For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster
Rudy Silva

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster

New Book “Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps” Debuts During National Arthritis Awareness Month in May

San Antonio, Texas – April 14 /Xpress Press/ – Choosing the wrong physician may have disastrous consequences for an arthritis patient,” says Dr. Joel Rutstein, a board-certified rheumatologist and author of the new book “Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps.”

Dr. Rutsteins book debuts during May, which is also National Arthritis Awareness Month.

“Finding a Doctor You Can Trust” is the books first chapter and first step in Dr. Rutsteins 12-step road-map, which teaches arthritis sufferers how to avoid “the wrong doctors” and better self-manage their rheumatic condition.

How do you know if you are seeing the “the wrong doctor”?

— Dr. Rutstein suggests asking yourself the following questions the next time you see or call your doctor. If you answer yes to any of them, you may be seeing a physician who is not providing treatment that is in your best interest.

— Is your doctor unsympathetic when it comes to your complaints about pain?

— Does your doctor under-treat your pain, or do you feel your doctor does not believe your complaints of pain?

— Is your doctor excessively busy or a “bad listener”? Does he or she seem uninterested in hearing your medical history or evaluating your multiple complaints?

— Is your doctor too rough when examining your joints and muscles? Do you sometimes leave the medical office in more pain then when you arrived?

— Finally, is your doctor a poor communicator? Is your doctor not explaining your diagnosis and plans for treatment clearly and in simple and understandable terms?

Patients should spend as much time picking the perfect doctor as they would the perfect spouse, cautions Dr. Rutstein. “After all, your physician is the medical expert responsible for making life and death decisions concerning your health.

“Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps,” ($19.95, 229 pages) is available for sale at or by calling toll free 800-980-6255. Multiple helpful video programs, including innovative exercise videos, are also available for purchase at the site.

About Dr. Joel E. Rutstein

Dr. Rutstein is the publisher of, one of the largest patient information websites dealing with the subject of arthritis and osteoporosis. A Spanish language version of the site may be accessed at

In 1978, Dr. Rutstein founded the Arthritis Diagnostic & Treatment Center in San Antonio. He is currently the clinic’s director. He is a fellow member of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians and is also the Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. recently named Dr. Rutstein as one of the “Best Doctors in America for 2003-2004.”

About the author:

Press Release


There are very many massage techniques in existence today; some of them stemming from the far Eastern World of antiquity while others originated in the more recent years of the Western world. Although they were born out of very different philosophical and cultural persuasions, each of these obtainable massage techniques provides some aspects of relaxation but none does it as thoroughly as does the one which was born in Austin, Texas and christened as the Zen Massage. Zen, by the way, is an ancient Chinese discipline which means meditation and it focuses on the meditative portion of the dharma practice and the experiential wisdom which is also called the zazen or the path of enlightenment. It, therefore, steers away from theoretical knowledge and theology.

By reaching into the very heart of hearts of every cell of the body, the Zen Massage epitomizes what utter and unequivocal calm, peace and a relaxed state of being feels. Combining an assortment of highly sophisticated and time tested and proven techniques, the Zen Massage affords its subjects a spontaneous soothing and an energy balanced experience of picture perfect enormity. The various features which are part and parcel of the entirely therapeutic Zen Massage treatment are as follows:

* The Heated Stones. This is a curative procedure which makes use of hot stones which are moved along the subjects muscles in smooth gliding motions and well calculated pressure.

* The Hot Towel Pore Cleanse. This purifying treatment involves the use of freshly steamed towels applied to the entire body. The heat of the towels opens the pores to cleanse and revitalize the outer skin (epidermis) while also reaching into the lower layers, the dermis and the hypodermis.

* The Bio Mat. The Bio Mat calms down and relaxes tight and sore muscles while it quiets and soothes irritated nerves. The Bio Mat transports the subject into the realm of a complete state of wellbeing on the physical as well as on the psychological levels.

* The Aromatherapy. Pure essential oils are used for this aromatherapy treatment to help the subject relax as stress is melted away and complete balance and wellness overcome him or her.

* The Peppermint Bliss Foot Massage. The peppermint bliss foot massage smoothes and softens tired and aching feet for a feeling of harmony and peace which radiate from the tips of the toes to the crown of the head.

The Zen Massage therapy is a noninvasive and natural massage treatment which has been clinically proven to be completely safe while being highly effective in relieving stress which has also been proven to be the leading cause of countless physiological and mental health problems. Some of the most significant benefits that have been attributed to the effectiveness of the Zen Massage therapy are:

* The lowering of high blood pressure which in medical terms is referred to as hypertension and has been often spoken about as the silent killer.

* The improvement of the REM sleep. The REM stands for rapid eye movement and it is characterized by, you guessed it, rapid eye movements. It also includes rapid low voltage EEG which is commonly spoken of as brain waves. On the average, a healthy adult spends approximately 20 to 25 percent of a total nights sleep in the REM phase and it is essential to good health.

