Teeth Whitening Options: When Toothpaste is Not Enough Anymore

When toothpastes are no longer capable of giving people that shiny and bright smile, teeth whitening is the only alternative left.

Having the perfect white teeth have long been advertised by toothpaste and other tooth products. Due to the aggressive marketing that they use, it is no wonder why a lot of people are finding ways to whiten their teeth more.

One of the options that they have is teeth whitening. The perfect candidates for teeth whitening are those that have teeth that are discolored because of age, due to possible smoking and many other factors.

Once teeth whitening was found out to work effectively, more and more people are enticed to try them out for themselves. And due to this need, there are now a growing number of ways in which people can have their teeth whitened.

Some of these are:

1. Teeth whitening systems.

This is the process of teeth whitening that you can do yourself and at home. Teeth whitening systems usually consist of whitening gels that needs to be placed in your mouthpiece for specific number of times. In order to maintain its effectiveness, you have to make sure that you comply with the required amount and time that is dictated in the whitening system.

If you want to have your own whitening system, you need to have a minimum of $500 set aside as a budget. You can also opt for those that cost less than $100 but they do not work as well as its expensive counterpart.

Before you buy the whitening system, it is advised that you check out their labels first. Most of them are already approved by the American Dental Association so you need to look for their seal of approval.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is to follow instructions to the letter. Do not go beyond what is required. You can always consult a dentist if you have queries regarding the whitening system that you are using.

2. Teeth whitening done by professionals.

This is by far the most effective means of teeth whitening. The procedure is assisted by a dentist so you can be assured that everything will be done properly.

There are steps that are needed to be taken before the actual teeth whitening. You first have to be examined by a dentist so they will decide if you need teeth whitening or not. Then he or she will suggest what type of teeth whitening will work effectively for you.

The dentist will then tell you what you can expect from the procedure. Every whitening session varies from case to case. There are those that tend to be more successful than the rest. This will all depend on the condition that the teeth and how effective the procedure will be.

Before an individual is treated for teeth whitening, the dentist will first have to clean the teeth to prepare them for the cleaning process. Then cavities are filled in. The teeth whitening process will begin once your dentist has checked that your gums are as healthy as can be.

The two types of teeth whitening is not an assurance that your teeth will remain permanently white. Take note that the process is only temporary. Teeth whitening needs to be done repeatedly so that you can maintain that shiny white for longer times.

Facts on Opalescence Teeth Whitening System

People like their pearly whites to be both pearly and white. It sounds lame but it is true. People love to take care of their teeth. One might even say that people are particularly vain concerning their teeth. This is because when meeting people, the teeth are definitely the first thing to get noticed. We smile in order to show people a glimpse of our soul. There are people who depend on their smiles for their living. This is the reason behind the success of such products as the Opalescence teeth whitening system.

The Opalescence teeth whitening system lets people take the system home and do the whitening themselves. This might seem like unnecessary work for some people, but for others, it means convenience. People today do not have the time to go to the dentist for teeth whitening. Some just choose to get a tan instead of having their teeth whitened. This is the reason why the Opalescence teeth whitening system is so sought after. Convenience is one of the things that people look for today.

How does the Opalescence teeth whitening system work? First of all, you have to know that the Opalescence teeth whitening system is a professional-grade bleaching system. This means that it can whiten your teeth faster than other over the counter teeth whitening systems. This is because of the fact that most over the counter teeth whitening systems contain only about 3 to 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. However, the Opalescence teeth whitening system has a 38 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

While most teeth whitening systems today require the use of a bleaching light in order to activate the product, the Opalescence teeth whitening system is the first product which lists the use of the light as optional. People like this because it is often the case that the cost of the bleaching light is undeniably higher than the cost of the actual product. Another interesting fact about this is that lately, many dentists are finding out that the studies regarding the use of bleaching lights rarely do prove that the light is needed to activate the hydrogen peroxide.

Although you can take the Opalescence teeth whitening system home, it is still advisable that you get a professional to whiten your teeth. This is because the Opalescence teeth whitening system works best when in the hands of a professional. About 90 minutes is required from preparation to the actual procedure. Think of it: just one and a half hours for you to have whiter teeth!

Besides giving you whiter teeth, the opalescence teeth whitening system also gives you other benefits. While some teeth bleaching systems may give you sensitive teeth and thus, forever deny you the pleasure of eating ice cream, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually minimizes sensitivity. This means that you do not have to sacrifice the pleasure of eating certain foods in order to have a great smile.

Another complaint that people have with common bleaching agents is the fact that these often cause teeth to become vulnerable to cavities. However, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually strengthens the enamel, making it harder and decreases the likelihood of cavities.

The opalescence teeth whitening system can give great benefits to whoever uses the product. You get whiter teeth in a way thats convenient and painless. So what are you waiting for?