Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know

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Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know

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Aromatherapy uses essential oils to treat medical conditions, to alleviate psychological ailments, for cosmetic purposes, and to reduce stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the power to enhance both your physical and mental depict.

Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyably, and with beneficial effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try…

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Aromatherapy uses essential oils to regalement medical conditions, to alleviate psychological ailments, for cosmetic purposes, and to reduce stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the dynamism to enhance both your physical and mental state.

Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyably, besides with serviceable effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try aromatherapy at home.

( 1 ) Most essential oils should never be applied now without diluting them. Only lavender and tea tree oil are exceptions to this rule.

( 2 ) Essential oils are flammable, so use extreme caution around flames and heat sources. If you use a burner to diffuse the oil, put water in the burner first. The essential oil will enter the air as the flood evaporates.

( 3 ) Essential oils are for external use only. On very rare occasions, a qualified aromatherapist may prescribe essential oils by mouth. Some essential oils can be very toxic if swallowed. Even constitutive oils that own a therapeutic effect when diluted in certain oral treatments ( like mouthwash ) should not serve as swallowed.

( 4 ) Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children.

( 5 ) If you want to use essential oils during gestation, on babies, or with young children, please seek the advice of a trained, qualified aromatherapist first.

( 6 ) If you are using essential oils as part of homeopathic or herbal medicine treatment, amuse advice from homeopathic or herbal medicine practitioners as well as from an aromatherapist.

( 7 ) Some medical conditions require a doctor’s care, and not all medical conditions benefit from aromatherapy. Always check with your doctor first before undertaking aromatherapy for the treatment of any medical condition.

Following these seven principles for safe aromatherapy will succor your experience with aromatherapy to be both enjoyable and beneficial.

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Shower Massage and its Power

Another popular form of therapy that is widely accepted these days is known as the shower massage. It is known to relieve the physical body of all the tensions and pressures that have been absorbed after a hard day’s work. To be able to enjoy its therapeutic effect, using equipment is necessary. Several shops and stores sell the special shower equipment that brings about the rejuvenating experience. They can be found in the leading shopping centers and those online shopping websites too. True enough, your options are never limited.

A Glaring Truth

The fact is that not everyone is able to afford the expenses that come around just so he can be in the spa at all times. Even if you earn your own money, the cost of getting a spa massage can truly be shocking. How much more if you want to do it every now and then? However, you have an alternative option. You can enjoy the same effect and benefits even as you stay at home. By purchasing the right type of equipment, you will be able to enjoy your private chances of retreating into a spa experience within the confines of your own abode at anytime. Come to think of it, a relaxing shower after a tedious day of work is sure to wash away every single trace of stress from your body. After which, you will be able to come out from the shower room clean, refreshed, and energized.

Setting the Mood

You can do some work in your own bathroom. If your funds allow you, better set up some theme into your bath area. Put on some wallpaper that will invite a positive atmosphere and one that will set a peaceful mood. Affix lights that allow a soft glow. Dim lights are perfect to employ since they permit you to adjust the brightness mode. Add some scented candles that will bring about the pleasing aroma. Certainly, it will enhance your emotional relaxation. The shower can be fixed in its most comfortable place. You may choose between the hot or cold water flows depending on how you want things to go on. Don’t forget to play some soothing music too! The use of essential oils likewise counts as a great idea in rejuvenating yourself. If you have a bath tub, let the water bubble so you may soak in there all you want.

The Nature of the Showers

The showers come in different types, sizes, shapes, and colors. They are also equipped with different features. You must buy the one that contains the spa features since it is your main goal. Today’s trend has made it possible for the shower manufacturers to include the massage showerheads and other kinds of beneficial add on. The equipment may cost a bit expensive but you will surely find out why it is a must-have. One thing is for sure though it will let you save more money in the long run.

The shower massage is yet another present day technological innovation that is worth experiencing. As compared to the usual trips to the spa, purchasing this equipment will do wonders for your health and your budget. Check out the nearest shops in your area and do your rounds online for the best offers and freebies that you may grab.

Massage Oils Provide a Therapeutic Effect

Massage therapists know best. They make use of special massage oils to bring forth the feeling of rejuvenation that each and everyone asks for.

The Benefit of the Oils as Employed in Massage Therapy

As used in the science of massage therapy, the oils are the best additions to a relaxing and healing experience. They don’t only bring you into such a relaxing state in the course of the massage session but they trigger healing, so to speak. There is nothing new in the use of oil because it has been practiced since time immemorial. In fact, the great men Plato, Homer, and Socrates had mentioned in their writings the benefits of the oils in assisting in the relief of body pain. The latter is also one of the main reasons why oils are utilized during the execution of massage. Other benefits of which include the enhancement of the skin condition and of course, the improvement of the overall health.

