Understanding Acne in Puberty Stage

Puberty acne develops from a few simple steps. First, teenage acne occurs when for some unknown reason or combination of reasons, hair follicles, also known as pores, become blocked. Although the exact combination of reasons that pores become clogged may not be fully known, many contributing elements for teenagers and adults alike can include:

* genetics (whether or not there is a history of acne problems and if so, to what extent)

* hormones

* dietary and vitamin make up (or lack of /deficiency)

* stress related factors

Other denominators in the development of puberty acne could include factors like how your body normally rids itself of its dead skin cells. And influences that may be working against this regularity.

For example, climate and other environmental factors, overall body health at the time of the outbreak, and your hormones and their effect on your own body’s sebum production (especially for females).

Second, the normal dead skin cells that combine with your body’s natural sebum oil as it drains through the skin’s surface become clogged in these blocked pores. This substance becomes somewhat sticky, further clogging the passageway.

Third, bacteria begins to grow around these clogged areas. As a normal reaction, your body’s white blood cells attack the bacteria, fighting it and pushing it out of the body.

And forth, the resulting growths during this 14-day to 21-day battle are called microcomedones. Microcomedones turn into comedones, commonly referred to as blemishes, pimples or acne.

There are basically four types of puberty acne: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and nodules.

Whiteheads are when the sebum (oil) and resulting bacteria are trapped below the skin’s surface and you can actually see a white head appear above (or near popping out of) the skin.

Blackheads are when the sebum and resulting bacteria are only partially trapped, slowly draining out the surface and turning black because of your skin’s melanin or pigmentation.

In the absence of either white or blackhead are generally (but not always) smaller pimples. And the often deeper, boil-like lesions are referred to as nodules.

All forms of puberty acne can be mild, moderate or severe. Typically, mild puberty acne is visible in the form of whiteheads and blackheads, sometimes pimples.

With moderate puberty acne, more pimples and pustules are present on the face, some may appear on the back or chest.

And with severe puberty acne, many nodules develop, often large and sore, over parts of the face, back, chest and other body areas. This type of acne can lead to scarring.

Actually, lesser cases of puberty acne have been followed by scarring. So for those with possible nodular acne, seeking advice from a healthcare provider as soon as possible is recommended.

A gender issue to note is that males more often have the severe form of acne rather than females, due to their hormones. And the areas where they tend to break out most frequently are unfortunately more difficult to treat, the chest and back.

How A Simple Home Remedy For Acne Got Rid Of

How A Simple Home Remedy For Acne Got Rid Of My Acne

As a sufferer of acne, I was finally glad to get my life back after using a simple home remedy for acne that worked and got rid of my acne.

I always hated life, I would awake in the morning and just couldn’t face the mirror in my room, the sight of my own face would turn me off even more, I would just sit there feeling depressed.

No one can imagine the many different acne treatment solutions I tried, one after the other, it seemed as if nothing worked. But, I just never gave up hope that one day I would finally be able to rid myself of acne.

I would face the day asking myself one question:

Is there a acne cure that works for me?

I began to get depressed and tried to avoid my friends and family, my bedroom became my world, just living compound to those four walls. I used to spend hours and come up with very lame excuses, just to not face anyone.

The one day it happened, I saw an online ad, that stated that an overlooked yet simple home remedy for acne can rid you of acne.

I read that page at least one hundred times, and decided to take a chance and see if this would work, and I am glad I did.
Yes, it really worked, that simple home remedy for acne cured my acne. I was finally free.

That is where I also learned that many people believe they have acne, but they are actually only suffering from skin conditions that are related to acne, by simply balancing the skin PH value you can heal that condition.

It is very important to understand what causes your acne, because only then can you discover a cure to rid yourself of that skin disease.

Nothing can change the way I feel now, because I have had many years of hiding and not being able to look anyone in the face, but there is hope for all, take a chance, and see if this simple home remedy for acne can be the answer to your problems.

Another problem I hear people talking about is that adult acne isn’t as serious as teenage acne, well that is a whole load of hog wash.

Acne is horrible no matter at what age, I guess those touting that rumor has never suffered with acne, and they have no clue what they are talking about.

I can only offer you hope and insist you never give up trying to find your acne cure, as each one of us is different, but we seek the same gold and that is to find a simple home remedy for acne that will not cost too much.

My best friend face was constantly red, he thought he had acne, well he didn’t and that is where the problem starts, not because you think it’s acne, that means it is.

Get the facts, and learn the exact steps I took to cure my acne by following this simple home remedy for acne. I know my English isn’t the best and I am no doctor, but I do know what worked for me.

