You Can Control Diabetes

Perhaps you, like many other Americans, have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes can be a life threatening condition and can cause many different complications in individuals with this illness. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, be aware that you can control diabetes. By maintaining your weight, following the instructions of your doctor and taking your medication, as well as watching your diet, you can eliminate the complications that often arise in someone with this condition.

There are many ways you can control diabetes. Many people who are first diagnosed have a period of time where they are in denial. Although Type II diabetes has become somewhat of a national epidemic, many people refuse to believe that they could possibly have this disease. Perhaps they are not overweight or do not eat a lot of sweets. These are only two precursors to diabetes. Many people who are not overweight or who do not eat a lot of sugar have also been diagnosed with Type II diabetes. It strikes everyone. And there are also some indications that it can be an inherited disorder. If you have a first degree relative who has diabetes, there is a very good chance that you may inherit this disorder. You should bring this matter to the attention of your physician so he or she can do some simple blood tests to determine if you are at risk for diabetes.

You can control diabetes. If you are diagnosed with Type II diabetes, one of the first things you need to do is to get a blood sugar monitor so that you can keep a record of your blood sugar. Your doctor will want you to do this several times a day, particularly after you eat. You will also, most likely, be prescribed certain medications. You should take them as directed. You will also be given diet suggestions.

Many people who have Type II diabetes are non compliant. This means that they do not take their medicine, monitor their blood sugar and eat all the wrong things. You can control diabetes if you simply comply with your doctor’s instructions.

One of the best things you can do to control diabetes is by being aware of the Glycemic Index that is given to certain carbohydrates. Those with Type II diabetes are warned to stay away from carbohydrates. Diabetics have a difficult time breaking down the sugars and starches and absorbing them into their system. Certain carbohydrates have higher blood glucose levels which takes them longer break down. By being aware of which carbohydrates rank high in the glycemic index is just one way to monitor the glycerin, which is the amount of glucose in the blood. It is imperative for a diabetic to monitor their glycemia.

You can control diabetes if you take your prescribed medication, monitor your blood sugars, become aware of carbohydrates that are high in the gylcemic index and keep an eye on your glycemia, which is the concentration of glucose in the blood. By complying with medication, testing and diet, you can keep your diabetes under control.

Caffeine Hypoglycemia

If you cannot make it through the day without having a shot or two of caffeine, hypoglycemia may be caused by a condition called adrenal fatigue. You may be experiencing hypoglycemia symptoms and not know why. You know you always eat when you are supposed to and do not overindulge in sweets. Still, hypoglycemia is becoming quite the problem in your life.

Investigate the possibility that you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Discovering that you have this disorder may be the ticket to learning how to live a stress-free life. Living a stress-free life is important for you to be able to function on a daily basis to the best of your ability. Every aspect of your life is affected when you are stressed.

Stress is one of those things that creeps up on you slowly. Then all of a sudden it has gotten a hold of you and you find yourself in trouble.

You need to determine what the major source of your stress is. Are you getting the correct amoount of sleep at night? Do you eat right? Are you exercising at least 30 minutes every day? Is your day full of negative emotions and anxiety? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you probably need to fortify yourself by drinking caffeine several times a day.

If you cannot think clearly unless you have the caffeine hypoglycemia may be the real culprit. Instead of drinking a caffeinated beverage, or at least in addition to, try eating a healthy snack of raw veggies or a piece of fruit and maybe some yogurt in the middle of your day for a nice pick-me-up.

Hypoglycemia is a result of adrenal fatigue because the adrenal gland does not produce the correct levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol to aid the body in the battle against stress. Because these hormones are not at the correct levels in the body then you may find you crave sugar and sweets and even crave caffeine.

Do you eat fast or slow? If you just absolutely get so hungry you can’t hardly stand it and then when food is available you eat as if someone is going to take it away from you, you may be suffering from hypoglycemia. If you get real shaky and irritable before you eat also, you may be experiencing low blood sugar.

Pay attention to how you feel right after you eat and then an hour or two later. Does your energy crash and burn after a couple of hours? You may be short on cortisol. Not only does cortisol help you survive the stress in your life, it also helps prevent too much glucose from being absorbed by your blood cells. This is also how cortisol adds to belly fat, the glucose is not used by your blood cells and the insulin will store the excess sugar as fat and deposit that fat in your belly.

If you have adrenal fatigue then your body will experience a burst of energy followed by a lull in energy making you feel like you need to either eat again or drink something with caffeine hypoglycemia is the real culprit in this situation.


Tips for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy gives your body a hard time, so the correct diet is essential for you and your baby. Here are some tips for healthy eating during pregnancy.

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You probably already know how important it is to eat a well-balanced diet, but it is even more important when you are pregnant. Keep in mind now you are eating for two. Whatever you eat, the baby eats as well. In fact the baby actually takes your nourishments so you must eat enough for both of you. The healthier you eat the better it is for the pregnancy and you.

Never miss a meal while you are pregnant, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and your baby has probably been waiting since he/she woke up in the middle of the night. You may learn that if you wait so long before eating you start to feel sick, this is your body telling you to eat. Do it!

Make sure you are getting enough of the food you need daily. It takes 4-6 servings of dairy produce a day for a healthy pregnancy, this can include some cheeses, milk, yogurt. This provides the baby with calcium which itll need to develop healthy growing bones. Adding extra calcium to your diet wouldnt hurt you either, especially your teeth and bones.

Dont forget about your fruit and vegetable servings. Lots of green is always a good choice, so are sweet potatoes. Not only will you be giving your body what it needs but youll start to have more energy. Try laying off the sweets for a week and replace them with healthier items and see how alive you feel.

Foods to Avoid
Not all foods are safe during your pregnancy, there are a few things you should avoid eating:

– unpasteurized products- brie and other soft cheeses if unpateurized.

– Certain fish- exotic, shark, swordfish, anything potentially high in mercury

– Raw eggs

– Undercooked meats- lunch meats. If you are buying a deli sandwich you can ask for them to heat the meat up a little.

– Caffeine- soda, chocolate. If you find this difficult you can wean yourself off, but the less caffeine in your system the better it is for the baby.

If you are ever unsure of the foods you can eat, you can ask your doctor for a list of items to avoid during pregnancy. Theyll be more than happy to share this with you.

You may also learn that your stomach wont handle certain foods that it would before. Some of those foods may include foods that contain grease, fast foods, meat, and certain foods that have a strong odor.

Eating healthy doesnt mean you have to cut out all the fun in your life, you can still treat yourself from time to time. Go out and get a frozen yogurt or a smoothie.

While you are making sure you get enough to eat throughout the day, that doesnt mean neglecting your fluid intake. Youll need lots of water and juices from here on out. The baby will thank you later. Who knows, you may discover that you really enjoy eating healthier meals and continue it even after the pregnancy.