How to Treat Common Warts at Home

Common warts plague many people. If what they have is truly a common wart, then it probably is not anything dangerous at all. However, it can be a big nuisance. It can make them feel self conscious and it may be uncomfortable. Fortunately, common warts can often be treated at home.

The standard treatments for common warts are mainly different salicylic acid products. These preparations come in liquid, ointment, gel, and or specially coated adhesive pads. Some examples are Compound W ointment and Mediplast pads. Dr. Scholl’s also makes a liquid.

You should never use salicylic acid products if you have diabetes or a problem with your immune system. If you don’t have any such conditions, and you do use them, do so with caution. Follow the directions carefully.

If you leave the acid on healthy tissue, the acid will eat into it. The preparation that stays on the common warts will dissolve away the warts. You can eventually rub it off with a pumice stone.

Besides this, there are home remedies you can try. Using about 25,000 i.u. of Vitamin A from fish oil capsules can help. Open the capsules and spread it on the wart. Rub it in once a day. The advantage of this method and most other home remedies is that good tissue around the common warts is not damaged.

Other oils and juices can be used in a similar way for common warts. Vitamin E oil, castor oil, and clove oil are said to help with common warts. Aloe vera juice, milkweed juice, and the milky juice of unripe figs have been known to have a positive effect. Even dandelion sap has been used.

Some people rub their common warts with chalk. Some use a raw potato to rub it. A poultice of flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and raw honey can be put on warts. The poultice should be changed every day.

Tea tree oil, when rubbed on the common wart, is said to melt the wart away in a little over a week. You can soak the wart in water for twenty minutes. Then dry it and apply vinegar. After this dries, wash and dry your foot again. Doing this regularly is said to remove common warts.

Some people advocate the use of garlic for removing common warts. Some would have you crush the garlic. Then hold it in place on the wart with a bandage. Some simply recommend taking garlic supplements.

Applying fresh cut pineapple to the common warts is supposed to get rid of them in just two or three days. The problem with this method is that you have to constantly cut into fresh pineapples. You will have more of the fruit than you know what to do with.

Perhaps, in the end, the best treatment for common warts is no treatment at all. These warts often go away with no treatment at all. About half of all warts will disappear with no help within two years. So, if you have common warts, you might try doing nothing at all.

Best Acne Treatments – The Professional Choices

There are several products which a person can consider as the best acne treatment. Before determining which is the best acne treatment one needs to assess the level of toxicity in the acne treatment product.

Before we discus the best acne treatments let us see what acne is all about. Acne is a common skin disease which is believed to occur in up to 85% of the people at one time or another.

Acne can be described as an inflammatory skin eruption which is commonly seen in or near the sebaceous glands of the various parts of the human body including the face, neck, upper back, and shoulders. Now back to the best acne treatments the professional choices.

There are several products which a person can consider as the best acne treatment. However, the best acne treatment for an individual could not be the ideal one for another person. This is due to the fact that the skin type of each individual differs from the other. And the best acne treatment is determined by the type of skin a person has and the skin reaction on that treatment. The best acne treatment could also range from the traditional herbal acne remedies to the modern medicines like acne light treatment which are proved to offer better results.

Before determining which is the best acne treatment one needs to assess the level of toxicity in the acne treatment product. Low level of toxicity means there is less health risk involved in it. Here are some of the best acne treatments which have been tested and contain only low level of toxicity in it.

Australian Tea Tree Oil is considered as one of the best acne treatment. Using this product is quite easy what you need is to add one or two drops of the product and apply it in the affected area. Several acne patients have reported that the product provides best results.

Desert Essence Blemish Touch Stick with Eco-Harvest Tea Tree Oil is also reported to be a professional choice for acne treatments. The product comprises of grain alcohol, Witch Hazel Extract, and several types of extracted oils (Blue Chamomile, Eco-harvest Tea Tree Oil, Rosemary, etc). The product is also simple to use just apply it to the blemishes and to even other skin irritations five to six times daily.

Burt’s Bees Doctor Burt’s Herbal Blemish Stick with Tea Tree Oil is also rated as one of the best acne treatments. The product can be applied to the affected area several times daily.

