Swine Flu Vaccine Productions

To discuss and make strong decisions to fight the widespread Swine Flu, the World Health Organization set a meeting with the vaccine manufacturers together with other health experts to stop the Swine Flu Outbreak. Different Pharmaceutical companies are ready to begin making a Swine Flu vaccine but as the virus may alter, there are questions formed:

How much should they have to produce? How will the government distribute the vaccines to the infected areas? Who should get it, babies, youngsters, adults, men, women, pregnant?

Most flu vaccine companies mentioned that they can only make one vaccine at a time: either seasonal flu vaccine or pandemic vaccine. Production takes months and it is impossible to switch halfway through if health officials make a mistake. Vaccine makers can make limited amounts of both seasonal flu vaccine and pandemic vaccine though not at the same time but they cannot make massive quantities of both because that exceeds manufacturing capacity.

Even if we are in the modern era, still the health officials have a big problem to solve the spreading of deadly swine flu is, and whether they will need more seasonal flu vaccine or swine flu vaccine. Scientists are not sure the effectiveness of a vaccine, if the swine flu will transmute. Only two billion doses of swine flu vaccine could be produced annually based on the estimation of World Health Organization officials, though the first batches wouldn’t be available for four to six months.

A “seed stock” to make the vaccine, which should be ready and it will be distributed to manufacturers worldwide so they can start producing the vaccine is now on the go as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention works on. After the vaccine manufacturers get the seed stock, they won’t know how many doses of vaccine they can make or how long that would take.

Including vaccine producer, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, the World Health Organization is under negotiation process to save some of their swine flu vaccine for poorer nations. A couple of years ago members of the rich nations like United States, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Canada and Britain signed deals with the vaccine makers to guarantee them pandemic vaccines as soon as they’re available.

Cipla (The pharmaceuticals giant in India) instructed by the World Health Organization to make a generic version of Tamiflu antiviral drug. Tamiflu also known as oseltamivir, one of the two antiviral drugs to treat the Swine Flu. Then WHO said Cipla’s generic version was more effective than the original made by Swiss firm Roche Holding AG and would hopefully make the drug more accessible to the third world countries. As we all know that Indian pharmaceuticals produce drugs in very affordable prices.

North America has been the hardest-hit continent for the Swine Flu virus that kills two Americans from Texas (including a pregnant woman) and one in Washington. If the vaccine productions are enough to all suspected Swine Flu carrier, it wont happen again that a simple pregnant woman died fighting the virus.

Through this article, we will inform the public of an early planning and prevention against Swine Flu for their safety. Consult to the Health Officers about planning and prevention against the virus. According to an unidentified source that one out of three Americans can only take the Tamiflu.

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster
Rudy Silva

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster

New Book “Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps” Debuts During National Arthritis Awareness Month in May

San Antonio, Texas – April 14 /Xpress Press/ – Choosing the wrong physician may have disastrous consequences for an arthritis patient,” says Dr. Joel Rutstein, a board-certified rheumatologist and author of the new book “Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps.”

Dr. Rutsteins book debuts during May, which is also National Arthritis Awareness Month.

“Finding a Doctor You Can Trust” is the books first chapter and first step in Dr. Rutsteins 12-step road-map, which teaches arthritis sufferers how to avoid “the wrong doctors” and better self-manage their rheumatic condition.

How do you know if you are seeing the “the wrong doctor”?

— Dr. Rutstein suggests asking yourself the following questions the next time you see or call your doctor. If you answer yes to any of them, you may be seeing a physician who is not providing treatment that is in your best interest.

— Is your doctor unsympathetic when it comes to your complaints about pain?

— Does your doctor under-treat your pain, or do you feel your doctor does not believe your complaints of pain?

— Is your doctor excessively busy or a “bad listener”? Does he or she seem uninterested in hearing your medical history or evaluating your multiple complaints?

— Is your doctor too rough when examining your joints and muscles? Do you sometimes leave the medical office in more pain then when you arrived?

— Finally, is your doctor a poor communicator? Is your doctor not explaining your diagnosis and plans for treatment clearly and in simple and understandable terms?

Patients should spend as much time picking the perfect doctor as they would the perfect spouse, cautions Dr. Rutstein. “After all, your physician is the medical expert responsible for making life and death decisions concerning your health.

“Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps,” ($19.95, 229 pages) is available for sale at www.ArthritisMall.com or by calling toll free 800-980-6255. Multiple helpful video programs, including innovative exercise videos, are also available for purchase at the site.

About Dr. Joel E. Rutstein

Dr. Rutstein is the publisher of ArthritisCentral.com, one of the largest patient information websites dealing with the subject of arthritis and osteoporosis. A Spanish language version of the site may be accessed at www.ArtritisCentral.com.

In 1978, Dr. Rutstein founded the Arthritis Diagnostic & Treatment Center in San Antonio. He is currently the clinic’s director. He is a fellow member of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians and is also the Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. BestDoctors.com recently named Dr. Rutstein as one of the “Best Doctors in America for 2003-2004.”

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Press Release