Countless studies and pediatric research have shown that massage therapy is supremely beneficial for a wide variety of conditions in young children. As a matter of fact, these studies revealed that massage therapy for young children is a crucially important supplemental treatment to conventional medicine. However, these studies further showed that, in many cases, massage therapy on its own works better in relieving symptoms of many disturbing conditions than do medications and other standard procedures associated with Western medicine.

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMA), more than twenty percent of all children, from newborns to toddlers and early school year children, are afflicted with eczema at some point in their young lives and roughly the same percentage is true for infants and young children suffering from traumatic burns. For that reason, the pain and suffering of trauma burns and eczema are counted among the most common pediatric skin conditions in the United States. Most studies bring to light the following findings:

* Young burn trauma patients who were treated with a massage therapy sessions for approximately thirty minutes before any kind of medical or nursing procedures, were more relax physically as well as mentally through the process and they, therefore, experienced less discomfort or pain.

It is important to stress here that the massage treatment was applied only to areas which were not affected by burns.

* Young children suffering from eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) who were given massage treatments before and while being treated with skin medications such as emollients and ointments exhibited less apprehension and they were more willing to cooperate. In addition, the physical conditions of their skins dramatically improved as redness subsided, as did lichenification, scaling, excoriation and pruritus.

The therapy in these conditions ideally consists of two phases. First phase to ensure smooth strokes during the massage treatment, the childs body is moisturized with a dermatitis medication. Second phase being very careful to avoid particularly sensitive areas of the body, a series of varied massage techniques is used on the childs face, chest, stomach, legs and arms.

The Childrens Mercy Hospital of Kansas City, Missouri has been using massage therapy to alleviate chronic pain from headaches and migraines in young children and, in the process, also relieving their levels of anxiety and distress, lowering their heart rates, improving their gastrointestinal systems, promoting the release of endorphins and bringing their entire bodies to a state of calmness. And all these positive effects seem to be immediate or nearly immediate.

Applying massage therapies to infants and young children is not at all a newly discovered concept as it has been a daily practice in the Eastern and African cultures for many generations. They understood that the first sense to develop in humans is the sense of touch and that it is essential to health and wellness. Massage treatments for the young members among ancient cultures served to heal, to energize, to calm and to reinforce close bonding and the sense of trust and security.

Having been working zealously on the subject of massage for young children for the past ten or so years, Dr. Tiffany Field and her associates at the Touch Research Institute (TRI) in Miami, Florida insist that, Every child, no matter the age, should be massaged at bedtime on a regular basis.


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With the baby boomers aging and with the help of higher technology and greater innovations in medicine and geriatric science, life is not merely being prolonged but more and more senior citizens today have the opportunity to take advantage of more quality life than ever before. This translates into a generation of more senior citizens of more advanced ages living among us, and that is, in my opinion a very good thing. National demographic studies tell us that nearly 40 million Americans are currently 65 years of age or older and over 2,000 more reach age 65 every single day. To accommodate the ever grown demand for massage therapy among senior citizens, many massage therapists are choosing to expand their expertise by studying the art of age-specific massage therapy which is often referred to as seniors massage or geriatric massage.

For the most part, massage therapy for senior citizens is extremely beneficial and of utmost importance to relieve the aches, the pains, the stiffness and the great number of health condition which are so often associated with aging; such as inflammations in the joints; arthritis; skin discoloration and other dermatological conditions; deteriorating muscles and bones; fading eyesight and loss of hearing, reduced appetite and therefore weight loss, poor blood circulation; sleep disorders; weakened mental capacity, tendonitis; bursitis; asthma; emphysema; high blood pressures; diminished functions of the internal vital organs such as the heart, the liver, the brain, the thyroid, the stomach and the intestines; and so much more. Most importantly, however, lonely and isolated, depressed, anxious and fearful senior citizens derive pricelessly valuable benefits from the simple pleasure of the caressing human touch and the intimate companionship afforded them during massage therapy sessions.

The Weavers Tale Retreat Center in the State of Oregon recently conducted a two-year study examining the effects of massage therapy for senior citizens and they found that at least 50 percent of the elderly who were tested showed a reduction in their rates of breathing, an increase in their range of motion, an improvement of their postures, development of more body awareness, their skin took on healthier colors and their muscle tones were enhanced. The same study also showed that 100 percent of the senior citizen who were tested showed a dramatic improvement in their moods and their attitudes toward life in general.

Massage therapy for senior citizens does not differ in technique but it does differ, and it differs greatly in the application of that technique, whichever that technique may be. In other words, just about any of the different massage techniques can be used on senior citizen but they must be modified enough to accommodate the facts that, very often, the skin of senior citizens have become thinner while growing much less pliable and much more easily broken, their bones are thinner and more brittle, their joints are more stiff with reduced range of mobility, their blood vessels are more prominent and closer to the surface of the skin and their overall health, vigor and vitality have been downgraded through the years. Taking all that into consideration, extra care musts be taken when positioning them on the massage tables, they should never be expected to perform the same movements as younger adults, and wheelchair-bound or bedridden seniors should get their massage treatments while remaining seated in their chairs or reclining in their beds.

Most massages for senior citizens are limited to anywhere from thirty to forty five minutes because the elderly seem to respond better to shortened sessions with greater frequency. Furthermore, greater time is usually spent on massaging their hands and feet than any other part of their bodies. That is especially true for those seniors who have lost the use of their hands and feet as massaging them will enhance their body awareness as well as increase sensations and blood circulation throughout.