These are only some recommendations of the best acne treatment products available in the market. As mentioned earlier, the best acne treatment differs from one person to the other according to his/her sin type.

Simple Eczema Remedies

Eczema remedies are often investigated by those with this skin condition because the traditional medical creams, ointments and pills can be harsh and abrasive. The need to take control and manage this skin condition naturally, with as few side effects as possible, is for many, the ultimate goal.

Eczema then, is a skin condition that ranges from mild to pretty extreme. Mild being slight itching and extreme being broken, cracked and dry skin that itches and bleeds. Add to that mix the fact that it can be socially debilitating, leaving some sufferers struggling to lead what is considered a normal and active life, and it is clear to see that it is a very serious condition.

One of the eczema remedies that has been shown to work well is the use of natural oils. Tea tree oil in particular has properties that help to heal and remedy the condition of eczema. It is effective as a remedy because it not only clears up the red patches on the skin, but it also stops the itching and the swelling that can often be seen on a sufferer’s skin.

An important addition to the eczema remedies list is how to replace the necessary bath and bathroom products that are usually perfumed and scented and so cause major problems for people with eczema. One useful tip is to on occasion bathe with oatmeal or oats. Bathing with oatmeal and oats has been shown to relieve the irritable symptoms and conditions of eczema and leave the skin feeling supple and moist.

Children number some of the sufferers of eczema and for them this can be a particularly nasty condition to live with. Not only are they in pain from the inflammation and the open sores that can result, children will often find it extremely difficult to stop scratching. What can be done for children, particularly young children, to whom it can be difficult to explain what is going on, is to put mittens on their hands. This will obviously lessen the impact of their scratching. In the same guise, keeping the finger nails trimmed low and clean are an effective way to ease some of the symptoms of eczema.

As eczema remedies go one that has been around for many generations is the use of cotton clothing and bedlinen to help manage the conditions. Cotton is a natural fiber and putting this material against the skin, as opposed to man made fibers and materials, will help to lessen the problems for many an eczema sufferer.

Above all, finding the most useful remedy for eczema depends on the severity and the individual and how they choose to manage this skin condition. What should be remembered though, is that eczema and its symptoms can be effectively minimized, but it is difficult to completely cure.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with alternative medicine? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about alternative medicine.
Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know

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Aromatherapy uses essential oils to treat medical conditions, to alleviate psychological ailments, for cosmetic purposes, and to reduce stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the power to enhance both your physical and mental depict.

Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyably, and with beneficial effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try…

essential oil, aromatherapy, essential oil organic, aromatherapy oil

Article Body:
Aromatherapy uses essential oils to regalement medical conditions, to alleviate psychological ailments, for cosmetic purposes, and to reduce stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the dynamism to enhance both your physical and mental state.

Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyably, besides with serviceable effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try aromatherapy at home.

( 1 ) Most essential oils should never be applied now without diluting them. Only lavender and tea tree oil are exceptions to this rule.

( 2 ) Essential oils are flammable, so use extreme caution around flames and heat sources. If you use a burner to diffuse the oil, put water in the burner first. The essential oil will enter the air as the flood evaporates.

( 3 ) Essential oils are for external use only. On very rare occasions, a qualified aromatherapist may prescribe essential oils by mouth. Some essential oils can be very toxic if swallowed. Even constitutive oils that own a therapeutic effect when diluted in certain oral treatments ( like mouthwash ) should not serve as swallowed.

( 4 ) Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children.

( 5 ) If you want to use essential oils during gestation, on babies, or with young children, please seek the advice of a trained, qualified aromatherapist first.

( 6 ) If you are using essential oils as part of homeopathic or herbal medicine treatment, amuse advice from homeopathic or herbal medicine practitioners as well as from an aromatherapist.

( 7 ) Some medical conditions require a doctor’s care, and not all medical conditions benefit from aromatherapy. Always check with your doctor first before undertaking aromatherapy for the treatment of any medical condition.

Following these seven principles for safe aromatherapy will succor your experience with aromatherapy to be both enjoyable and beneficial.

When word gets around about your command of alternative medicine facts, others who need to know about alternative medicine will start to actively seek you out.