Sticks and Stones Break My Bones, and Arthritis Always Hurts

Sticks and Stones Break My Bones, and Arthritis Always Hurts Me
A. Raymond Randall

On September 30, 2004, Merck & Co Inc (MRK) recalled Vioxx due to negative clinical trial results. Recipients of this drug seem to experience increased experience of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, or intestinal bleeding. Both the American Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine stress the dangers of this prescription drug. European and American cardiologists recognize the implicit dangers of this highly marketed arthritis prescription. This does not have to happen to you when safe natural and effective arthritis pain relief might provide relief!
Did you know that pharmaceutical drugs have their history embedded in herbal medicine? Apothecaries offered medicines with medical care. The cost of medical help was expensive(sound familiar), so many families made home remedies. However, today’s pharmaceuticals derive from the the medicines stirred and pounded by the apothecary in the mortar by the pestle. “The history of Merck & Co., Inc. can be traced back to Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668 when an apothecary named Frederic Jacob Merck opened a chemical firm.” If curious about Merck’s history, learn more about it here:
Further historical proof is found in 1792, Alexandria, Virginia. Three Hundred homes nestled near the Potomac River; on Fairfax Street, Edward Stabler, a Quaker pharmacist, started a family business which operated until 1933. To this day, many of Stabler’s herbs, potions and paper labels in his apothecary desk. Stabler like other apothecaries of his day prescribed Native American Indian remedies like witch hazel for external treatment of inflammatory conditions.
Today, most patients visiting a doctor go for cold and flu symptoms or joint and muscle pain. Modern prescriptions provide relief, but sometimes with side effects. Now, you can get temporary relief from minor arthritis pain by using remedies derived from all natural ingredients. For example, the non greasy, penetrating and topical cream referenced below, brings soothing relief quickly. Further relief comes from Boswellia serrata, used in India for centuries as a proven pain reliever.
Although pharmaceutical drugs may cause side effects, other studies indicate that glucosamine, a common recommendation for arthritis discomfort, has no effect. You might consider reading this October 2004 study by researchers at the University of British Columbia: Whatever choices you make, take time to research, and then take action. Despite these debates, the American Journal of the American Medical Association has considered glucosamine effective when promoting cartilage formation for your joint health. So, why not get some spring back in those steps? You can find relief using high quality natural alternatives to side-effect laden drugs. One manufacturer with years of experience has natural alternatives. This company started in 1955; read about this remarkable company, its philosophy and contributions here:
To read more about these natural and effective alternatives to arthritis, type the product numbers found below into the search box found here:
Pain Relief – 20667
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Joint & Muscle – 20669
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Joint Health – 20668
Read the label:
Read the product information sheet:
Sometimes too much information brings confusion; on the other hand, too little information leads to unwise choices. Good health involves your wisdom, discipline, and desire to feel better. As a friend reminds me, I remind you, “Think healthy”, and choose your medicine carefully. Always read every label closely. The natural alternatives offered in this article provide you with a safe, natural, and effective arthritis pain reliever.
The Internet serves a library of information and resources. We all have to be careful about self-diagnosis and prescription. Read wisely by cross-referencing the content. These articles may be of further benefit as you search relief for your arthritic pain. You may read the source for these references by reading the entire article in the Echievements article library:
“Vitamin C and Arthritis”
“The link between smoking and rheumatoid arthritis in men”
“Ice beneficial in treating gouty arthritis”
“Genetic Factors Play Small Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief”
“Benefits of exercise decline over time in osteoarthritis sufferers”
“Vegan diet may be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis”

Copyright by A. Raymond Randall
Ray Randall is a registered investment advisor with Ethos Advisory Services, and coordinates Echievements . Ray holds a Masters Degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. You may email him or call (877-895-3756). Ray has used the products of this recommended company for 30 years.
[email protected]

Aleve, Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra: What You Need to Know

Aleve, Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra: What You Need to Know About Arthritis Pain Medications
R.L. Fielding

