Famous Warts

Average people consider warts to be unsightly, embarrassing, and something to remove as quickly and painlessly as possible. Famous people do not always see the subject the same way. Some may simply not think warts to be a problem. Others may actually consider them to be a unique part of who they are.

Oliver Cromwell was one of the most well-known historical figures. Although fans of history and politics are divided in their opinions as to whether he was actually a hero or a ruthless dictator, he is equally if not more well-known for his request for his portrait to be painted “warts and all.” Cromwell’s death mask also contains his clearly-visible warts.

Oddly enough, many people who have no interest in the history of Britain are familiar with Cromwell’s alleged quote. The quote itself continues to be widely-used, even by the many who have no knowledge of its source. “Warts and all” is a common phrase, meaning to take one exactly as he is, his imperfections included.

In more modern days, while celebrities may not consider their warts to be their claim-to-fame, the subject of their warts gives many something to comment on some more positive than others. Long-time popular movie star Robert DeNiro, while not in the media nearly as much as he used to be, is occasionally brought up by fans and non-fans alike, remarking about his quite visible wart.

While it is doubtful that not having a wart removed is due to a desire for publicity, Mr. DeNiro’s wart gains publicity nonetheless. Movie star magazines and everyday “bloggers” all talk about Robert DeNiro’s wart.

On female celebrities, warts today seem to be what moles were in the past often passed off as a sign of “beauty.” Fans may or may not agree with this point of view.

Another widely-publicized wart is that which belonged to Elvis Presley. The story is that it was removed by a doctor prior to Elvis’s military service. The fact that a world-famous singer’s wart was preserved, and is still in existence thirty years after his death, says less about the scientific possibilities necessary for such preservation than it does about many Americans’ unquenchable thirst for the odd and the outrageous.

Perhaps an attempt to understand it all can be traced back to Oliver Cromwell. Perhaps ordinary, everyday people have a need to see “the famous” as less than perfect, as having flaws just like everyone else. Everybody, from the famous to the average, has some type of “wart.” It is certainly a better explanation than the other logical possibility that many people simply are intrigued by the macabre.


Odds Of Getting Pregnant And Age

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The odds of getting pregnant decline with age. The odds of getting pregnant are the greatest for a woman in her early twenties and then slowly decline with the passing years. Here are some numbers related to the chances of getting pregnant and age:

1. For ages early to mid-thirties – a woman in general will be about 15-20% less fertile.

2. For ages mid to late thirties – fertility will generally decline by up to 50%.

3. For women ages early to mid-forties – fertility…

odds of getting pregnant,getting pregnant,how to get pregnant,trying to get pregnant,

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The odds of getting pregnant decline with age. The odds of getting pregnant are the greatest for a woman in her early twenties and then slowly decline with the passing years. Here are some numbers related to the chances of getting pregnant and age:

1. For ages early to mid-thirties – a woman in general will be about 15-20% less fertile.

2. For ages mid to late thirties – fertility will generally decline by up to 50%.

3. For women ages early to mid-forties – fertility declines by over 90%.

Why do the odds of getting pregnant generally decline as the woman gets older? Studies have indicated the reasons for fertility decline are related to the quality of the woman’s eggs as well as the quantity. A woman in her lifetime will typically produce about 400 fully developed eggs (usually one per month) that are capable of becoming implanted in the uterus and causing pregnancy. As these eggs get used up over thirty years or so and estrogen production slows so that the uterine and vaginal linings are no longer properly stimulated, pregnancy becomes less and less likely.

And what about the male’s role, age and the odds of getting pregnant? Studies have found that the probability of causing pregnancy for a man in his late thirties declines by about 40% from the probability during his twenties to mid-thirties.

How does a woman increase the odds of getting pregnant? Here are some tips:

Know your fertile time – ovulation generally happens about 14 days before your next period begins. For women with cycles of 28 days, that could make day #14 your most fertile for getting pregnant (day #1 being the first day that your last period began).

Monitor your basal body temperature – the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day will signal your most fertile time.

Monitor your cervical mucus – ovulation will cause a change in the appearance and consistency of cervical mucus. Check yourself each day and you’ll be able to see the ‘egg-white-like’ vaginal discharge that indicates ovulation and your most fertile time.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle – the odds of getting pregnant increase the more healthy you are. Healthy living includes a sensible diet, nutritional supplements, adequate quality sleep, managing stress, some exercise and weight management.

Planning to start a family, getting pregnant and pregnancy can be exciting, frustrating, fulfilling and without any certain outcome. Improving your health will add to the likelihood that you can become pregnant and have a healthy baby.

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