About Adult Acne

Acne is often thought of as a teenage dilemma, and while it is true that acne appears most often during the teenage years, it is arguably just as true that there are a growing number of individuals that suffer from adult acne.

Adults in their twenties, all the way up to their fifties can still experience acne flare-ups. And adult acne can have just as many negative effects on a person as teenage acne. Possibly even more so, as the stress of career and family adds to the strain of living with an unsightly skin problem.

Mental stress can be one of the major causes of acne in adults. It is not a surprise in the slightest that women are often more likely to suffer from adult acne than men, as it has been shown that women have much more stress in their day to day lifestyle, not to mention that they are prone to hormonal imbalances, especially during times such as their menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Just as in teens, hormones play an important factor in the onset and exacerbation of adult acne.

The environmental factors that surround a person, paired with the individual’s lifestyle can also play a huge role in the appearance of adult acne. An improper diet or behaviors such as smoking and drinking affect the skin’s condition and resistance to acne, as well as other diseases.

Prevention is the only obvious way to go when dealing with adult acne. A proper diet, paired with plenty of water and rest is a good start. Trying to relieve stress and maintaining proper skin care and hygiene can also help to prevent acne from occurring.

But what about the pimples that you may already have? There are many treatments available for people who have adult acne.

Anti-acne medications, certain skin care products, and even laser surgery are just a few of the many treatments available for acne on the market today. Visiting a qualified doctor or dermatologist is the only way to determine how severe your acne really is and to find the proper treament available for you.

Acne affects almost everybody at least for some part of their life. It is common during adolescence though it affects many into late adulthood. It causes much disturbance and may sometimes cause depression and low self esteem. The individual affected by acne usually frequently washes the affected area, tries different soaps and other home remedies which rather than reducing acne may worsen it. Following are few tips to be followed for control of acne.

Consult your dermatologist in case you are affected with acne. Do not wait for acne to aggravate. Many over the counter drugs are available for treating mild to moderate acne. Benzoyl peroxide is considered to be the best over the counter product.

Taking food supplements like acuzine is beneficial for the skin as well as body. Its ingredients include anti-oxidants, Vitamins E&C, hydrolyzed collagen, ALA, DMAE, Aloe vera, Bioperine etc. The effect of these ingredients is to strengthen the skin.

About Adult Acne

Acne is often thought of as a teenage dilemma, and while it is true that acne appears most often during the teenage years, it is arguably just as true that there are a growing number of individuals that suffer from adult acne.

Adults in their twenties, all the way up to their fifties can still experience acne flare-ups. And adult acne can have just as many negative effects on a person as teenage acne. Possibly even more so, as the stress of career and family adds to the strain of living with an unsightly skin problem.

Mental stress can be one of the major causes of acne in adults. It is not a surprise in the slightest that women are often more likely to suffer from adult acne than men, as it has been shown that women have much more stress in their day to day lifestyle, not to mention that they are prone to hormonal imbalances, especially during times such as their menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Just as in teens, hormones play an important factor in the onset and exacerbation of adult acne.

The environmental factors that surround a person, paired with the individual’s lifestyle can also play a huge role in the appearance of adult acne. An improper diet or behaviors such as smoking and drinking affect the skin’s condition and resistance to acne, as well as other diseases.

Prevention is the only obvious way to go when dealing with adult acne. A proper diet, paired with plenty of water and rest is a good start. Trying to relieve stress and maintaining proper skin care and hygiene can also help to prevent acne from occurring.

But what about the pimples that you may already have? There are many treatments available for people who have adult acne.

Anti-acne medications, certain skin care products, and even laser surgery are just a few of the many treatments available for acne on the market today. Visiting a qualified doctor or dermatologist is the only way to determine how severe your acne really is and to find the proper treament available for you.

Acne affects almost everybody at least for some part of their life. It is common during adolescence though it affects many into late adulthood. It causes much disturbance and may sometimes cause depression and low self esteem. The individual affected by acne usually frequently washes the affected area, tries different soaps and other home remedies which rather than reducing acne may worsen it. Following are few tips to be followed for control of acne.

Consult your dermatologist in case you are affected with acne. Do not wait for acne to aggravate. Many over the counter drugs are available for treating mild to moderate acne. Benzoyl peroxide is considered to be the best over the counter product.

Taking food supplements like acuzine is beneficial for the skin as well as body. Its ingredients include anti-oxidants, Vitamins E&C, hydrolyzed collagen, ALA, DMAE, Aloe vera, Bioperine etc. The effect of these ingredients is to strengthen the skin.