* The decrease of fatigue of the body and the mind which naturally leads to enhanced concentration and improved motor skills.

In conclusion, the Zen Massage therapy helps its subjects to release their worries, unwind their bodies, relax their tensions, quiet their minds and ease their senses.


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Pregnant Women Are More Risky In Swine Flu

Some complications among pregnant women as the Swine Flu continue to spread across the country, and soon to the world, and that this high-risk group needs to take antivirals as soon as infection is suspected. Just like what happen to a pregnant woman in Texas who suffers and died of Swine Flu infection. Medical officials believe that pregnant women are at higher risk of complications of influenza, whether it’s the seasonal influenza or pandemics of the past.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigates twenty cases of pregnant women with the swine flu, most of them experienced complications. Complications can include pneumonia, dehydration and premature birth. It is very important that doctors who are caring for pregnant women they suspect may have influenza, that they issue prompt treatment with antiviral medicines the Tamiflu and the Relenza. Doctors can be hesitant to take care of pregnant women with antiviral drugs and pregnant women may be disinclined to take them out of fear that they may pose a risk during pregnancy.

The benefits of using the antiviral drugs to treat influenza in a pregnant woman outweigh the theoretical concerns about the drugs strongly say by the medical experts who have looked into this situation. Of the three swine-flu related deaths in the United States, one involved a 33-year-old pregnant woman from Texas who had other health problems before she was infected with the virus.

From the undetermined source that only one out of three Americans would get Swine Flu vaccine. So, it means the vaccine manufacturers have no enough capability to do more drugs against the outbreak.
There are many people who become ill don’t seek medical attention and are never tested for this strain of flu especially if they only knew that they only have simple kind of flu.

In other news that weve read about the number of Swine Flu cases from hospital records doesnt match with the real numbers suspected because they declined to seek medical attention.

The report also suggested that the true number of largely unreported swine flu infections in Mexico, the outbreak’s epicenter, possibly had already reached 32,000 cases and approximately 1% of them are pregnant women too. The World Health Organization’s official tally for Mexico stood at 2,059 confirmed human infections, including 56 deaths.

The United States has now surpassed Mexico believed to be the source of the outbreak as the country most affected by the epidemic, according to WHO statistics. The agency reported that there are 6,497 confirmed cases of swine flu in 33 countries, with Canada, Spain and the United Kingdom having the most cases outside of the United States and Mexico.

In the meantime, back in Mexico, federal health officials said that the worst seemed to be over despite more deaths, toll rose to 58 deaths and 2,282 confirmed cases of swine flu a rise of two deaths and 223 more cases.

World Health Organization expert expressed support for the more selective use of antiviral medicines such as Tamiflu and Relenza against Swine Flu even though the pregnant women and the doctors of the pregnant women are declining the use of antiviral drugs. According to health officials that there are some European countries aggressively take antiviral drugs throughout their population to save themselves.

While countries like the United States and Mexico, they are trying to save their patients with underlying conditions and also the other groups at risk, such as pregnant women and be treated. Swiss drug maker Roche Holding AG offered a charitable work to donate some of their Tamiflu supplies to the WHO enough for nearly 6 million people.

H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

Responsible for binding the virus to host cells is called the HA (hemagglutinin) peplomer while the virus that allows to break its bonds to the host cell once it is ready to move on is called the NA (neuraminidase) peplomer. This type is also called H1N1 Flu or well-known as Swine Flu. Swine flu is a type of virus infected from pigs. Humans do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen.

But, randomly, the human race got infected with Swine flu. Most frequently, these cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs (example: owner and or workers in the swine backyard or industry or even the children near pigs at a fair).

The virus is contagious and can spread from human to human. Symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu such as cough, fever, body aches, sore throat, chills, fatigue and headache.
Swine Flu is a respiratory track infection from the hogs. This kind of virus can kill the human race just like what happen to a pregnant woman and another individual in Texas with also reported death in Washington. This infection is a worldwide virus outbreak that started in Mexico and eventually spread from one country to another continent including China.

A flu deadly disease occurs when a new influenza virus emerges for which people have little or no immunity at all and those whom their hospitals are more than 10 to 20 miles from their community can easily infected with the Swine Flu. The transmission of human to human of Swine flu can also be done.

This is thought to happen in the same way as seasonal flu occurs in people, which is mainly through coughing or sneezing of people infected with the influenza virus to an uninfected individual will be infected also. People may also become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then they touch their mouth or nose. The disease spreads easily by human to human transmission and can be cause with serious sickness, and can spread to other individuals in your community, spread out across the country and even worldwide in a very short period of time.

A big NO-NO to some individuals who think that swine flu can also get from foods we eat. Take note that influenza viruses cannot be transmitted by food by means of eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and properly cooked pork is safe.

Swine Flu can be monitor if you consult to your health officer directly if you are not feeling well for more than 24 hours especially if you have a hog race industry in your backyard. They will advice you on how to plan, prepare and prevent the Swine Flu virus that spread out worldwide.