Facts on Opalescence Teeth Whitening System

People like their pearly whites to be both pearly and white. It sounds lame but it is true. People love to take care of their teeth. One might even say that people are particularly vain concerning their teeth. This is because when meeting people, the teeth are definitely the first thing to get noticed. We smile in order to show people a glimpse of our soul. There are people who depend on their smiles for their living. This is the reason behind the success of such products as the Opalescence teeth whitening system.

The Opalescence teeth whitening system lets people take the system home and do the whitening themselves. This might seem like unnecessary work for some people, but for others, it means convenience. People today do not have the time to go to the dentist for teeth whitening. Some just choose to get a tan instead of having their teeth whitened. This is the reason why the Opalescence teeth whitening system is so sought after. Convenience is one of the things that people look for today.

How does the Opalescence teeth whitening system work? First of all, you have to know that the Opalescence teeth whitening system is a professional-grade bleaching system. This means that it can whiten your teeth faster than other over the counter teeth whitening systems. This is because of the fact that most over the counter teeth whitening systems contain only about 3 to 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. However, the Opalescence teeth whitening system has a 38 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

While most teeth whitening systems today require the use of a bleaching light in order to activate the product, the Opalescence teeth whitening system is the first product which lists the use of the light as optional. People like this because it is often the case that the cost of the bleaching light is undeniably higher than the cost of the actual product. Another interesting fact about this is that lately, many dentists are finding out that the studies regarding the use of bleaching lights rarely do prove that the light is needed to activate the hydrogen peroxide.

Although you can take the Opalescence teeth whitening system home, it is still advisable that you get a professional to whiten your teeth. This is because the Opalescence teeth whitening system works best when in the hands of a professional. About 90 minutes is required from preparation to the actual procedure. Think of it: just one and a half hours for you to have whiter teeth!

Besides giving you whiter teeth, the opalescence teeth whitening system also gives you other benefits. While some teeth bleaching systems may give you sensitive teeth and thus, forever deny you the pleasure of eating ice cream, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually minimizes sensitivity. This means that you do not have to sacrifice the pleasure of eating certain foods in order to have a great smile.

Another complaint that people have with common bleaching agents is the fact that these often cause teeth to become vulnerable to cavities. However, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually strengthens the enamel, making it harder and decreases the likelihood of cavities.

The opalescence teeth whitening system can give great benefits to whoever uses the product. You get whiter teeth in a way thats convenient and painless. So what are you waiting for?

ZOOM! Chairside Teeth Whitening Systems: Is it Worth the Cost?

ZOOM! Chairside Teeth Whitening Systems: Is it Worth the Cost?

Dentists have various professional whitening systems to choose from for their patients. All of these whitening systems have unique characteristics but dentists standard for choosing the right product is its degree of effectiveness.

Below is a list of some professional whitening products dentists and professionals prefer. The kind of bleaching laser or light is enclosed in parentheses.

1.BriteSmile (gas plasma light/light emitting diode)
2.LaserSmile (a Biolase laser)
3.LumaArch (halogen light)
4.Rembrandt Sapphire (plasma arc light)
5.Zoom! (metal halide light)

Zoom! Chairside Teeth Whitening System is the product-competitor of a company named Discus Dental, Inc. against other teeth bleaching items in the marketplace. This product is a complete teeth whitening system. The said manufacturer provides dentists with major bleaching items: the tooth whitener, the bleaching laser, and even many of the ready to use and single-use items for patients that your dentists need when utilizing the Zoom! whitening treatments. Dentists usually pay around $ 1,500 for the system.

Like many other whitening systems, the Zoom! Chairside Teeth Whitening System uses certain a peroxide-based gel and its given activator. These two materials are combined together during the whitening process forming whitening gel that is very basic (has a pH range that is usually between 7.5 and 8.5) and is 25% hydrogen peroxide.

The Zoom! teeth bleaching product uses a metal halide light made from excited mercury atoms to activate and enhance the whitening solution combined above. Moreover, the steps that comprise the treatment do not necessarily vary from other professional whitening systems.

One additional feature of the Zoom! Laser light unit is built-in with an infrared filter that helps lessen the intensity of light coming in contact with the teeth during the treatment. However, Zoom! bleaching light can illuminate the lower and upper set of teeth simultaneously while the solution is being applied on the teeths surface.

The following summarizes some important characteristics of this professional whitening system.

1.The complete treatment normally takes about an hour and 30 minutes.
2.Each bleaching session, which lasts for 20 minutes, is divided into three separate applications of the Zoom! teeth whitener.
3.In other words, the contact of a patients teeth to the bleaching gel is one hour.
4.After the treatment, instructions on how to use additional whitening item and/or tray-based teeth bleaching items are given to patients so they can extend the whitening process even outside the dental clinic.

Now here comes the important question, Should you opt for the Zoom! Chairside Whitening System?

This is a resolution that needs to be discussed between you and the dentist who will perform the whitening treatment. The necessary information was already shed to you in this article. Generally speaking, many dentists trust this product as this is, according to many of them, an excellent product among other competitors. Besides, this product is created by a company that seems to have the sincerest intentions of producing a credible product since dentists should maintain their good reputations. Whatever outcomes happen to a patient after using the Zoom! Teeth whitening system, it should be as excellent as with any other high-end professional teeth bleaching systems.