We all need plenty of TLC (tender love and care) but senior citizens need and deserve quite a bit more of it.


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Drug Rehabilitation An Introduction

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about drug rehab to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from drug rehab experts.

Being dependent on chemicals to save you from the passion of life is one thing that affects Americans nowadays. This is one serious matter that has to be taken at the brink. One very important factor on how to reach drug rehabilitation is finding the appropriate center thatll understand your needs and tend to your disability. It is required that the facility has bright professional practitioners that have the capability to produce precise diagnosis and plan an effective treatment plan.

Base on standards, a typical rehabilitation program meant for drug abuse lasts for a minimum of 28 days or more. In this program, patients are expected to cope shelter the people around them and be rehabilitated together with their group. Recovery is the goal for all enrolled in the program. Although, it will always depend on the persons needs and problems to find the suitable rehabilitation center within or outside your vicinity. One can also choose private institutions that are exclusively meant for those who right-hand their composition kept confidential from the publics eye.

Therapies brought up in groups can epitomize conducted by interaction with each other, communicating ones feelings and sharing past experiences or causative factors for your drug abuse. Drug treatment centers often offer numerous therapy sessions everyday which wont require being locked up in a facility for a couple of weeks. Private sessions for therapy are standardized and are offered in all centers. Your therapist will aid you to form goals for effective treatment also he commit have the opportunity to closely monitor the progress that you have achieved.

With your present situation, recovery is the only thing that you obligation put your mind into. If you put yourself in a group of individuals who wanted the same goal of now rehabilitated as you are, then the positive energy gathered within that group by the help of your therapists and medical instructors. You incubus debunk a center near you and meet up with them to personally know the different programs in able to achieve sobriety.

In cases of constant addiction problems that you sense within yourself or someone esteem your family, its time to agree in joining a rehabilitation center in order to bring your life back to you. Admit it, you, alone cant solve drug problems. You need some help.

Making the most important compromise of your life and that is enrolling in a rehabilitation center, means entrusting the new journey of your vivacity with trained and experienced people within the facility. Every center has different programs, levels of care further flotation, schedule and rates. Upon occupation the rehabilitation hotline, you have to be sure that you are specific with all needs and issues that you own to settle.

Programs of rehabilitation centers usually consist of residential, short – stay, outpatient besides inpatient options. Although, slick are differences most specifically with the residential and inpatient programs. Residential options are less scrupulous ditch regards to the standard of their medical services while the inpatient option is done within a hospital which is licensed.

Depending on the degree of dependency, there are different aspects of recovery that a person undergoes. Some may manifest fast recovery and some may stay a little longer within the institute. Drug rehabilitation is a continuous process even if the patient is already discharged and is ready to face the outside world.
Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Eczema Treatment Using Light

Eczema treatment can be done without the use of medication. In fact, there are three types around and your doctor will only be able to you which one you can take after a thorough examination.

The first is called UVA-1 Phototherapy. In this type of therapy, a narrow band of light is used to penetrate deeply into the skin. This is the newest one around and doctors have claimed that it is more focused and intense compared to other types since it does not burn the skin in therapeutic doses.

One of the advantages of this type of therapy is the fact that it can target large areas of skin without the side effects of oral or topical medications. It is currently being used to treat patients who are also suffering from dermatitis or dyshidrosis which is a condition that causes blisters on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and morphea, thought to be an autoimmune disease that is localized to the skin and causes thickening and discoloration.

Since it is quite new, it is only available in a few hospitals in the US. During the session, a machine will emit UVA light directly over the affected area. Treatment usually takes 12 minutes and patients can keep coming back several times in a week. Some patients experience itchiness or redness after but this quickly disappears after a session.

Most patients have at least 4 to 5 therapy sessions in the first week and then cut this down to two or three in the succeeding weeks. You will see improvements after three weeks and doctors claim that there are no traces of this after a few months.

Aside from UVA-1 Phototherapy, you have narrow band UVB. This is the most common form of phototherapy around. The word narrow band refers to a specific wavelength of radiation so most of the time the patient is exposed to 311 nanometers of ultraviolet radiation.

The reason why it is the most common form aside from the fact that there are a lot of facilities that have it is the fact that your exposure time to the ultraviolet light is much shorter as well the course of treatment. It is more likely to clear your skin condition and you will enjoy a long remission period before it appears again.

Aside from eczema, this form of treatment is used to treat patients suffering from dermographism, early cutaneous T-cell, lichen planus, lymphoma, polymorphous light eruption, pruritus, and vitiligo.

The third type is PUVA which stands for Psoralen and UVA treatment. Psoralens are found in plants and can only be sensitized when this is taken either orally or applied topically. When applied with UVA, the patient does not have to be exposed too long to the radiation.

This process works by taking Psoralen orally an hour before UVA treatment. If the patient is not able to handle it, the hospital must provide a bathing system or a topical version of psoralens. Afterwards, the patient wears protective goggles during treatment and for the next 24 hours.

PUVA is given 2 to 3 times a week for a period of 3 months. Post treatment or maintenance therapy is one session a week. Each time the patient leaves the clinic, he or she must avoid exposure to sunlight for the next 24 hours.

Eczema treatment using light is safe and effective. You should consider it if you have this skin condition.