefits Autistic Children

The massage therapy is a well-loved session of many. Celebrities, public officials, workers, students, and people from all walks of life succumb to their cravings to experience the soothing effect that massage promotes. Imagine a day of hard work, stress, and pressure. Wouldn’t it feel so nice to be subjected to the therapeutic human touch? However, it has been found out that massage doesn’t only benefit the normal individuals. Studies show how helpful and therapeutic it can be to the autistic children. This may be new to you but it is a fact. After all, these children also deserve the best that life may offer.

Autism Explained

Autism is a kind of brain disorder which normally gets tracked when the child is aged 2. The symptoms become recognizable at such a tender age basically because he falls short in developing the language along with the pertinent social interaction skills. Children should be able to start saying a few words and socializing. If they don’t, then there is a reason for the parents to start panicking. Among the common indicators of autism are withdrawal from the surrounding people and some other abnormal behaviors. There are some people who believe that this is a circumstance that can be cured while some strongly refuse to accept this possibility. Whatever is the case, concerned parents normally travel far and wide to discover the proper alternatives and treatment to address such condition.

Autism’s Impact on Parent-Child Relationship

There is nothing more painful for the parents than to see their children being heaped on with a very challenging disorder. They usually end up thinking that their children are innocent and that they don’t deserve it. Who deserves such illness after all? It is truly heartbreaking. A child who is said to be autistic fails to understand the difference between what is acceptable and what is not. He is unable to express his thoughts and feelings by means of words, gestures, or even facial expressions. He has his own world wherein no one can penetrate. Thus, there is no parent-child relationship that gets bonded.

Again, studies reveal that an autistic child can get attached to his parents yet he fails to react and respond properly. Many of these unfortunate children are even confronted with the tactile and sensory issues so they don’t readily respond to the sounds, sights, touches, and smells. They often seem oblivious with what is going on.

The Role of Massage in Cases of Autism

A large number of autistic children are being subjected to the therapeutic method of massage. In fact, many therapists and parents are finding out good results so far. These children react positively to massage and they are able to establish their connection to their parents because they love being touched by them. However, there is an exception. Not all autistic children respond in a similar way.

It is advisable that parents learn the basic techniques and a lot other methods which they may use prior to starting with the massage session. The mood of the child has to be set by letting the word “massage” sink into his consciousness. It has been discovered that those children who are given the therapy show lesser unacceptable behavior and are turning socially attentive. They are less likely to withdraw from their environment too.

Autism may be very frustrating but give the massage therapy a chance too. It can do wonders on the child.