Aleve, Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra:What You Need To Know About Arthritis Pain MedicationsRecent controversy about the safety of pain medications for arthritis has left patients and health care professionals alike confused about which medications are safe to use. In fact, a recent survey by the Boston-based Rippe Lifestyle Institute indicated that many people with arthritis are suffering unnecessarily because they have stopped or reduced their use of pain relievers due to confusion about which drugs are considered safe.The survey also showed that now, more than ever, those with arthritis need to understand the benefits and possible side effects associated with all arthritis pain medications. In order to do so, people with arthritis, their caregivers and families must be familiar with recent news about the two types of drugs most commonly used to treat arthritis pain non-selective, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and another group of NSAIDs known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) specific inhibitors. COX-2 specific inhibitors vs. Other NSAIDsCOX-2 specific inhibitors are the newest members of the NSAID class of medications. Available by prescription only, they became widely used in recent years to reduce joint pain and swelling. COX-2 specific inhibitors work by selectively blocking, or inhibiting, one of the two enzymes associated with inflammation. Some experts think that this selective inhibition may be one reason for some of the negative side effects currently associated with COX-2 specific inhibitors.Non-selective NSAIDs were developed earlier than COX-2 specific inhibitors and have been widely used to relieve arthritis pain and inflammation for many years. Unlike COX-2 specific inhibitors, non-selective NSAIDs inhibit both major enzymes involved in the inflammatory process, COX-1 and COX-2. The non-selective NSAID category includes a number of different medications that are available in both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) products.Timeline of EventsTo understand the current state of affairs, it is important to understand the sequence of events. The controversy started when a study published in the October 21, 2004, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine cited the COX-2 specific inhibitor, Vioxx as potentially causing major adverse events, including heart attack and stroke, among patients taking the drug. As a result, Merck (the drugs manufacturer) voluntarily withdrew Vioxx from the market. However, in the months following, the safety of the other available COX-2 specific inhibitors such as Celebrex and Bextra, as well as other arthritis pain medications in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) class, were also called into question.Consequently, in February 2005, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) convened a special Advisory Committee, made up of members of the Arthritis and Drug Safety Advisory Committees, to review the cardiovascular safety of these arthritis pain medications.FDA Directive: Stronger Warning Labels for Some Pain MedicationsOn April 7, 2005, taking into account the recommendations of the Advisory Committee, the FDA issued the following directives: Bextra, a COX-2 specific inhibitor manufactured by Pfizer, was withdrawn from the market.All prescription NSAIDs must revise their labeling to include a black box warning that highlights the potential increased risk for cardiovascular (CV) events as well as the potentially life threatening gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding associated with these drugs. Celebrex, the only COX-2 specific inhibitor remaining on the US market, was included in this directive.All OTC NSAIDs (except aspirin) will be required to revise their labeling to include more specific information about the potential for GI and CV side effects, a stronger reminder to follow label instructions, as well as a warning about potential skin reactions.To further evaluate the potential for increased CV risk, the FDA also announced that all NSAIDs must conduct and submit to the FDA a comprehensive review and analysis of pertinent safety data from clinical trials. Aleve (naproxen sodium) is supported by clinical studies conducted to gain approval of naproxen as a prescription product and as OTC that do not provide any evidence of increased risk of cardiovascular events. Treatment Options: What Should Arthritis Patients Know?For some people who suffer from pain associated with arthritis, their symptoms can be managed with exercise, heat/cold therapy, joint protection, assistive devices, weight control, or in some severe cases, surgery. For others, medications are needed to help manage the symptoms associated with arthritis. When taken as directed OTC medications such as Aleve provide a safe and effective way to treat mild to moderate pain of minor arthritis. If patients have questions, they should consult their health care professional about which treatment option is most appropriate.Why Its Important to Treat ArthritisArthritis affects approximately 66 million Americans and is the nations leading cause of disability. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, and they all have different symptoms that vary in severity from person to person. The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis, is characterized by the breakdown of cartilage that causes the bones to rub together, resulting in pain, loss of movements and stiffness . Arthritis is usually a chronic condition. For more information on Aleve and naproxen, visit the Aleve website at For more information on arthritis pain relief, visit About the Author
R.L. Fielding writes on a number of subjects.