Selecting the Type of Oil to Use

Is there a particular guideline in selecting the oil to be used during the therapy itself? Well, it is best to remember that people’s skin type varies. One kind of oil may be safe for one but it may irritate another person’s sensitive skin. There are also individuals who may not find the scent too pleasing to their sense of smell.

More so, when choosing the oil it is important to get those that are expeller-pressed or cold-pressed. They have gone through an extensive processing so they are known to last longer. Likewise, you may combine the essential oils of your choice but just ensure that they will produce a good scent. Your massage therapist is likely to ask you of your preferred combination.
Different Types of Oil to Use

For massage therapy, you have a wide range of options. Stated below are the various oils that are commonly used.

The sweet almond oil bears the anti-inflammatory components. It is light and applicable generally for many skin types. It works best for people who have dry skin.

The apricot kernel oil is known to employ balance in the skin. It heals the prematurely aging skin too.

The avocado oil is defined as heavy so it is important to dilute it in lighter oil.

The Castor oil is sticky and thick yet is best in drawing out the toxins. It is best used to treat the scar tissue.

Coconut oil has to be warmed first. It treats cracked skin.

Emu oil is good for sore muscles, arthritis, eczema, and bruising.

Grapeseed oil is safe to use because of its non-allergenic components.

Jojoba oil and kukui nut oil contain anti-bacterial elements.

Olive oil provides relief to stiffness due to its warming effect.

The wheat germ oil is high in vitamin E component as well as in the essential fatty acids. It aids in the healing of scar tissue, stretch marks, sun damaged skin, in improving the circulation of the blood, and in treating the symptoms of dermatitis.

Holy oil is best recognized for its molecular structure. It goes deep into the skin.

Hazelnut oil is a best moisturizer which tightens and tones the skin while assisting in the regeneration of the cells and enhancing the capillaries.

Massage oils are simply therapeutic. They don’t only soothe your tired and tight muscles but they are also able to make you feel better emotionally and mentally.

Aromatherapy MassageIts Impact on the Health

The term aromatherapy massage is nowadays one common item among all and sundry. The term itself connotes a popular method of relaxation and healing following a set of effective techniques. Several practitioners are engaged in its promulgation all over the world. Tracing back time, the ancient inhabitants made use of different types of natural oils as extracted from the plants and herbs since they believed in their power to assist in healing. They have experienced their therapeutic effect on the various types of health conditions. As it is well known today, this method promotes both the mental, physical, and emotional relief to several individuals.

Looking into its relevance to the contemporary times, aromatherapy never fails to impose the same healing effect. The secret to it is due to the aroma of the different essential oils which are able to activate the nerve endings in the nose and which in turn deliver the impulses towards the brain area that stimulates memory and emotions. Undoubtedly, the aroma has a soothing and calming effect which leads to relaxation.

A Look into its Top Benefits

Of course, such method will not be recognized if there are no benefits that come around. Everyone is perfectly conscious about the benefits that aromatherapy brings about. It is known to improve the general health of a person. In England and the United States, it is regarded as the alternative to modern medicine. There may be some detractors but there is no doubt that its effects are wonderfully healing.

For further discussion, the following are its top benefits.

It aids in the medical arena. This method is warmly accepted in France. The doctors prescribe the use of the essential oils to eliminate the harmful organisms that thrive in the body. The prevention of infections is done by means of these oils. In the United States, the aroma of the essential oils is used to improve the body condition to fight off the symptoms of the illnesses.

It relieves stress. It is definitely given to people who experience loads of stress due to their hectic lifestyle. It likewise tones down the attack of depression.

It improves the person’s behavior. The massage clears the mind of all negative things so the behavior likewise improves.

It promotes sound sleeping. After the massage, the person feels like he is lulled into sleep. People who have sleeping disorders are advised to undergo the massage sessions.

It helps pregnant women. There is what is called the pregnancy massage which lessens the discomfort among the expecting women.

It fights off colds. The aroma of the essential oil as used during the massage session cures the colds.
It heightens the male’s sexual response. With the use of the appropriate oil, the erotic senses of the males are awaken. The massage is even credited to improve the blood circulation within the maleness area which can possibly cure impotence.

It contributes to a person’s alertness. The massage can boost the energy that enables a person to stay active.

It alleviates pain. Body pains are best cured using the massage technique with the aid of essential oils.

It treats wounds. Wounds heal safer and faster when applied with a right amount of pressure from the massage.

The aromatherapy massage is best performed by an aromatherapist. It is best to consult a certified practitioner and honestly tell him of your problems so that you will be given the due solution.